Jon Gruden resigns


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Literally everyone, everyone on this board, everyone in the NFL's league offices, everyone on the Las Vegas Raiders roster, everyone in the entire league, has said at one point something as bad as Gruden did in those emails.

The crime isn't saying it, the crime is having the evidence found in the wrong context. Sadly.
I would never ever say those things. Ever. ~solemn Berman head bow~


El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
Honestly, this and an incident at work has me thinking hard about selling my business and doing something that doesn’t involved a team of people.

I’m sure I’ve said a bunch of stupid shit in the last 10 years. I’m ready to get my tiny stack and stick it in a trust.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
The issue is they paint it like "OMG! He said it in emails! This must be a bad human being to say those things in emails, it must reflect what's in his heart, he must be a racist!"

Even the argument that "he would lose the locker room," falls short. If he would, it's because the players themselves that he'd lose are then disgusting hypocrites.

They've all said equal things in private to their friends. So have all the gay people, women, and minorities who are going to take up to social media to pretend to be offended. They've all said the same things.

No one is judging them now. No one judged them then when they said it. Because some people understand that while uncouth, and obviously inappropriate, there is a context when making a joke about such a thing is, at the very least, acceptable, perhaps with a reprimand and/or correction.

Jon Gruden has decades of employment - well compensated, to be sure - that almost assuredly proves that hate or bigotry against minorities is not what is in his heart. Everything that man has done for probably the past three decades has been beneficial and advancing of minorities.

The weaponization of these things and PR reaction to force people to lose their livelihoods over this remains ultra concerning.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Interesting because Chappelle is taking on fire now for his special which has been branded as anti-gay.
The people branding it as anti-gay probably didn't even watch all of it. If they had watched to the end, there is no way they could brand it as such.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
The people branding it as anti-gay probably didn't even watch all of it.

While this is probably true, I don't think it would change their minds.

If you say something they don't like, like women are women and men are men, they brand you racist or homophobic or whatever else, because they can't actually win the argument.

The crazy thing is, growing up women always seemed to be the protected class. Glass ceiling, women are just as capable as men, why aren't more women in positions of power, etc.

Now it's, they're making men woman of the year and it's ludicrous.

Dave is absolutely right. It's so ridiculous to essentially say, "You know who the best woman was this year? A MAN."

And it doesn't just stop there. It's like, hey guess who should be allowed in women's restrooms? MEN. Guess who should be allowed to compete in women's sports? MEN.

Not just utterly retarded, but incredibly demeaning and dangerous to women.

You're born a man but want to be surgically and hormonally turned into a woman? Fine.

You're born a woman but want to be surgically and hormonally turned into a man? Fine.

You want to be gay? Fine.

I don't give a shit what anyone does if it's not harming anyone else.

But these woke idiots need to stop trying to normalize these things and stop trying to muscle it into society by tearing down women and men.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
The one that really pisses me off in all of this is Randy Moss.

If the shoe were on the other foot and someone went digging into Randy’s past, old text messages from years past, you telling me
He never called any of his coaches a cracker in a text? Never a disparaging comment about a white referee?


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
Another thing, if you’re going to be on national tv tearing down a guy who made a comment about someone having big lips, which is true, you should be willing to put your history out there for everyone to see.

People ought to be able to say stupid shit and not have their life upended over it. What happened to just calling someone out and having them either learn from it or not?

Take Don Lemon, how many times did he go on national tv and call Trump a sexual deviant? What happens to him now? He gets a free pass when it comes to sticking his hands down his pants, rubbing his junk, then smearing it in some unsuspecting guys face?

Really? Let’s dig in to everyone who has had the balls to go out and chastise Gruden without fear of their own dirty laundry being aired out.


El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
Maybe it is because of where I am in my life but this really has me shook up. I think about all of the risk, blood, sweat and tears along with the sacrifices my entire family has gone into building what I have. It has cost my health and family time. To think that a few accusations and words from years ago could being me down is disturbing. What little I have came at a personal cost to me.


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
Maybe it is because of where I am in my life but this really has me shook up. I think about all of the risk, blood, sweat and tears along with the sacrifices my entire family has gone into building what I have. It has cost my health and family time. To think that a few accusations and words from years ago could being me down is disturbing. What little I have came at a personal cost to me.
I guess this is a bad time to mention that I've unearthed the DCC I chat logs and Test Thread posts.

Will be finding the most obscene of the bunch and posting them straight to Instagram for world review.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
@skidadl , I wouldn’t worry that much unless you’re planning to run for office, direct a blockbuster film, coach/own a professional sports team, or host a conservative podcast.

I don’t think anyone is coming for you.

edit: If they do, we’ll all take turns flooding our homes to keep the insurance work coming for you.
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