The Colin Kaepernick Thread...


Brand New Member
Feb 10, 2015
Conventional conservative opinions? Absolutely not.
Sorry... I'm not interested in adding a subjective definition of what is and what isn't a conventional opinion into the first amendment.

Kneeling is not a conventional liberal position. It's motivated by raw hate. Ditto wearing socks depicting cops as pigs or blowing kisses to a tyrant like Castro. He's not an activist; he's a left-wing radical, as is his mouthy gf who likens NFL owners to slave owners. :picard Worse, the entire movement is predicated on a lie. There's no epidemic of unjust police killings of blacks. If you think the American flag is morally indistinguishable from the Confederate flag, you are decidedly outside of the mainstream.
And in my opinion, people have the right to state their position, even if you think it's a radical one or one outside the mainstream. You don't forfeit your right to speak because your opinions are unpopular.

You have a right to free speech, and employers have a right not to be associated with said speech if they think it's offensive or hurts their brand. Simple as that. Again, Kaep isn't being criticized because he stuffed envelopes for Bernie or went door to door for Hillary.
Who's saying the employers don't have the right not to be associated with said speech if they think it's offensive or hurts their brand? You're conflating the status of Kaepernick with the statements made yesterday. The employers to this point have done nothing but support their employees who chose to do something yesterday.

What's embarrassing is that you have to do something heinous or disrespectful to draw attention to your cause .. which doesn't say much about your cause.
I didn't see anything that happened yesterday as heinous. Disrespectful is debatable... but they were disrespected themselves, so I understand wanting to be disrespectful when disrespected.

Enforcing workplace rules = North Korea? Go take a nap.
It's not your place to enforce workplace rules, it's the employer's. And the employers set the rules. If they decide not to enforce the workplace rules, then that's their prerogative.

You're not offended because they violated workplace rules, which you probably didn't even know existed until yesterday. You're offended because you think it's disrespectful to the nation. I find it hard to believe you would be offended by this, but if the person was just a fan in the stands and sat down during the anthem in front of you, then you wouldn't be offended.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013

It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with the stance that I find curious, it's how highly offended people are by it to the point that they don't want to watch NFL games over it.

Is it really that serious?
I've seen some people who are legitimately offended by the disrespect to the American flag to the extent of not watching the NFL.

For me personally, it's just less fun. I'll still watch the Cowboys because I still live and die by our wins and losses. But the NFL has become a lot less enjoyable to watch and for that reason I find myself watching less games from other teams.


Brand New Member
Feb 10, 2015
That's just it. 70% of the fans object to the protests, but they have next to no representation in the media. Go to the web pages of CNNSI, ESPN or the NYDN and it's 90% pro-player/anti-Trump. And now the cucked NFL extends their middle finger. Golly, I wonder why ratings are headed south.
And THAT'S your representation... your dollars. Don't consume the NFL or the media. If 70% of the fans are in lock step with you, then the proof of that should be in the pudding. I doubt that's the case, but if I'm wrong, oh well. Trump's approval rating is what low 30s? Not shocking that between the NFL and Trump, the NFL gets more support.

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
I've seen some people who are legitimately offended by the disrespect to the American flag to the extent of not watching the NFL.

For me personally, it's just less fun. I'll still watch the Cowboys because I still live and die by our wins and losses. But the NFL has become a lot less enjoyable to watch and for that reason I find myself watching less games from other teams.
The NFL as a whole became a lot less enjoyable to me a long time ago. I just hate how the league conducts business now and when you couple that with the state of the Cowboys, I just became less interested in the pro game.

I don't pay for Sunday Ticket anymore and I rarely watch a non-Cowboys game in its entirety. I think yesterday was the most football I watched in one day in over 4 years.

My internet went down so I couldn't spend hours on my PS4 like I normally would with the wife gone. :lol

I'm a much bigger fan of the college game now and I don't really care for the NFL product these days.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
For the record, I'm not particularly "offended" by people kneeling for the anthem.

More pissed off at being told every week that I should care about all this, as if I'm not smart enough to decide what's important on my own.


Brand New Member
Feb 10, 2015

It's not about agreeing or disagreeing with the stance that I find curious, it's how highly offended people are by it to the point that they don't want to watch NFL games over it.

Is it really that serious?
Taking offense is the new breathing oxygen. It's an instant reflex... mostly feuled by the advance of social media IMO. Everyone has a platform, and feels like everyone else should know what they're pissed about now dammit. Gotta get those props and those likes. NEED THE CONFIRMATION PEOPLE!!!


please don't "dur" me
Apr 9, 2013
I've seen some people who are legitimately offended by the disrespect to the American flag to the extent of not watching the NFL.

For me personally, it's just less fun. I'll still watch the Cowboys because I still live and die by our wins and losses. But the NFL has become a lot less enjoyable to watch and for that reason I find myself watching less games from other teams.
It's not just the flag; Kaep's cause is rooted in falsehood and harmful to law & order. Nor am I one of those nuts who thinks it should be illegal to burn the flag. But a private employer asking you to respect the flag for two minutes is hardly a bridge too far. Nor does it make them the moral equivalent of Kim Jong-un.


Brand New Member
Feb 10, 2015
I've seen some people who are legitimately offended by the disrespect to the American flag to the extent of not watching the NFL.

For me personally, it's just less fun. I'll still watch the Cowboys because I still live and die by our wins and losses. But the NFL has become a lot less enjoyable to watch and for that reason I find myself watching less games from other teams.
The NFL has become less enjoyable for me to watch for a lot of reasons. Constant changing of the rules, the concussion stuff, etc.


please don't "dur" me
Apr 9, 2013
Taking offense is the new breathing oxygen. It's an instant reflex... mostly feuled by the advance of social media IMO. Everyone has a platform, and feels like everyone else should know what they're pissed about now dammit. Gotta get those props and those likes. NEED THE CONFIRMATION PEOPLE!!!
Well the league was clearly offended by Trump's comments. Tell them to settle down.


Brand New Member
Feb 10, 2015
I'm a much bigger fan of the college game now and I don't really care for the NFL product these days.
Oh, don't get me started on the college game. :lol

I'd rather watch NFL any day.

But mostly lately I've got other responsibilities that take away from all of this.


please don't "dur" me
Apr 9, 2013
And THAT'S your representation... your dollars. Don't consume the NFL or the media. If 70% of the fans are in lock step with you, then the proof of that should be in the pudding. I doubt that's the case, but if I'm wrong, oh well. Trump's approval rating is what low 30s? Not shocking that between the NFL and Trump, the NFL gets more support.
But then the assholes would win. Why give them the satisfaction? Which makes more sense: players being political off the field and lots of viewers, or players shoving their politics down your throat at a non-partisan event and less viewers?


please don't "dur" me
Apr 9, 2013
Sure thing.


There, feel better?
actually no. asked the kid at the drive-up window for three ketchups and received only two. too lazy to drive back. whole day ruined.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I've seen some people who are legitimately offended by the disrespect to the American flag to the extent of not watching the NFL.

For me personally, it's just less fun. I'll still watch the Cowboys because I still live and die by our wins and losses. But the NFL has become a lot less enjoyable to watch and for that reason I find myself watching less games from other teams.
I have a neighbor that has completely cut off the NFL because of all this. But, to be fair, he wasn't a huge football fan to being with.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
The NFL has become less enjoyable for me to watch for a lot of reasons. Constant changing of the rules, the concussion stuff, etc.
The Elliott bullshit suspension gives me way more motivation to protest then players kneeling during the anthem. But frankly it's all of this that has made the NFL product shit.

It use to be about football, and on Sunday I just want to be able to enjoy football instead of all of this other stuff.


Brand New Member
Feb 10, 2015
But then the assholes would win. Why give them the satisfaction? Which makes more sense: players being political off the field and lots of viewers, or players shoving their politics down your throat at a non-partisan event and less viewers?
How do you figure they win? If you stop watching them and the league folds, and the coddled, multi-millionaire ingrates would have killed the goose that lays the golden eggs... you win right?
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