9000 per week streaming across the border...


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
Why should the governor take action while he farts around?
So he can say, "If we would have passed my immigration bill we could have avoided this"?


Not So New Member
Apr 7, 2013
The national guard won't help until the limp dick president starts shipping these kids back to Central America.
My last post was a joke. On a serious note and please correct me if I'm wrong. I heard there is something in the law that prevents that. Something in the law passed under Reagan. Could be wrong just asking for clarification.


El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
Perry could really have a case had he done something in his own state before he ran for president. He can't really preach about solving the problem until he takes some real action.


El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
We do need to make the citizenship process easier and quicker IMO. Let the legit folks have a fair chance of getting in.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
We do need to make the citizenship process easier and quicker IMO. Let the legit folks have a fair chance of getting in.
I'm on board with that as long as the accepted system is completely enforced and congress gets on board with it completely also.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
We do need to make the citizenship process easier and quicker IMO. Let the legit folks have a fair chance of getting in.
I'm on board with that as long as the accepted system is completely enforced and congress gets on board with it completely also.


Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2013
My last post was a joke. On a serious note and please correct me if I'm wrong. I heard there is something in the law that prevents that. Something in the law passed under Reagan. Could be wrong just asking for clarification.
There's no law against deporting illegals, we've even deported some of the recent flood of them already, it's just that the feds were slowing the process down as much as possible because they wanted the story to dip below the radar before the 'mean government sends kids back' stories came out. So their holding facilities got totally overwhelmed and they ended up keeping them on military bases and shit. According to a New York Times article I just read, the Obama administration has been leaning hard on Honduras and Mexico to get them to shut down the migration route and we've been fast tracking deportations to make room. Eventually they'll all probably get shipped, but it was Obama's foot dragging and incompetence that created the situation in the first place and then let it become a full blown humanitarian crisis on American soil before he finally acted to try to resolve it.

IMO, the thing they were unprepared to deal with was the unaccompanied children. Normally, illegals run off and hide pretty effectively and don't present an immediate problem, just one down the road. The kids have to be fed and clothed and housed immediately (and many of them needed medical attention) and they immediately overwhelmed the social services of places like McAllen, TX as well as any federal resources that could be brought quickly to bear. Not realizing it would become a crisis quickly led to the White House failing to act quickly. It's probably the President's dipshit advisers who let him down this time. He's surrounded with a lot of yes men and cronies and he's ended up looking bad after important information apparently didn't get to him. Benghazi is a good example. A lot of indications were there that shit was not right and either no one wanted to be the bearer of bad news or no one with any common sense had a direct enough line to the president to let him know what was going on.


Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2013
We do need to make the citizenship process easier and quicker IMO. Let the legit folks have a fair chance of getting in.
The problem with that is Mexicans, for the most part, do not want that. Mexico right now is the only path in and Mexicans control it. Right now they are a huge majority of immigrants. If the immigration process was fair, they'd have to compete with Indians and Chinese and other people from more developed countries with better education on an equal footing. That would put them at a huge disadvantage.


El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
I'm on board with that as long as the accepted system is completely enforced and congress gets on board with it completely also.
I really don't understand why becoming a citizen is such a convoluted difficult mess while jumping the boarder is almost painless.

I know a family that has been in the US for 15 years. They have a fake SS#, pay taxes and everything. The husband works for the city, lol. Good family, American kids, learned English well and all of that. Apparently there is a pretty large group of Mexicans that operate like this.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
I really don't understand why becoming a citizen is such a convoluted difficult mess while jumping the boarder is almost painless.

I know a family that has been in the US for 15 years. They have a fake SS#, pay taxes and everything. The husband works for the city, lol. Good family, American kids, learned English well and all of that. Apparently there is a pretty large group of Mexicans that operate like this.
Wouldn't it be lovely if all illegals were like this.


El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
The problem with that is Mexicans, for the most part, do not want that. Mexico right now is the only path in and Mexicans control it. Right now they are a huge majority of immigrants. If the immigration process was fair, they'd have to compete with Indians and Chinese and other people from more developed countries with better education on an equal footing. That would put them at a huge disadvantage.
I know a lot of Mexicans that would do just about anything to become citizens. They just don't have the means to do it. It is such an expense and it is very difficult to get in legitimately.


Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2013
I had a completely different outlook on illegal immigration before the cartel war kicked off in 2006. Since then, I've felt pretty strongly that if we want to keep that war out of the US we'd better get serious about securing the borders. If we have a high enough illegal population in the southern US for cartel members to come and go and blend in as they please, those states will just be new turf and they will start a new turf war with local gangs and with each other over who controls the new territory.

If we don't want that to happen we're going to have to get very serious about it very soon.


Forget a fence. Mexico should build a moat. Florida has 90 miles of shark infested waters protecting us from our border jumpers.


Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2013
I know a lot of Mexicans that would do just about anything to become citizens. They just don't have the means to do it. It is such an expense and it is very difficult to get in legitimately.
They'd still be competing against people with better educations from more developed countries for those spots. No matter how fair the immigration policy is the US won't grant citizenship to an infinite number of people. IMO, the only thing that will make Latin American activists happy is a system that favors illegal immigrants first and shuts out the rest of the world.


El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
I had a completely different outlook on illegal immigration before the cartel war kicked off in 2006. Since then, I've felt pretty strongly that if we want to keep that war out of the US we'd better get serious about securing the borders. If we have a high enough illegal population in the southern US for cartel members to come and go and blend in as they please, those states will just be new turf and they will start a new turf war with local gangs and with each other over who controls the new territory.

If we don't want that to happen we're going to have to get very serious about it very soon.
I totally agree. That is why I'm a strong proponent of Texas getting busy now instead of waiting for help. If not we are going to permanently reshape this region in a negative way IMO.


El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
They'd still be competing against people with better educations from more developed countries for those spots. No matter how fair the immigration policy is the US won't grant citizenship to an infinite number of people. IMO, the only thing that will make Latin American activists happy is a system that favors illegal immigrants first and shuts out the rest of the world.

That is the truth. If we have tighter boarders we will not be able to let as many immigrants in. That is just the way it goes.


Not So New Member
Apr 11, 2013
I had a completely different outlook on illegal immigration before the cartel war kicked off in 2006. Since then, I've felt pretty strongly that if we want to keep that war out of the US we'd better get serious about securing the borders. If we have a high enough illegal population in the southern US for cartel members to come and go and blend in as they please, those states will just be new turf and they will start a new turf war with local gangs and with each other over who controls the new territory.

If we don't want that to happen we're going to have to get very serious about it very soon.

Not sure why there are "concerns" about militarizing US border towns. Protecting our borders from direct threat is what the military is supposed to do. Odd that we have no problem protecting the borders of Kuwait and others.

People should read up on the tactics of the Zetas and ask themselves if they really want that creeping further and further north.
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