LBGT bulies and Schools


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I got you now. You have a disdain for teachers because you always felt you were smarter than them. Makes perfect sense.
I didn't imply that anywhere, but go with it. You like to tell me what I mean, it's your thing lately, because you feel like you need to pretend you're smarter than ME, clearly.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
They are far from overpaid. And, comparing driving a truck or tossing a garbage can to dealing with a moronic kid who throws shit at you and not getting any backup from your administration is stupid. They are unequivocally underpaid. You want more quality as a whole then pay them more and raise the standards for entry into the profession. But, your assertion that they are overpaid is ridiculous. You have no clue what you're talking about.
Don't confuse me with Schmitty. I have admiration for teachers and some of the stuff they do. I think most people can look back at their life and pick out at least a couple awesome teachers.

With that being said, it's simple economics, supply and demand. Right now, there is a ton of supply relative to demand. That has resulted in the profession being over paid. I assume you either don't understand economics and free trade or you choose to ignore it. It also demonstrates the inefficiency of a public school system and really everything publicly ran.

The only way to correct teachers being overpaid is to either raise the standards to basically trim down the supply side, or lower wages. Like I said, it's very simply supply and demand. To ignore economics is to live in fairy tail land where everyone can make $100,000.00 a year.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I didn't imply that anywhere, but go with it. You like to tell me what I mean, it's your thing lately, because you feel like you need to pretend you're smarter than ME, clearly.



DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I have had great luck with teachers...growing up and with my kids. I respect what they do and don't envy the job they have. Same with WalMart workers...someone has to do it.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
If I say you're smarter than me will you stop trolling this thread? You're not really adding anything other than taking pot shots at me, so what will it take to make you go away?


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Don't confuse me with Schmitty. I have admiration for teachers and some of the stuff they do. I think most people can look back at their life and pick out at least a couple awesome teachers.
Hey! I had a couple.

Most sucked though.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Gee, C-rock, I don't know how you can come back from that one.

Stating opinions as though they are fact and declaring himself correct and anyone who disagrees wrong. I do love that argument. Especially when it flies in the face of a legitimate free trade/economics argument. It actually reminds me of a very liberal argument of artificial salaries given out with no legitimate basis.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Don't confuse me with Schmitty. I have admiration for teachers and some of the stuff they do. I think most people can look back at their life and pick out at least a couple awesome teachers.

With that being said, it's simple economics, supply and demand. Right now, there is a ton of supply relative to demand. That has resulted in the profession being over paid. I assume you either don't understand economics and free trade or you choose to ignore it. It also demonstrates the inefficiency of a public school system and really everything publicly ran.

The only way to correct teachers being overpaid is to either raise the standards to basically trim down the supply side, or lower wages. Like I said, it's very simply supply and demand. To ignore economics is to live in fairy tail land where everyone can make $100,000.00 a year.
You can't just factor in supply and demand to how a person is paid. There are other things that contribute to the pay. I can't even begin to imagine the fortitude it takes to deal with those kids on a daily basis. It has to factor in to the pay. Call it hazard pay if you want, but they deserve an extra bump just for that alone.

Now, there are teachers out there that probably shouldn't be teaching, but I feel they are the exception and not the rule.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Arguing with two lawyers that are both saying that I am arguing the way they normally argue and declaring it laughable is... well... laughable.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Don't open that can of worms. That can be applied to a lot of people on a variety of subjects.
He will only open that can when he is on the other side of it.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013

Stating opinions as though they are fact and declaring himself correct and anyone who disagrees wrong. I do love that argument. Especially when it flies in the face of a legitimate free trade/economics argument. It actually reminds me of a very liberal argument of artificial salaries given out with no legitimate basis.
It reminds me of how most teachers operate.



DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Arguing with two lawyers that are both saying that I am arguing the way they normally argue and declaring it laughable is... well... laughable.
Actually, when we argue, specifically when I argue, I always, ALWAYS, go into very great detail to explain my conclusions. It why everyone says I go on forever.

The post back there of yours that I mocked.... it was all conclusions. No substance.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Don't open that can of worms. That can be applied to a lot of people on a variety of subjects.
I've had the whole "opinion-or-fact" debate with Ghengis Khan recently; suffice to say, I don't just say "This is the truth, you are wrong."

I might believe it's a fact, but I never just state conclusions. My points always get support, usually more than people prefer to read.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Actually, when we argue, specifically when I argue, I always, ALWAYS, go into very great detail to explain my conclusions. It why everyone says I go on forever.

The post back there of yours that I mocked.... it was all conclusions. No substance.
I did post some substance, but the difference between you and me is I don't feel I should waste the time to type out some long explanation of my opinion. Instead I post it short and sweet instead of in book form.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
You can't just factor in supply and demand to how a person is paid. There are other things that contribute to the pay. I can't even begin to imagine the fortitude it takes to deal with those kids on a daily basis. It has to factor in to the pay. Call it hazard pay if you want, but they deserve an extra bump just for that alone.

Now, there are teachers out there that probably shouldn't be teaching, but I feel they are the exception and not the rule.
I take it you just don't like economic efficiency? It's funny one of my best teachers was probably my high school economics teacher who I think made like $80,000.00 a year. People don't get paid based on the difficulty of their job. At least they don't in a free trade economy. When I say that teachers are overpaid it has nothing to do with how hard they work or what role they play in other people's lives. It has to do with the fact that there are way more teachers then need for teachers. This is a result of teachers being overpaid. Like I said, if they were being underpaid there wouldn't be so many people pouring into the profession every year still.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
And lawyers.
Good thing I never said that lawyers were better than teachers.

The difference is that we don't lecture captive audiences on morality.

I only do that on message boards. :art

Where you can walk away if you want.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I did post some substance, but the difference between you and me is I don't feel I should waste the time to type out some long explanation of my opinion.
Well that's what debating is! You have to back up your opinion.

If you just say "this is my opinion, you are wrong" then that is certainly worse than taking the time to substantiate it, because you're not even giving the person you are debating with the chance to respond to your reasoning.

It definitely comes across as more intolerant of opposing viewpoint. You may accuse me of that, but I almost always give a person's point of view the respect of addressing each point.

Well, unless it's Jiggy.
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