Election Chatter Thread...

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
the hypocrisy, willful ignorance, cognitive dissidence and arrogance is astounding and quite frankly scary because there is no push back, apparently this is ok but its divisive as hell and if it continues on this trajectory, openly, proudly even, it will not end well for anyone
That wasn't the greatest example, but Larry Elder is great. Ever listen to him on 660?

And what Cari Champion was saying is such a shame. Trump can't post for people to obey the law and LEOs, to go home and be peaceful (yes, after the break in had started) but Facebook and Twitter have no problem with people who promote that kind of hate. Terrible that young people buy in to that kind of garbage.


shitless classpainter
Sep 11, 2019
I don’t know if it’s a correct figure, but I just googled how much it costs to run the government every year.

$2.966 trillion dollars is the figure that popped up.

It’s time to privatize. If we have to foot that bill, we should way more say in how it’s done, not just participation in a glorified popularity contest every other year.

Anyone think government could be the issue with wealth gap?
I just cant believe we not only stand for this shit but the majority appear to be clamoring for more...

I'm currently binging this show:

What stood out to me in the very first episode were people so desperate to escape the oppressive government they were living under, they were willing to jump on a ship (that took like 2 months to get to the East coast) & venture off to a place they'd never been, had probably only heard vague stories about and take their chances on a future where nothing was guaranteed. IIRC, 9/10 of the first settlers died, then the number got reduced to like 5 of 10 as the settlers started to make their way across America. (there's a good chance I am not remembering correctly so feel free to set me straight)

One of them is quoted as saying something to the effect that the hardships were worth it because they were free to pursue their dreams, their faith, etc without government interference and this more than made up for any suffering they endured.

And yet, here we are at a time in our history when Government has never been bigger, its growing by the day with no end in sight

Its staggering how far we've come in mindset since those first few days. Instead of jumping on a ship to the unknown to escape the government, people are now lining up to get on board the ship taking every one right back to the shit people were desperate to escape from in the first place and are completely oblivious to the ramifications. As the saying goes...

As a dog returns to its vomit, so fools repeat their folly.


shitless classpainter
Sep 11, 2019
That wasn't the greatest example, but Larry Elder is great. Ever listen to him on 660?
I haven't listened to him, I only recently discovered him when I got pulled into all this political nonsense, for most of my life I've been blissfully ignorant and am considering plotting out my return

what wasn't good about the example you're referring to?

I was really troubled by her comments and the confident audacity in which they were delivered but maybe I'm being too sensitive.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
what wasn't good about the example you're referring to?

I was really troubled by her comments and the confident audacity in which they were delivered but maybe I'm being too sensitive.
I just meant technically... they cut away to those movie scenes for far too long IMO.

But I really like him. If you're ever in the car from 5-8 PM, check out 660 AM for his show.

And of course her comments are awful. Get ready for more of them in Biden's America, though. They'll only be more encouraged now.


Honored Member - RIP
Aug 26, 2013


Honored Member - RIP
Aug 26, 2013

Our msm being worse than pravda is going to just make things even worse before they get better, Hunter Thompson describes them better than I ever could-

“The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”


Honored Member - RIP
Aug 26, 2013


shitless classpainter
Sep 11, 2019
“The press is a gang of cruel faggots. Journalism is not a profession or a trade. It is a cheap catch-all for fuckoffs and misfits—a false doorway to the backside of life, a filthy piss-ridden little hole nailed off by the building inspector, but just deep enough for a wino to curl up from the sidewalk and masturbate like a chimp in a zoo-cage.”
holy shit, thats hilarious


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
It's interesting to see the Democrats talking about the erosion of Trump's mental state.

Joe B. might get the same treatment before long.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
What is so puzzling to me is how people from all across the nation who came to the Capitol to show their support for Trump suddenly became a violent mob? Some reacted in the same manner as the Antifas groups that created chaos previously in several cities. This is too obvious to be overlooked.

i cannot accept that the majority of the protesters ever meant for this to happen in their display for the President. There had to be another element bent on destruction and violence that infiltrated into the well meaning protesters to turn what might have been a peaceful demonstration into an ugly and violent situation.

Trump never should have entered into the mix with his encouragement to have them come to the Capitol because this was the very thing that became a trigger for those who had violent intentions to make their presence known.as being a violent element that reflected their actions into the entire group.

What we witnessed is a catalyst that will change the entire face of this country and dissolve our standing to the rest of the world and possibly may be the beginning of a long and harsh form of government since there is no way to bridle it because now there are no controls for the opposing side.

it may be a tough ride coming up..


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013

Where is the fucking media on this?
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