Must See Movies


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Spotlight is on Netflix now...and since it won best picture I watched it. It was good, but I did not see Best Picture coming from this.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Mike and Dave Need Wedding Dates was hilarious.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Gran Torino is on AMC...been a while since I have watched it. Damn it is so good.


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
My son and I watched Spider-Man 2 for the first time last night. He's been watching Spider-Man over and over for the last month and has been reciting lines throughout the day.

I have watched the 90s Batman movies as well as Dark Knight, but that's about it as far as Super Hero movies go in the last 20 years.

So we have a lot of catching up to do.

What would you consider "must watch" super hero flicks?


Not So New Member
Apr 11, 2013
My son and I watched Spider-Man 2 for the first time last night. He's been watching Spider-Man over and over for the last month and has been reciting lines throughout the day.

I have watched the 90s Batman movies as well as Dark Knight, but that's about it as far as Super Hero movies go in the last 20 years.

So we have a lot of catching up to do.

What would you consider "must watch" super hero flicks?
The second Captain America movie. It's an old-school political thriller wrapped up in a damn good action movie.

The first one is good, and it is good for context, but I wouldn't say it's necessary.


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
The second Captain America movie. It's an old-school political thriller wrapped up in a damn good action movie.

The first one is good, and it is good for context, but I wouldn't say it's necessary.
Props, we'll pick those up next.

Had planned on watching Superman vs. Batman this week, but would rather watch the Superman and Batman movies beforehand.


My son and I watched Spider-Man 2 for the first time last night. He's been watching Spider-Man over and over for the last month and has been reciting lines throughout the day.

I have watched the 90s Batman movies as well as Dark Knight, but that's about it as far as Super Hero movies go in the last 20 years.

So we have a lot of catching up to do.

What would you consider "must watch" super hero flicks?
I think Guardians of the Galaxy would be a good start. You don't need any background knowledge to watch it like you might with Winter Soldier, plus it's just great. Someone once compared it to Indiana Jones meets Star Wars and I think that was pretty accurate. So much fun to watch with plenty of lulz.


Apr 8, 2013
Dark Tower director confirms that huge twist, explains major characters’ absence
By Sam Barsanti@sambarsanti
Jul 14, 2016 4:01 PM

[The following contains spoilers for both the Dark Tower books and the Dark Tower movie. If you prefer to avoid spoilers, abandon your quest and turn back now.]

Much like a black monolith in an endless field of roses that gets more and more intimidating the closer you get to it, the Dark Tower movie is slowly beginning to come into focus thanks to a big Entertainment Weekly cover story. The magazine itself, with Idris Elba’s Roland and Matthew McConaughey’s Man In Black on the cover, doesn’t come out until next week. But preview stories on the website are already dropping some surprisingly huge reveals about how the movie is going to differ from the books.

For starters, Dark Tower author Stephen King tweeted an image back in May that—for various complicated reasons—seemed to suggest that the movie would be a sequel to the book series instead of a direct adaptation of it. The final book ends in a way that lays the groundwork for a follow-up without actually necessitating one, so the idea of the movie continuing that thread seemed like the kind of thing that would either be totally ridiculous or totally brilliant. Now, though, director Nikolaj Arcel has just come right out and confirmed that particular theory, telling EW that “the hardcore fans…will know that this is actually a sequel to the books in a way,” adding that it “has a lot of the same elements, a lot of the same characters, but it is a different journey.”

On that note, there’s another big change that Arcel is making to the books, but it’s more of a clarification about the kind of story he wants to tell in his movie than it is an actual difference. Apparently, though the plot won’t really be the same, Arcel considers his Dark Tower movie to be based on the first book in the series, The Gunslinger, which means Eddie and Susannah—two major characters who don’t appear until the second book—won’t be there. The roles haven’t even been cast yet, but EW says they’re “guaranteed” if The Dark Tower gets a sequel. (The same presumably goes for a certain little furry guy who joins the gang in the third book.)

As for whether those sequels will happen, it all depends on if The Dark Tower is a hit. EW highlights that its relatively low budget “improves the likelihood of success,” and Arcel says that he thinks “the entire story deserves to be told and should be told.” He also adds that he’d be “disappointed” in both himself and the other people who worked on the movie if they didn’t get a chance to introduce Eddie and Susannah, noting that they’re “such a huge part of the story.”

That may not be great news for Dark Tower fans, but at least now we finally know why the movie has been casting a whole bunch of nobodies and not the characters who are actually important to the story. Plus, as Roland would say, “there will be sequels if Ka wills it.”


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
Took the daughter to Star Trek today after napping since I just got back from Cle really early. It was worth the watch if you like where the new group is taking it. But the PC thing is killing me. I know the whole thing about George Takei being gay in real life but to make a character gay just to do it is just stupid IMHO. Marvel is doing the same shit with their comics and I'm sick of it. Gladly I haven't collected in quite a while but it still pisses me off.


Apr 7, 2013
Justice League trailer reminds me of Oceans 11, but with batman going around putting together a team.


Took the daughter to Star Trek today after napping since I just got back from Cle really early. It was worth the watch if you like where the new group is taking it. But the PC thing is killing me. I know the whole thing about George Takei being gay in real life but to make a character gay just to do it is just stupid IMHO. Marvel is doing the same shit with their comics and I'm sick of it. Gladly I haven't collected in quite a while but it still pisses me off.
The Sulu love story didn't bother me. What did was I just didn't think it was a great movie. Elba was just ok but the whole plot has been done many times before.
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