The Coronavirus Thread...


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013

Here is a pretty good visual depiction of the real recovery under Obama.
No. What you want to capture is Unemployed + "discouraged workers." This doesn't do that. This is propaganda bullshit. Perhaps the author's didn't intend it as such but it is.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
If you want to know just how great of a job Obama and Biden did on pretty much anything in 8 years, just look to who your current POTUS is.

Trump never stands a chance, or even runs if Obama and Biden do a good job. You get a moderate that the Republicans we’re backing the two cycles. And if Biden was super proud of the job they did, he runs in 2016.

He knew damn well he wasn’t winning on the record he and Obama had to run on. The only evidence you need of that is the fact that no Democrat running in the primary, Hillary included, had the balls to say “we need 4 more years of This stuff here!!!”.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
So, Trump ranks “13th” ON TOP OF Obama creating 16 million right before him? Pretty impressive if you ask me. Oh, and were there 8 million new people needing jobs in the last 3 years?
Honestly I think pulling out of a massive recession and getting to less than 5% unemployment is pretty impressive. But yes, the economy has done well under Trump and he deserves some credit. My concern is the longterm price to be paid for running huge deficits in times of plenty. Because now we're up against it and going to be running truly massive deficits.

Please don't give me some line about deficits not mattering. Unless we just cancel our debt, is surely matters. Eventually we're going to have to start digging our way out but neither party gives a fuck. This is going to catch up to us.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
If you want to know just how great of a job Obama and Biden did on pretty much anything in 8 years, just look to who your current POTUS is.

Trump never stands a chance, or even runs if Obama and Biden do a good job. You get a moderate that the Republicans we’re backing the two cycles. And if Biden was super proud of the job they did, he runs in 2016.

He knew damn well he wasn’t winning on the record he and Obama had to run on. The only evidence you need of that is the fact that no Democrat running in the primary, Hillary included, had the balls to say “we need 4 more years of This stuff here!!!”.
Biden's son had died, that's why he didn't run. He said he was a wreck. Hard to blame him, his son Bo seemed like quite a person. Plus, there might have been some unholy agreement with Hillary. Seems like it because nobody of note ran besides Sanders.

If the Dems would have run a candidate who wasn't a corrupt bitch, they would have won going away. Sanders would have crushed him (not that I'm a huge fan). Trump was a terrible candidate. Hillary was just worst, apparently.

To be fair, if the Reps had run Rubio or Romney or someone else less offensive, they would have crushed Hillary in the electoral college and the popular vote.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
Biden's son had died, that's why he didn't run. He said he was a wreck. Hard to blame him, his son Bo seemed like quite a person. Plus, there might have been some unholy agreement with Hillary. Seems like it because nobody of note ran besides Sanders.

If the Dems would have run a candidate who wasn't a corrupt bitch, they would have won going away. Sanders would have crushed him (not that I'm a huge fan). Trump was a terrible candidate. Hillary was just worst, apparently.

To be fair, if the Reps had run Rubio or Romney or someone else less offensive, they would have crushed Hillary in the electoral college and the popular vote.
Not to sound heartless, nobody should ever bury a child, but I never bought him not running because of that.

I’d say it’s more likely that Hillary had a built in agreement with Obama. Though I don’t know what the leverage on a deal like that could be.

I don’t think there’s any scenario where Sanders wins a national election for POTUS unless he’s running against a Republican Socialist on the other side.

Trump came along at the right time, and he’s not a dummy, he knew people were fed up with business as usual and wanted someone to say the things that they felt needed to be said. Right or wrong, a large segment of middle America felt like they were being ignored and were tired of it. In comes Trump with the idgaf attitude and it worked. He beat all of the statesmen you mentioned, Bush, Rubio, Cruz.

Hillary, undoubtedly was a disaster. And I’ll never understand how with all the bullshit she had going with the private server, how the Democrat party thought it was ever going to be anything other than disaster. How did they allow her to run? It’s like they thought she was good enough to overcome all the negative. Looking back, it’s just crazy. I don’t know who they would have run in her place, but at least that person could have had a chance.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Honestly I think pulling out of a massive recession and getting to less than 5% unemployment is pretty impressive. But yes, the economy has done well under Trump and he deserves some credit. My concern is the longterm price to be paid for running huge deficits in times of plenty. Because now we're up against it and going to be running truly massive deficits.

Please don't give me some line about deficits not mattering. Unless we just cancel our debt, is surely matters. Eventually we're going to have to start digging our way out but neither party gives a fuck. This is going to catch up to us.
So, you’re a fiscal conservative. Awesome. We agree.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
No. What you want to capture is Unemployed + "discouraged workers." This doesn't do that. This is propaganda bullshit. Perhaps the author's didn't intend it as such but it is.
Discouraged workers leaves out people who are on disability and more. Again, I'm talking about the health of the economy. To do that you have to include everyone period. Otherwise you have half the people supporting the other half. With unemployment numbers that look great but aren't.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Discouraged workers leaves out people who are on disability and more. Again, I'm talking about the health of the economy. To do that you have to include everyone period. Otherwise you have half the people supporting the other half. With unemployment numbers that look great but aren't.
So you are penalizing Obama's economic record for the baby boomers retiring? Makes sense.


Honored Member - RIP
Aug 26, 2013


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
I genuinely hate AOC.

She’s that ditzy good looking bitch you don’t wanna screw because you’re not sure if she is able to make her own decisions. Like, she looks good, but it’s not clear if she dresses herself or not.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I genuinely hate AOC.

She’s that ditzy good looking bitch you don’t wanna screw because you’re not sure if she is able to make her own decisions. Like, she looks good, but it’s not clear if she dresses herself or not.
I'd hit it. She's kinda crazy so I bet she'd be hella good in bed. But yeah, definitely quit it in a way she doesn't key your car and burn your house down.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
If you want to know just how great of a job Obama and Biden did on pretty much anything in 8 years, just look to who your current POTUS is.

Trump never stands a chance, or even runs if Obama and Biden do a good job. You get a moderate that the Republicans we’re backing the two cycles. And if Biden was super proud of the job they did, he runs in 2016.

He knew damn well he wasn’t winning on the record he and Obama had to run on. The only evidence you need of that is the fact that no Democrat running in the primary, Hillary included, had the balls to say “we need 4 more years of This stuff here!!!”.


Honored Member - RIP
Aug 26, 2013

This hypocritical bitch is mad people are buying guns to protect their families when criminals are being released and yet she has armed security.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013

This hypocritical bitch is mad people are buying guns to protect their families when criminals are being released and yet she has armed security.
Oh, no! I sure hope the guns I've bought over the years don't end up in households, schools, churches, bars and on our streets like Allysa fucking Milano says they will.



DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
No offense but I think the shitty economy pushed a lot of them into retirement.
I'm not offended but the economy wasn't shitty in 2016. It was decent to good. 2008 it was shitty.

There are longterm structural problems with this economy then and now. Income inequality and all the downward pressure on income from globalization is a disaster. It's not a partisan issue, though. Both parties are generally pro-free trade and have been for long, long time. The Reps are the ones who led the way on it. It's been hella bad for the middle class and unions. On the other hand, it has led to an overall huge gain in overall wealth. It's just that the wealth is poorly distributed.

Protectionism is a relatively old concept that we are now revisiting. Trump and Bernie are the only major politicians touting it. What's interesting is that Trump is not at all against income inequality but Bernie clearly is. I think Trump is more about playing lip service to addressing the issue and Bernie is for straight out income redistribution. Personally, I'm for limited protectionism but it needs to be done with our allies and, frankly, be very punitive towards China. We can't rely on them as we are now seeing. We need to rely on ourselves and our allies. If China wants to play with the big boys, they need to Democratize. If it means we have to pay more for low quality plastic bullshit at Walmart, so be it. We will put less shit in the landfills.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
I'd hit it. She's kinda crazy so I bet she'd be hella good in bed. But yeah, definitely quit it in a way she doesn't key your car and burn your house down.
I don't think she'd be good in bed at all. I think she'd be an ice queen that makes you do all the work, doesn't reciprocate, and blames you anytime something goes wrong.
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