The Beer Thread


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I feel like I've seen ads recently that are like "Our whiskey is for everyone," implying trannyism.
So…trannies can’t drink? If there were a tranny-only whiskey people would get mad too.


Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Unfortunately, the left does not respect the divide anymore and tries to force politics into everything.

People who call for athletes to "stick to sports," so there can be sanctuaries from political infighting where we can all agree and have fun together, are shouted down or worse, implied to be racists for trying to prevent horribly oppressed billionaire Lebron James from "using his platform," as if when he advocates for political stances, it's morally justified, but when Rush Limbaugh does it on ESPN it's repugnant.

Just more hypocrisy from the biggest group of hypocrites on the planet.
My pushback when people try to tell athletes to "stick to sports" is that athletes have always weighed in on social and political issues. It's not something that just came about with modern athletes.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
My pushback when people try to tell athletes to "stick to sports" is that athletes have always weighed in on social and political issues. It's not something that just came about with modern athletes.
Yeah, I mean everyone in this world thinks their opinion matters. Athletes are no different, they just have a platform to say it in front of more people.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
The joke about the concept of "transgenderism," is that the entire movement is about trying to define gender as all about what's upstairs, ie, what's going on in your brain. So.... yeah, like mental issues.

First of all, note that of all these "transgender," people, the vast majority of them are men transitioning to female. Think there is an explanation for that? I do.

Second, note that they all "transition," into the same stereotype of "woman." Glitzy, glammy, high heels and dresses, ridiculous amounts of makeup.

Nobody transitions into stay at home moms. None of them lament not bleeding out of their vaginas every month. It's all superficial emulation of the media image of a successful pop star/actress "woman."

It's extreme role playing. Not all that different than LARPing weirdos, like anyone can look at them and be like, uh, yeah, these people are weird. Same with trans.... these people have a mental problem with accepting who they really are and so they escape into a fantasy that makes them feel good, which is why they all claim the transition is "who they really are," -- yeah, everyone feels good getting to throw away your problems and pretending to be someone else. It's just with weird cat people or LARPing at the Renaissance faire, everyone can laugh at your foibles and it's accepted as not being real, but hey, you do you, you nerdy goofball.

But because this escapism got roped up with the LGB cause at the same time that LGBs were fighting a culture war over acceptance, once it became apparent that there was no more fight on the LGB issue, the LGBs and the politicians who trade on their plights needed a new culture war.

And instead of getting these pained, confused people help, they are being enabled and it's frightening, and hurtful, and they are being exploited.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
My pushback when people try to tell athletes to "stick to sports" is that athletes have always weighed in on social and political issues. It's not something that just came about with modern athletes.
I don't think that is entirely true, at least not to the degree that you see these days.

And when I say "these days," I'm actually referring to a time (ie, right now) of far greater social and economic equality in our society than ever before, yet the unrest and infighting is greater.

There's really not a credible argument that we aren't an equal opportunity multi cultural society and no one except perhaps extreme KKK member types (of which is only a fraction of a fraction of a fraction of a percentage point of the population at large) has any real problem with it.


DCC 4Life
Dec 29, 2020
The joke about the concept of "transgenderism," is that the entire movement is about trying to define gender as all about what's upstairs, ie, what's going on in your brain. So.... yeah, like mental issues.

First of all, note that of all these "transgender," people, the vast majority of them are men transitioning to female. Think there is an explanation for that? I do.

Second, note that they all "transition," into the same stereotype of "woman." Glitzy, glammy, high heels and dresses, ridiculous amounts of makeup.

Nobody transitions into stay at home moms. None of them lament not bleeding out of their vaginas every month. It's all superficial emulation of the media image of a successful pop star/actress "woman."

It's extreme role playing. Not any different than LARPing. These people have a mental problem with accepting who they really are and so they escape into a fantasy that makes them feel good, which is why they all claim the transition is "who they really are," -- yeah, everyone feels good getting to throw away your problems and pretending to be someone else. It's just with weird cat people or LARPing at the Renaissance faire, everyone can laugh at your foibles and it's accepted as not being real, but hey, you do you, you nerdy goofball.

But because this escapism got roped up with the LGB cause at the same time that LGBs were fighting a culture war over acceptance, once it became apparent that there was no more fight on the LGB issue, the LGBs and the politicians who trade on their plights needed a new culture war.

And instead of getting these pained, confused people help, they are being enabled and it's frightening, and hurtful, and they are being exploited.
I see them as caricatures of women. They only want the shiny parts though, they definitely do not want the ugly stuff. I agree that there is more than likely some behavioral issue at the root of it for the ones that are doing it out of some internal need. I also believe there are those that are doing it for some type of notoriety, and honestly, I think "cousin it" on the beer can is one of those.
Honestly do not care if they cross dress, or transition or anything else, as long as they leave me and mine out of it. Seems that isn't an option anymore though. I do not understand the need for drag queen story time with children and I damned sure can't comprehend them doing strip teases in front of children.


please don't "dur" me
Apr 9, 2013
We want to be more inclusive.

Were they prohibited from purchasing/enjoying your product before?


Then you were inclusive.

You know what we mean.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I see them as caricatures of women. They only want the shiny parts though, they definitely do not want the ugly stuff. I agree that there is more than likely some behavioral issue at the root of it for the ones that are doing it out of some internal need. I also believe there are those that are doing it for some type of notoriety, and honestly, I think "cousin it" on the beer can is one of those.
Honestly do not care if they cross dress, or transition or anything else, as long as they leave me and mine out of it. Seems that isn't an option anymore though. I do not understand the need for drag queen story time with children and I damned sure can't comprehend them doing strip teases in front of children.
The concept of trannyism and drag shows has been around for a long time, like, Eddie Murphy was making fun of it in Coming to America in the 80s.

The problem is that the cultural war has shifted from tolerance to acceptance. This stuff has always been tolerated. We have never been imprisoning or jailing people.

But reality is reality and it's a derangement.

Instead, the push now is to put it everywhere so that it becomes mainstream accepted. Reassignment surgeries, hormone blockers, all this to be mainstreamed so that everyone even down to children can get it.

The real shift should have been tolerance into treatment. These people are suffering and enabling them is just hurting them, and society as well.

And leaving out the fact that if they want to hurt themselves, more power to them, being pushed into libraries, schools, and public forums that this existence is healthy and productive, is by itself a deceptive and harmful position.


Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I don't think that is entirely true, at least not to the degree that you see these days.

And when I say "these days," I'm actually referring to a time (ie, right now) of far greater social and economic equality in our society than ever before, yet the unrest and infighting is greater.
It's easier to communicate those things now with everyone having their own social media platforms and not having to rely on the traditional media to get their message out.

Obviously it's a different era as well. Younger generations are a lot more whinier than they were back in day. They picked and chose their battles more carefully back then and didn't interject on every perceived slight.

However, I guess you can also make the argument that the reason they didn't speak up as much is because they didn't have nearly as much financial freedom/power that today's athletes have. It's easier to voice your opinion when you already have a $100 million safety net.
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DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
It's easier to communicate those things now with everyone having their own social media platforms and not having to rely on the traditional media to get their message out.

Obviously it's a different era as well. Younger generations are a lot more whinier than they were back in day. They picked and chose their battles more carefully back then and didn't interject on every perceived slight.

However, I guess you can also make the argument that the reason they didn't speak up as much us because they didn't have nearly as much financial freedom/power as today's top athletes have. It's easier to voice your opinion when you already have a $100 million safety net.
Well that's why they should stick to sports.

I think you are mostly right in that it's so easy to do now, and because everyone has the ingrained desire to be a crusader for whatever they believe in, and so now it's everywhere.

The problem is it definitely lacks context.

Our society is better than ever on most of the issues they are complaining about, and what we really need is more commonality not more division. Considering those two things, it would be WISE to be a unifier instead of a divider, and every time someone champions a minority (and by minority I do not mean racial minority) cause, it simply pisses off half the audience.

I'm not arguing that athletes don't have the right to say what they want, I'm critiquing their judgment in doing so as often as they do and for the causes they often pick.

Setting aside the political division aspect, if for no other reason, they are going to create social justice fatigue. Every time you turn around the league has another issue they want to parade around, put on uniforms, call attention to, demand change for. It's exhausting to the average person who is seeking an escape from their daily grind and all their own problems.


Semi-contributing member
Apr 7, 2013
My pushback when people try to tell athletes to "stick to sports" is that athletes have always weighed in on social and political issues. It's not something that just came about with modern athletes.
The problem is they also have to hear it from people that tell them they have a platform to make change and aren’t using it.


Semi-contributing member
Apr 7, 2013
Funny side note.

I have an uncle who is gay. He and his husband are two of my favorite people in the world.

they are extremely republican, hate the woke agenda, support traditional values and believe that young men need good male role models as they grow up. It is like the whole ideology got derailed and the crazies are the ones pushing.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Nobody transitions into stay at home moms. None of them lament not bleeding out of their vaginas every month. It's all superficial emulation of the media image of a successful pop star/actress "woman."
That's why if you ask them what makes them a woman they have no answer for it. In reality they think the makeup, the dress, the liking "girlie" things is what makes them a woman. But that's not what defines a person as male or female. Those are just preferences. What we are really talking about is a feminine man or a masculine female.

You're absolutely right though, transgenderism is a psychological issue. But in todays culture that's mean to say. So instead we are supposed to just accept them as whatever sex they say they are. And we wonder why people are so screwed up. We are afraid as a society to call things what they actually are for fear of offending someone.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
The problem is they also have to hear it from people that tell them they have a platform to make change and aren’t using it.
Well, and the next problem is.... there's too much money in it. There's too much money in sports, and there's too much money in protesting and advocacy.

It's the Colin Kaepernick affect. Yes, too many money-backed lobbyists influence these athletes on every issue because sports has thoroughly permeated our society and being heard in sports is the ultimate form of advertising.

I mean, as a free market supporter, society will get what it demands, for the most part.

But the good of the game is actually harmed by the amount of greed from all angles, players, owners, everyone.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
The joke about the concept of "transgenderism," is that the entire movement is about trying to define gender as all about what's upstairs, ie, what's going on in your brain. So.... yeah, like mental issues.

First of all, note that of all these "transgender," people, the vast majority of them are men transitioning to female. Think there is an explanation for that? I do.

Second, note that they all "transition," into the same stereotype of "woman." Glitzy, glammy, high heels and dresses, ridiculous amounts of makeup.

Nobody transitions into stay at home moms. None of them lament not bleeding out of their vaginas every month. It's all superficial emulation of the media image of a successful pop star/actress "woman."

It's extreme role playing. Not all that different than LARPing weirdos, like anyone can look at them and be like, uh, yeah, these people are weird. Same with trans.... these people have a mental problem with accepting who they really are and so they escape into a fantasy that makes them feel good, which is why they all claim the transition is "who they really are," -- yeah, everyone feels good getting to throw away your problems and pretending to be someone else. It's just with weird cat people or LARPing at the Renaissance faire, everyone can laugh at your foibles and it's accepted as not being real, but hey, you do you, you nerdy goofball.

But because this escapism got roped up with the LGB cause at the same time that LGBs were fighting a culture war over acceptance, once it became apparent that there was no more fight on the LGB issue, the LGBs and the politicians who trade on their plights needed a new culture war.

And instead of getting these pained, confused people help, they are being enabled and it's frightening, and hurtful, and they are being exploited.
It would take a phone call to truly explain what I’m about to say. The vast majority of “trans” people are white males. Why do you think that is. I have my opinion but I’d like to hear your opinion on it first.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
The concept of trannyism and drag shows has been around for a long time, like, Eddie Murphy was making fun of it in Coming to America in the 80s.

The problem is that the cultural war has shifted from tolerance to acceptance. This stuff has always been tolerated. We have never been imprisoning or jailing people.

But reality is reality and it's a derangement.

Instead, the push now is to put it everywhere so that it becomes mainstream accepted. Reassignment surgeries, hormone blockers, all this to be mainstreamed so that everyone even down to children can get it.

The real shift should have been tolerance into treatment. These people are suffering and enabling them is just hurting them, and society as well.

And leaving out the fact that if they want to hurt themselves, more power to them, being pushed into libraries, schools, and public forums that this existence is healthy and productive, is by itself a deceptive and harmful position.
To put it in one sentence, they are trying to normalize it.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
It's easier to communicate those things now with everyone having their own social media platforms and not having to rely on the traditional media to get their message out.

Obviously it's a different era as well. Younger generations are a lot more whinier than they were back in day. They picked and chose their battles more carefully back then and didn't interject on every perceived slight.

However, I guess you can also make the argument that the reason they didn't speak up as much is because they didn't have nearly as much financial freedom/power that today's athletes have. It's easier to voice your opinion when you already have a $100 million safety net.
I would argue it’s because they have been emboldened and encouraged to do so more now than ever before.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Well, and the next problem is.... there's too much money in it. There's too much money in sports, and there's too much money in protesting and advocacy.

It's the Colin Kaepernick affect. Yes, too many money-backed lobbyists influence these athletes on every issue because sports has thoroughly permeated our society and being heard in sports is the ultimate form of advertising.

I mean, as a free market supporter, society will get what it demands, for the most part.

But the good of the game is actually harmed by the amount of greed from all angles, players, owners, everyone.
We are in the middle of a culture war the likes we have never seen before. Politics/media just happens to be a good weapon to fight that war. If we can get our culture back to normalcy everything else will naturally follow.
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