Google/YouTube could make a run at Sunday Ticket


Brand New Member
Apr 7, 2013
And again, more corporate bullshit.
I don't think Google wants to purchase exclusive rights from the NFL. They could make a healthy profit on an NFL product for half the price DirectTV charges. They'll just dare anyone else to buy the rights and offer something better.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Off the topic, but I hate this attitude.

Not from you personally, but from corporate America.

Hell, I can't even buy a fucking laptop now with a DVD drive because faggots like Bill Gates have determined that they are obsolete and everyone streams anyways.

Now if you want Sunday Ticket, you have to feed the Google machine and deal with streaming?
I agree they should keep things like DVD drives. I mean, what are they, $35 now? Not exactly gonna break the bank to pop one into the laptop. Physical media shouldn't be dead yet.

But I don't agree they shouldn't make a product for the people who do want to get the new technology. They have to design for what is going to net them the most customers. If they determine they don't need a Playstation App to accomplish it, I'll have your instructions for hooking up your PC to your TV ready. :art

Anyway, you can make the same argument the other way... so for the last 15 years, if I want Sunday Ticket, I have to strap a satellite dish to my roof? My landlord won't even let me have one. Plus I have to subscribe to DirecTV and pay that cost as well.

Streaming is such a better option if for no other reason than it's a la carte.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I don't think Google wants to purchase exclusive rights from the NFL. They could make a healthy profit on an NFL product for half the price DirectTV charges. They'll just dare anyone else to buy the rights and offer something better.
Not sure there is another option for Google; either outbid DirecTV for an exclusive contract, or move on. DirecTV has kept themselves in business by mandating that ONLY THEY are allowed to have the rights to broadcast it. They don't pay the NFL all that money to have themselves get undercut, then no one would buy their product.

They have kept it exclusive all these years for a reason. They aren't gonna pay the NFL the same money and allow Google to do it too.


Not So New Member
Apr 8, 2013
DirecTV blows. I'd love another option. Their customer service is the worst.

However, the thing I hate about streaming is changing channels. Don't want to wait for that shit to buffer up while it loads. Not that it is that long, but enough.

Chromecast looks like awesome for $35 too.


Not So New Member
Apr 8, 2013
However, if I could get a Cowboys only stream for a lesser price than the full package, I'd consider that.

Cable/satellite TV with their overinflated prices and giant bundling of packages is going to disappear at some point.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
DirecTV blows. I'd love another option. Their customer service is the worst.

However, the thing I hate about streaming is changing channels. Don't want to wait for that shit to buffer up while it loads. Not that it is that long, but enough.

Chromecast looks like awesome for $35 too.
Corporate slut.


This seemed like a good idea at the time.
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I have had DirecTV for 20 years and I agree their customer service blows- but thankfully I have only had to call them 4-5 times the entire time I have been a customer.

Google better have something cool up their sleeve, because DirecTV has the game feeds and quality down to a science, at least in my area.


Forbes #1
Apr 7, 2013
Get rid of the laptop DVD drives. For the insignificant amount of time you actually use a DVD, you can just plug in a USB external DVD drive.

Excluding the DVD drive allows the ultrabook style like the MacBook Air.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
Off the topic, but I hate this attitude.

Not from you personally, but from corporate America.

Hell, I can't even buy a fucking laptop now with a DVD drive because faggots like Bill Gates have determined that they are obsolete and everyone streams anyways.

Now if you want Sunday Ticket, you have to feed the Google machine and deal with streaming?
But up to now, if you want Sunday ticket you have to deal with satellite TV which for a LOT of people (myself very much included) is an impossible option.

I by far prefer an online option, which I would consider a much more widely viable option.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
DirecTV blows. I'd love another option. Their customer service is the worst.

However, the thing I hate about streaming is changing channels. Don't want to wait for that shit to buffer up while it loads. Not that it is that long, but enough.
For me that won't be a problem. I'd really only want it so I can watch every Cowboys game. Otherwise I very much prefer the red zone channel.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
Get rid of the laptop DVD drives. For the insignificant amount of time you actually use a DVD, you can just plug in a USB external DVD drive.

Excluding the DVD drive allows the ultrabook style like the MacBook Air.
Hell no. What's wrong with giving people a choice? I dont want to have to buy and attach an external DVD drive. That's not convenient.


RIP Brother
Apr 7, 2013
Three years ago, I needed a second satellite dish just to watch Cricket on Directv. Now I stream the same channel on my smart TV through Youtube and the stream is perfect. No delay.


Senior Tech
Jan 1, 2000
I have zero interest in streaming the games over a computer. I pay that kind of money to have it on my big screen. Explain how Google would get it marketed?

Like a Netflix service over a console or something?
Chromecast - they're only $35. They could include one free with a subscription. Hell, when I got mine it came with 3 free months of Netflix, which took off $21 anyway. They are basically giving them away


Brand New Member
Apr 26, 2013
Off the topic, but I hate this attitude.

Not from you personally, but from corporate America.

Hell, I can't even buy a fucking laptop now with a DVD drive because faggots like Bill Gates have determined that they are obsolete and everyone streams anyways.

Now if you want Sunday Ticket, you have to feed the Google machine and deal with streaming?
I think it's funny when people get so wide-eyed about consumer technology and forget that it has nothing to do with the cool apps and features, it's about selling more boxes at Best Buy. How much money do you think manufacturers and retailers make selling $59 Blu-ray players and cheap off-brand Chinese flat-screens.

I have nothing against technology and the forward march thereof. As I take inventory I suspect that I am not a technophobe but I'm certainly not a fan of computers. In my house with only two people we have HD 3D plasma, 1 desktop, three lap tops, 4 cell phones, IPad, a full digital recording studio, and nearly 1,000 albums streaming from a file server some in 24/96 hi-rez, video streaming, networked home theater, thousands of radio stations playing on my stereo and controlled from a tablet etc etc but a lot of the time the new technology answers questions that nobody asked. It's always more complicated, and the more computerized it gets the more glitchy it becomes without fail.

Streaming NFL on computers, tablets, or TVs is always at the mercy of your ISP. We live in a suburb outside one of the largest cities in North America but the choices for ultra-fast hi-speed do not exist in my neighbourhood.

For folks in rural areas sometimes hi speed Internet of any kind is simply not available. Satellite continues to be the only viable alternative.

The consumer electronics companies cannot make money on tried and proven technology and need to be in a constant state of product churn in order to survive. I don't pay for R&D by being an early adopter of every new electronic fad.

My time is too valuable to be a beta test guinea pig for all the "new and improved" tech that will supposedly make me a more fulfilled and happy person. Only a deep run into the playoffs by Da Boys will scratch that itch.

The only possible benefit I can see from some some of these video streaming services is that my wife will finally get so frustrated with them that she'll leave me alone to watch a game or two on the weekends.

PLUS.. What sort of intrusive new privacy-robbing processes will Google institute to monetize the billions that such services will cost to license and deliver. It's coming out of somebody's hide and that always ends up to be you and me, the consumer. Sorry for the rant.
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