The Coronavirus Thread...


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013


Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
more people who should be shot on sight

What the actual fuck? I hope this was staged for clicks and not real.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I'm telling you, you give us your liberties easily, and many more liberties will be taken away. Also, we are creating the next Great Depression with all of this. Unemployment was 9% at its worse during the GD, and we are currently sitting at 9%....... in just two weeks.


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
Today, Georgia Governor Brian Kemp ordered a stay at home order for his state citing new information from the CDC that asymptomatic patients can spread the disease. This is a "game-changer" he said. Meanwhile, that has been reported for ~1 month.

How can these people be so ill-informed and ignorant? Is nobody from the White House reaching out to them? I mean, they shouldn't have to be they sure as fuck should be. I mean this guy Kemp had repeatedly made himself look like a total moron in ads and false claims but I figured it was just shtick. No. this guy really is a shithead.
Is he a shithead for issuing the "stay at home" order or because he said that information that has been out for a month is new?

Just curious because I'm kind of glad he shut the state down since people are stupid.


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I'm telling you, you give us your liberties easily, and many more liberties will be taken away. Also, we are creating the next Great Depression with all of this. Unemployment was 9% at its worse during the GD, and we are currently sitting at 9%....... in just two weeks.
Yeah my hope is that when this thing passes the ship will correct itself and we will see a bit of a boom. Unemployment is high not because there aren't job but because businesses are being ordered to basically shut down. It's going to create higher unemployment not because the economy is bad but because we are forcing it on people.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013

This is what comes after they order businesses closed. The liberties will be taken.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Dec 30th 2019 China “mentions” they have a virus that shows symptoms of pneumonia;
Jan 7th – China gives the virus a name, (SARS- CoV-2)
Jan 31st – Trump declares “Public Health Emergency” and takes action & immediately demands mandatory quarantine; DEMS fight back saying he is over-reacting;
Feb 1st - Biden slams Trump and states, “This is no time for Fear Mongering”
Feb 2nd – Trump Orders “Travel ban” on Non-US Citizens who visited China are barred from entering the US; again DEMS say he is over-reacting and start fighting back, throwing out accusations or racism.
Feb 27th – Task force for virus is formed; President Trump met with CDC and Medical Officials.
Feb 29th – New Travel Restrictions expanded to include Iran, Italy, South Korea. FDA updated policy to expand virus testing; Dems begin planning a vote to go against Trumps travel bans. Again, with racism being the focal point. ALSO, on this day President Trump asked the DEMS to stop politicizing this Virus & DEMS claim he called the virus a "hoax" which he DID NOT (Research for yourself)
March 2nd – Trump & Pence meet with Drug Companies to help contain CV, they discuss treatment & vaccinations
March 3rd – Trump & Pence order CDC to lift any and all restrictions on CV testing, allowing anyone to be tested for CV
March 6th – Trump signs 8.3 billion dollar Bill to combat CV
March 9th – DEMS in the House Vote to dismantle Trumps Travel bans while DEM Gov Newsom praises Trump for acting responsibly!
March 10th – President Trump met with the Insurance industry to get them to waive any and all Co-Pays for Americans related to CV diagnosis and treatment;
March 11th – President Trump meets with Banking Executives to assist with the economic impact on America due to CV. Discussed economic relief for businesses such as Tax Cuts for employers, possibly extending the filing for taxes, etc. Trump expands Travel ban to include Europe (excluding UK) & Japan.
March 11th - Jerry Nadler: Restricting Foreign Nationals for Coronavirus Will Not Help Public Health. YES HE SAID THAT, Look it up for yourself! World Health Organization declares coronavirus a pandemic as spread continues.
But on February 5th Democrats was trying to impeach Trump.... and the media could care less about the virus..but only after they couldn’t impeach, then Democrats and media turned to the virus
What a load of horseshit. When you're the President the buck stops with you. We have the worst results in the world save Italy. You want to give him a pass on the thousands of Americans you have died but you might not if you and your family were at risk.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
What a load of horseshit. When you're the President the buck stops with you. We have the worst results in the world save Italy. You want to give him a pass on the thousands of Americans you have died but you might not if you and your family were at risk.
Italy has a population of around 60 mil. The US has a population of what, 400 mil? Yeah, that's an accurate comparison. Derp.

And who says my family is not at risk? Do you know me?


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Is he a shithead for issuing the "stay at home" order or because he said that information that has been out for a month is new?

Just curious because I'm kind of glad he shut the state down since people are stupid.
I don't think you should be confused as to my intent. I also think you should consider who you defend. Stupid is stupid and you should be able to realize what DeSantis and Kemp are.
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DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Italy has a population of around 60 mil. The US has a population of what, 400 mil? Yeah, that's an accurate comparison. Derp.
Do you guys have a reading comprehension issue? "worst except for Italy" Derp


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
Spare me whatever self-servicing bullshit is about to come out of your mouth. Seriously. I'm heading off to work.

You were the one who (again) tried to come across like you know everything. So basically... Go fuck yourself, you self important, look at me I'm a doctor so I KNOW EVERYTHING cocksucker.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
Italy has a population of around 60 mil. The US has a population of what, 400 mil? Yeah, that's an accurate comparison. Derp.

And who says my family is not at risk? Do you know me?
FYI :USA population is actually 331 million.

FYI to our medical friend who may not be aware;
I don’t know why people think the office of the President keeps tabs on every circumstance that goes on and makes every decision for every contingency. The federal government doesn’t work that way no does the Executive branch work that way. Every sector of Government including the Executive Branch has layers of departments and Agency Heads that have delegated authorities of approval and responsibilities. Dozens if not hundreds of topics are handled every day at various levels and until and unless something gets deemed important enough it never gets to the office of the President. There are many government officials who no doubt were aware of the virus situation including the CDC and intelligence Agencies that debated the issues and refined reports before they were ever sent to the office of the President. If there was a late start it was because the urgency of the situation didn’t get pushed up soon enough.

The time lines that are being reported may or may not be accurate but there are many heads in the Senate and Congress with their Committee Process plus medical advisors that were briefed and made aware of the situation. Some of the Committees that are the detractors of the President were aware of this situation early on as the Executive office including Medical Advisers who brief the Chief Executive so he doesn’t do this stuff in a vacuum. Yeah the buck stops at the top but it also passes by the eyes of many before it gets there.
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