The Outrage Thread


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013

Another angle-
Yeah these people just want “justice.”

Think of this whenever you see your clown liberal friends on Facebook post and say this is justified because “you can’t understand what it’s like to be black.”


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
And, that's why unions should be abolished.
Abolished, no. Collective bargaining is an important free market right.

But the socialists who think unions need more power are idiots. They need way, way less actual. Union excess is why a lot of companies - or states - are going bankrupt.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I have a couple of liberal friends who have made lengthy posts about how the looting is actually an expression of disenfranchised outrage or some such shit. I'm paraphrasing. I just wonder how quickly their tune would change if some of the rioters started burning down their businesses, or their houses. All my money would be on real fucking quick.
Of course it would.

White liberals are the very definition of insulated white privilege.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Just out of curiosity, when does Law Enforcement start doing its job?

Put out a bulletin and inform everyone that at midnight, looting and vandalism needs to stop or else excessive force will be used to put down any piece of shit still causing trouble.

Simple as that.

Peaceful protests and marching can continue, but looting and violence will be met with violence.
When the local leadership starts doing it's fucking job.

But here's a hint: Local leadership at city level is near exclusive liberal, and they rely on the Soros money and backing to maintain their power grips. They can't turn on their masters or bite the hand that feeds them. They signed up for this idiotic class warfare shit, it's what got them elected.

Here's another key insight: All this "we want change," rhetoric has to start with inner city minorities voting out their Democratic leadership, which has failed them. Donald Trump has fucking nothing to do with Derek Chauvin. Donald Trump being an uncouth asshole didn't make Derek Chauvin participate in prior killings or abuse of minorities TWELVE TIMES without being fired. Guess who was his boss? The Minneapolis police chief. Guess who that person's boss was? The mayor of Minneapolis. Guess how long that seat has been Democrat-held? Try since 1973.

You want change?

You know where to start.

Otherwise, fucking spare me. They don't want anything to change as it pertains to this incident. What these fucking rats want is to incite nation-wide socialist policies, and it has absolutely nothing to do with George Floyd. It's pathetic co-opting of a moment and despicable opportunism.


Honored Member - RIP
Aug 26, 2013


Honored Member - RIP
Aug 26, 2013


shitless classpainter
Sep 11, 2019
anyone seen this or heard of this group?

View attachment 690604
it appears this is fake/hoax or from something else

Any time large, widespread political protests take place in western democracies, it seems, the internet is set awash with false information positing that the demonstrations have been centrally and secretly coordinated — by Democrats, Antifa, George Soros, or some other left-wing bogeyman.

Exhibit A offered during the protests that swept the U.S. (and spread to some Canadian and European cities) in May 2020 after the police-custody death of George Floyd in Minneapolis, was a page from purported “riot orders” manual issued by Democrats and accidentally “dropped” by a protester:

This document, which makes use of such official and ominous-sounding terms as “Action Oversight Executive Committee” (AOEC), “GAMMA PRIME” and “328BG,” is sometimes accompanied by another page image bearing the name and logo of Friends of Democracy, a super PAC founded by Jonathan Soros (son of financier George Soros):

The appearance of a Friends of Democracy logo was a prime clue that this purported “manual” had nothing to do with the George Floyd protests of May 2020, as that organization had merged with Public Campaign Action Fund to form the Every Voice PAC back in 2014.

In fact, this “manual” was just a recirculated version of a hoax that had appeared several years earlier, in that earlier case linked to the April 2015 riots in Baltimore over the police-custody death of Freddie Gray:

491 people are talking about this

Here’s how the alleged April 2015 “Final Operation Order Summary” appeared in full:

As for the authenticity of this document, we would note the unlikelihood that an organization that secretly organized and masterminded protests, then produced and distributed confidential documents outlining such illegal activities as their use of tax authorities and accounting firms in order to conceal their funding of those protests, would be so foolish as to emblazon the incriminating evidence with their name and logo.


L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
Who is the money coming from? My guess is they’ve already been named on this board.
Maybe Soros or a laundered Clinton foundation donation is my initial thought but there may be others.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
I figured that was a hoax the minute I saw it. I mean, come on. They are going to print out thousands of these things, (with their names and organizations on them, no less) hand them out to common morons, and expect that none will ever be dropped, lost, or whatever and end up being plastered all over. Riiiiight.

But even so, snopes is a fucking hack site that has been proven to be full of shit. Don't trust them even a little bit.


please don't "dur" me
Apr 9, 2013
Just out of curiosity, when does Law Enforcement start doing its job?
because the last thing mayors want is cops (many of whom are white) billy-clubbing black looters. the optics would be terrible, so they let the cities burn in the interests of "peace." crazy, I know.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
Not sure that individual is white.
Who, the woman outside? That's a black woman that is returning the brick and telling them they are exactly what they are. Pieces of shit that are doing nothing but trying to incite violence, trying to make the black community look bad. These people are the worst of the worst. Too chickenshit to do what it is they want to try and accomplish for their evil deed. Only making others think you are on their side, but using them, and making them look bad in the process.

The tweet only mentions white people when speaking of the ones in the car. And the only one we get a brief glimpse of is clearly white. You can see their hand and wrist when they reach out to take the brick from her.


please don't "dur" me
Apr 9, 2013
these "good whites" are better than you. never forget that.

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