Random Politics Stuff Thread...


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
If the RNC doesn’t completely shit the bed with their turn at an unconventional convention, Trump is going to fucking wipe Biden out.

I’m looking forward to the republicans taking the house back too.

This administration needs both houses, and not just barely, they need a mandate. These next four years need to be used as wisely as possible.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
What’s baffling to me is, the media loves to talk about how Trump has just this ardent base that will never leave, then there’s the rest of the Republican Party that’s splintered into never trumpers and whatnot who don’t like him.

He’s at a 51 approval rating. You’d think they’d mention it’s a higher approval rating than Obama had at this same time in his re-election bid, and Trump is doing that with the blood of 170,000 Americans on his hands.

Instead, they say things like “Biden is positioned better than any challenger in the modern era.”.

They also only want to talk about national polls which mean fuck all when there isn’t a popular vote.

Watch Minnesota over the next few weeks. Trump should not win a state like Minnesota, and I bet you that’s a statistical dead heat inside of 2 weeks.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
I will say, we won’t know anything on November 3rd or anytime soon after that if these science denier democrats don’t listen to the great Dr. Anthony Fauci.

“In person voting can be done if safety protocols are followed.”.

States need to ditch this mail in vote shit as soon as possible. The last thing those country needs is an up in the air election for weeks or months.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
If the RNC doesn’t completely shit the bed with their turn at an unconventional convention, Trump is going to fucking wipe Biden out.

I’m looking forward to the republicans taking the house back too.

This administration needs both houses, and not just barely, they need a mandate. These next four years need to be used as wisely as possible.
My God, can you imagine the Media TDS if that happened?

And to your next post... the election will be up in the air, I'm almost positive. Supposedly Biden already has a huge team of lawyers ready to go.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
My God, can you imagine the Media TDS if that happened?

And to your next post... the election will be up in the air, I'm almost positive. Supposedly Biden already has a huge team of lawyers ready to go.

The democrats are dug in on universal mail in ballots. They want to make it an issue, and the media will not concede that the few attempts at it over the last few months have results tied up in courts.

Imagine the clusterfuck of a national election.

Both sides need to get together and figure this shit out in a hurry, it’s not going to work. It’s a doomsday scenario, but if only the Presidential results are held up past Jan. 20th(?) at noon, Pelosi would be sworn in as POTUS.

After that, all bets are off as far as what happens.

I highly doubt it comes to that, I’m hoping at most you see a week/two week delay.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
Minnesota is actually tied now, so Trump didn’t need a convention bump to pull even.

In Minne-fucking-sota.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
From what I can see, she is just as much of a crazy cunt that AOC is.
Crazy how, exactly? Because, comparing her to AOC is a bold fucking statement.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
If the RNC doesn’t completely shit the bed with their turn at an unconventional convention, Trump is going to fucking wipe Biden out.

I’m looking forward to the republicans taking the house back too.

This administration needs both houses, and not just barely, they need a mandate. These next four years need to be used as wisely as possible.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
If they do reclaim the house I hope they do better than what they did when they had it before. The GOP just blew a perfect opportunity then and were not ready to actually utilize the opening when Trump won the Presidency. They were split and the Dems took the house again.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
I don’t remember if I posed the question here, so I’ll just ask.

What do you guys think is going to happen when Derek Chauvin can’t be convicted? I seem to remember the charges being upgraded to 2nd degree murder?

If it looks bad now, all the unrest, how bad does it get when they can’t show a jury that he attempted to Murder George Floyd?


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
I don’t know why I’m surprised, but Joe Biden is being accused of plagiarizing his own speech again.

I’m not sure if people are just lazy, or maybe there isn’t anything new to say anymore. Melania’s speech writer did the same thing in 2016, now whoever was in charge of uploading Biden’s speech into his boom box, they seem to have recycled a speech he gave back in 2008(I believe). A few words re-arranged, but stupid close to the original speech. Other parts of his speech seem to be directly from some dude that died in Canada in 2009(again, I may the year wrong). Apparently some woman took to twitter right away to point out he was stealing a speech of a dead man.

Here’s the video:

Jack Layton, that may a bit of a stretch, there are only some many ways to say the same thing. So who knows if Biden or his speech writers lifted those lines?

Supposedly after the DNC speech, a man who has been dead for 8 years, his name
was trending on twitter.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013

New York Post and Washington Examiner are on top of it already.

Do we get an apology or does he claim he forgot to give the guy credit like he has every other time he’s said it?

Will the media do the work and ask the questions like they did back in the 80s? Don’t hold your fuckin breath, boys.
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