TV Thread


Apr 8, 2013
Holy shit this show knows how to amp shit up at just the right time.

I thought the DVD would be the great Holy shit moment of the episode but then they turned it up to 11.:towel

This the all time greatest show in history they just keep knocking shit out the park, whew I need a drink.:lol


Apr 8, 2013
I'm starting to think everyone dies. Skylar, Jesse, Hank...

Maybe his kids get out alive.
Yeah me to, they still have to get the Lydia gang involved she has to want to tie up those loose ends.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I suppose I missed something, why is he pissed about the ricin cigarette now?


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013

He just realized how much Walter has been manipulating him.
I doubt it's just now he came to this life-changing realization.

There has to be another reason.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Also, why would he have held on to that cig for that long?


Apr 8, 2013
I doubt it's just now he came to this life-changing realization.

There has to be another reason.

Dude it just went way over your head.

He knew Walt manipulated him but at that moment he realized he poisoned Brock which was the ultimate manipulation.


RIP Brother
Apr 7, 2013
I don't know how I didn't notice this before, but I love the fact that Huell wears a jacket that says Security on it. This show is very clever and so well done.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
Also, why would he have held on to that cig for that long?
He didn't still have the cigarette. He noticed his weed was gone, and that Huell pinched from him when they bumped into each other while Jesse was leaving Saul's office. Remember when he thought he had lost the ricin cig and Brock had found it? He realized that Huell had took it, passed it on to Walt, who in turn gave it to Brock. All to manipulate Jesse into still cooking meth.


It would've been more clear for the simple minded had they done a quick flashback seen of him getting pickpocketed or something.



Apr 8, 2013
It would've been more clear for the simple minded had they done a quick flashback seen of him getting pickpocketed or something.

I was wondering how he made the leap until he got back to the office and spoke about the weed missing, that's what I love about this show is that you have to always pay attention or you might miss something.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
Brock wasn't poisoned with ricin though.
That's right. It was the plant out by Walt's pool, right? But either way, Jesse THOUGHT it was the Ricin cig that was missing out of his pack when Brock was hospitalized. Thinking it was his fault the kid was poisoned.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
This is a timeline of events from this review of last night's episode.

UPDATE: I've gotten so many emails, tweets and comments below expressing confusion about how Jesse figured out about the cigarette swap that I decided to simply lay out the chronology as follows:

1)In "End Times," to get Jesse back on his side in the war against Gus, Walt arranges for Huell to steal the cigarette pack with the ricin cigarette out of Jesse's pocket and replace it with a different pack. Saul calls Jesse to his office on shaky reasons, and Huell pats him down in a way that gets Jesse's attention. Walt doesn't use the ricin to poison Brock, but rather a lily of the valley plant that will have a similar but less dangerous effect on the boy.

2)When Jesse hears that Brock has been poisoned, he realizes that the ricin cigarette is missing, then (correctly) puts two and two together that Huell stole it, on Walt's orders. He storms into Walt's house and threatens to kill him for poisoning Brock; Walt convinces Jesse that it was Gus, not him, who wanted to hurt the boy — specifically so Jesse would come to this conclusion and murder Walt for him — and that Tyrus must have lifted the cigarettes from Jesse's locker at the Super Lab. Jesse accepts that Mr. White would never hurt a child, whereas Gus has a history of hurting children, and lets go of the theory about Huell.

3)Doctors later figure out that Brock was poisoned by a lily of the valley, not ricin, making Jesse doubt Walt's theory about Gus manipulating Jesse into shooting Walt, and leaving him to wonder what really happened to the ricin cigarette. Walt stages a phony search of Jesse's house and plants a fake cigarette (containing salt, not ricin) inside Jesse's Roomba. None of this sits well with Jesse, but he once again believes Mr. White.

4)Over the course of season 5, starting around the murder of Drew Sharp, Jesse has begun to realize that he shouldn't believe anything Walt says. Walt claims to be broken up over Drew's death, then whistles while he works. Walt claims that Mike left town alive, when Jesse knows that Walt would've never taken out Mike's guys unless Mike was dead. Walt gives Jesse a whole song and dance about how leaving town will be good for Jesse, when Jesse knows that it will be even better for Walt.

5)Having been primed to disbelieve any word out of Walt's mouth, Jesse goes to Saul's office, lights up a joint and gets scolded by Saul, who knows his relocation expert won't pick up anyone who's high. Saul orders Huell to again pick Jesse's pocket to get rid of the marijuana.

6)At the pick-up spot, a nervous Jesse reaches for his pot, and can't find it. He frantically checks all his pockets, but all he finds is a cigarette pack. Staring at the cigarette pack, and realizing Huell dipped into his pocket without him noticing, Jesse realizes that his first suspicions about the ricin cigarette were correct, and that Mr. White was manipulating him into turning against Gus, endangering Brock's life in the process.

That the ricin wasn't actually used on Brock is beside the point. Jesse knew from the beginning that Huell had picked his pocket, and that he must have done it on Mr. White's orders. He has been thinking about this often in the months since it happened — far more often and more intensely than those of us watching the show have, and in a more compressed time period. When he realizes Huell picked his pocket, and stares at another crumpled cigarette pack, everything clicks into place about the events of "End Times" — including how convenient it was that this terrible thing happened to Brock, which turned Jesse back into Walt's ally, at the exact moment Walt needed an ally against Gus — and he goes on the warpath against Saul, Huell and that asshole Mr. White.

You may disagree with whether Jesse would have put all the pieces together like that, but that's what happened.


Apr 7, 2013
I think I need therapy. I was laughing the whole time Hank was watching that video.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
My question is are we supposed to be rooting for Walt...or Hank....or just waiting to see who dies?
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