LOL @ the Redskins

Irving Cowboy

DCC 4Life
Feb 7, 2014
NFL faces pressure from Congress to change Redskins’ name
February 9 at 9:17 pm

Two members of Congress have written a letter to NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell urging Goodell and the league “to take a formal position in support of a name change” by the Washington Redskins.

The letter by Sen. Maria Cantwell (D-Wash.) and Rep. Tom Cole (R-Okla.) is to be sent Monday to Goodell.

“The NFL can no longer ignore this and perpetuate the use of this name as anything but what it is: a racial slur,” Cantwell and Cole write in the letter. “It is clear that you haven’t heard the leading voices of this country — and not just Indian Country. Virtually every major civil rights organization in America has spoken out in opposition to this name including the NAACP, the Anti-Defamation League, the Rainbow Coalition and the League of United Latin American Citizens.”

The letter mentions the league’s tax-exempt status and says the league is “on the wrong side of history. It is not appropriate for this multibillion dollar … tax-exempt organization to perpetuate and profit from the continued degradation of tribes and Indian people. It is time for the National Football League to formally support and push for a name change for the Washington football team.”

Redskins spokesman Tony Wyllie responded in a written statement: “With all the important issues Congress has to deal with, such as a war in Afghanistan to deficits to health care, don’t they have more important issues to worry about than a football team’s name? And given the fact that the name of Oklahoma means ‘Red People’ in Choctaw, this request is a little ironic.”

Goodell said late last month at his annual news conference at the Super Bowl that the NFL was “listening” to and “being respectful” to those who have expressed opposition to the Redskins’ name. But Goodell also said during that Jan. 31 news conference in New York that the team has “honored” Native Americans with its use of the name.

“I’ve been spending the last year talking to many of the leaders in the Native American communities,” Goodell said then. “We are listening. We are trying to make sure we understand the issues. Let me remind you: This is the name of a football team, a football team that’s had that name for 80 years and has presented the name in a way that it has honored Native Americans.”

Cantwell and the committee have been talking to the league for several months. The letter comes after Goodell’s comments during his state-of-the-NFL address before the Super Bowl took a different tone than his previous statement on the issue.

Redskins owner Daniel Snyder and other team officials have said they don’t plan to change the name.

“We recognize that there are some that don’t agree with the name, and we have listened and respected that,” Goodell said at his Super Bowl week news conference. “But if you look at the numbers, including in the Native American communities — in the Native American community polled, nine out of 10 supported the name. Eight out of 10 Americans in the general population would not like us to change the name. So we are listening. We are being respectful to people who disagree. But let’s not forget this is the name of a football team.”

The letter is significant because each lawmaker has the perch to increase the public pressure on Snyder and the Redskins.

Cantwell is chairman of Senate Indian Affairs Committee, holding both the power to hold hearings and issue subpoenas. That panel helped drive the investigation into the felonious lobbying activities of Jack Abramoff and his associates, for fleecing tribal clients.

Cole is a very popular member on both sides of the aisle and a senior member of the appropriations committee, which has in the past been used as a battleground to impose Congress’s will on certain subjects. NASCAR and the Defense Department, for instance, have battled appropriators who’ve tried to limit the Pentagon’s ability to sponsor race cars and events. Cole, a member of the Chickasaw tribe, is one of just two Native Americans in Congress, according to the Congressional Research Service.

“Saying the Washington football team ‘honored Native Americans’ perpetuates a charade that dishonors native people and their governments and erodes the reputation of the National Football League,” they wrote to Goodell. “We believe that the fact that this term does not honor — but rather disparages — Indian people and tribes is what will and should guide federal policymakers.”

An NFL spokesman said the league will respond “in an appropriate manner” when it receives the letter.

NFL officials met in October with representatives of the Oneida Indian Nation, which has expressed opposition to the Redskins’ name.

The day before Goodell’s news conference in New York, DeMaurice Smith, the executive director of the NFL Players Association, said it was appropriate for the sport’s leaders and interested parties to have a “broad discussion” about the team’s name.

“I grew up a Redskin fan and I grew up in Washington,” Smith told a Washington Post reporter after the union’s annual Super Bowl news conference. “And as we’ve said before, I think we’re in a better world if we’re not intentionally offending anyone. I think that any time we engage in a broad discussion, whether it be with fans or other interested parties about how to do our jobs better, and that might include the Redskin name, I think that’s positive.”
yawn smiley


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
So, now the gov't is getting involved in what's offensive and what isn't? Don't they have enough to do?


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Government has been doing that for years. (Period)
First off, I chuckled at the (period). Second, you're right, but they seem to be more involved in said matters as of late.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Associated Press

WASHINGTON (AP) -- Half the U.S. Senate urged NFL Commissioner Roger Goodell on Thursday to change the Washington Redskins' name, saying it is a racist slur and the time is ripe to replace it.

In one letter, 49 senators cited the NBA's quick action recently to ban Los Angeles Clippers owner Donald Sterling for life after he was heard on an audio recording making offensive comments about blacks. They said Goodell should formally push to rename the Redskins.

"We urge you and the National Football League to send the same clear message as the NBA did: that racism and bigotry have no place in professional sports," read the letter, which did not use the word "Redskins."

Sen. Bill Nelson, a Florida Democrat, wrote his own letter saying he doesn't believe that retaining the Redskin name "is appropriate in this day and age." He described himself as "one of your great fans for both the game and you personally."

The letters come at a time of growing pressure to change the team name, with statements in recent months from President Barack Obama, lawmakers of both parties and civil rights groups.

Redskins owner Daniel Snyder has refused to change the name, citing tradition. The franchise has been known as the Redskins since 1933, when it played in Boston.

Last month, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, D-Nev., took to the Senate floor to say Snyder should "do what is morally right" and change the name. Thursday's letters were aimed directly at Goodell.

In a written response, NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said "diversity and inclusion" have long been a focus of the NFL.

"The intent of the team's name has always been to present a strong, positive and respectful image," McCarthy said. "The name is not used by the team or the NFL in any other context, though we respect those that view it differently."

Reid and Sen. Maria Cantwell, D-Wash., led the letter-writing effort. All senators on the letter are Democrats. Cantwell spokesman Jared Leopold said Republicans were not asked to participate.

Cantwell later said on the Senate floor that she was inviting Republicans to sign the letter or write their own.

"I'm convinced that if each member of this body speaks on this issue and is forceful in their resolve, that we can help initiate change," she said.

Democrats not signing the letter were Tim Kaine and Mark Warner of nearby Virginia, where the team's headquarters are; Mark Pryor of Arkansas, in a tight re-election race this year; and Joe Manchin of West Virginia and Joe Donnelly of Indiana, two of their party's more moderate lawmakers.

The senators noted that tribal organizations representing more than 2 million Native Americans across the U.S. have said they want the Redskins name dropped.

Despite federal laws protecting their identity, "Every Sunday during football season, the Washington, D.C., football team mocks their culture," they wrote.

"The NFL can no longer ignore this and perpetuate the use of this name as anything but what it is: a racial slur," the letter said.

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
It would be awesome to see the NFL change the name simply because of the outrage that would follow from Redskins fans.

ES would be a great place to visit on that day.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
It would be awesome to see the NFL change the name simply because of the outrage that would follow from Redskins fans.

ES would be a great place to visit on that day.
I wonder what they would change the name to.

The "Redtails" like was rumored? They could just call them the Warriors and leave everything intact.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I wonder what they would change the name to.

The "Redtails" like was rumored? They could just call them the Warriors and leave everything intact.
They could go back to the Braves.

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
I wonder what they would change the name to.

The "Redtails" like was rumored? They could just call them the Warriors and leave everything intact.
Yea, Warriors does sound good because you'd probably only have to make minor adjustments to the team logo.

You'd probably have to lighten up the skin color (:lol), but outside of that, you could keep most of their stuff intact as you said.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Yea, Warriors does sound good because you'd probably only have to make minor adjustments to the team logo.

You'd probably have to lighten up the skin color (:lol), but outside of that, you could keep most of their stuff intact as you said.

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
They could go back to the Braves.
That's a good point.

But here's the thing....if "Redskin" is considered offensive enough that the league forces a name change, then how do you allow for a logo where the mascot has blatantly red skin?

Even if they are the braves, I would imagine that they'd have to change the mascot to like a brownish skin color or something.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
The NFL has responded:

“The NFL has long demonstrated a commitment to progressive leadership on issues of diversity and inclusion, both on and off the field,” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement. “The intent of the team’s name has always been to present a strong, positive and respectful image. The name is not used by the team or the NFL in any other context, though we respect those that view it differently.”


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
That's a good point.

But here's the thing....if "Redskin" is considered offensive enough that the league forces a name change, then how do you allow for a logo where the mascot has blatantly red skin?

Even if they are the braves, I would imagine that they'd have to change the mascot to like a brownish skin color or something.
I don't think the name should change. And, I damn sure don't think the NFL should try and force it.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
I wonder how it will be before we see other mascot protests from groups such as the humane society screaming about such things as Panthers and Dolphins etc. Maybe even the Professional Rodeo Association screaming about Cowboys.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I wonder how it will be before we see other mascot protests from groups such as the humane society screaming about such things as Panthers and Dolphins etc. Maybe even the Professional Rodeo Association screaming about Cowboys.
I'm sure it's not far off.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
The NFL has responded:

“The NFL has long demonstrated a commitment to progressive leadership on issues of diversity and inclusion, both on and off the field,” NFL spokesman Brian McCarthy said in a statement. “The intent of the team’s name has always been to present a strong, positive and respectful image. The name is not used by the team or the NFL in any other context, though we respect those that view it differently.”
Good for the NFL on this one.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I wonder how it will be before we see other mascot protests from groups such as the humane society screaming about such things as Panthers and Dolphins etc. Maybe even the Professional Rodeo Association screaming about Cowboys.
Really? Haha
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