The Coronavirus Thread...


shitless classpainter
Sep 11, 2019
"You should just use the word Jeri in the spoiler....."

I think I might be pushing my luck if I did that, I'm sure I'm treading on thin ice already so I need to use that judiciously or else feel the wrath of Booze, et al


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
One, people wanted someone different, a businessman who knew how to get things done instead of another career bureaucrat. People liked his policies.

Two, who says those other candidates were "better?"
Correct. People, at least on the conservative side, have grown tired of the career politician.


shitless classpainter
Sep 11, 2019
If I may. A lot of people see the government as the elected and appointed individuals. They are the least represented group that actually makes up the government. It’s almost paradoxical because these folks have the power but many come and go with regularity and others spend ther time working toward staying in office.

There are government employees that are career individuals and are tremendous examples of serving the nation. They do the actual work in the system and even forego an opportunity to make a lot more in rhe private sector.

I served in one of those positions for several years working within an agency that staved off millions of bank depositors from losing their financial well being and money in the banking system. We all could have had a cushy job in the private sector but instead chose to try to save the banking system and all the depositors from losing their liquid capital.

I am judgmental about elected officials maybe moreso that the public at large but I am very proud of my efforts and those that chose to join me in making a government system function for the public.
fair points my friend, I didn't mean to throw the baby out with the bath water

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
So if Trump only was better than Hillary... why did he win the primaries?
If he doesn’t hit a chord that resonates in most Republicans, how did he win those primaries over much better candidates? Supposed real Republicans, since I often hear Trump is Republican in name only, with many even opposing him even after he won?
Trump won because middle America was tired of the same old stuff that the prior President had both established and eradicated. Trump promised change and demonstrated his sincerity by financing his own campaign and this aspect alone carried tremendous weight with the middle of the road Americans. He addressed the problems of America being taken advantage of internationally and promised change. He promised to make the country great again which many had seen as being sold out by the previous administration. He promised to lower unemployment by ripping out the rules made by previous administrations that hindered production and growth. There’s more but that’s enough. I’m sure this is what N.D had in mind.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Correct. People, at least on the conservative side, have grown tired of the career politician.
Yep, and for the exact reasons yimyammer stayed above. Conservatives only vote Republican because the party is closest to their values not because of the name of the party. Trump got elected because so many people are sick of Washington DC and ALL of the politicians... on both sides. I know I am.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
Yep, and got the exact reasons yimyammer stayed above. Conservatives only vote Republican because the party is closest to their values not because of the name of the party. Trump got elected because so many people are sick of Washington DC and ALL of the politicians... on both sides. I know I am.
Yep. When people ask my political leanings, I always reply with conservative. Never Republican. And that was the hope people had when electing Donald Trump. That he was not an established, career politician.

Hell, the moment he took office, you could see the vast majority of career Republicans turn their back on him, even tho' their "party" had just won the White House. Guys like MItt Romney. John McCain. Etc... Just because they have an R beside their name, doesn't mean they aren't part of the problem.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I'm not trying to argue or belittle your point of view but why do we have to use words like left and right and center?

Why cant we dialogue on issues and leave what side one is on out of the discussion?

We are not beholden to these parties nor do we have to maintain the exact same position politically on every issue. We can collectively reason together in a constructive, mutually beneficial dialogue if we choose and its what I wish we could be better at as a collective in the US

I know, I know, another pipe dream like my previous post. But!...perhaps if we shoot for the stars though, we might at least hit the moon, or however that saying goes
I’m just trying to answer his question in an inoffensive yet efficient manner. To tell you the truth my views are all over the place. However the issues that are most important to me, I tend to side with the Dems.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Has anyone else had the experience of leftovers simply rolling over into the next day? I am the only one who gets out every day save weekends. Amazingly now that everyone else is stuck in a time loop, the meals simply carry over. It sucks.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Aren’t leftovers supposed to roll into the next day?
Not in my house. They usually lead to lunch the next or thereafter. Now they are repurposed to the next day dinner. No bueno.


shitless classpainter
Sep 11, 2019
I have a friend who obsessively posts political negativity on Facebook. I love the guy, he's been a friend since I was 12, so I just ignore him because he's hurting from a divorce and I think politics and Trump rage have become an outlet for his pain. I never post political stuff and try to post informative info from intelligent folks or things I think are positive like Bill Gates building 7 factories for the corona vaccine so of course my buddy cant just celebrate the good, he's to chime in with a closing shot and of course I can't resist responding.

Was I too harsh?

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