The Way You Know Ron Paul is Crazy...


The One Who Knocks
Apr 7, 2013
...Is when he endorses one of them thar adulterers!!!!

Former Gov. Mark Sanford has and will receive endorsements for his South Carolina 1st Congressional District run from the father and son team of former Texas Congressman Ron Paul and Kentucky Senator Rand Paul.

Sanford, who will be facing Democrat Elizabeth Colbert Busch, sister of Comedy Central’s Stephen Colbert, goes all the way back to the 1990s with the elder Paul.

“Mark Sanford has always been a strong ally of the Liberty Movement,” Ron Paul writes in a fundraising plea. “Help him get to Congress. Donate today!”, The Hill reports.

The Paul endorsement could give Sanford some much needed fundraising capabilities against the well-funded Colbert Busch.

Ron Paul recent endorsements include Georgia Congressman Paul Broun for the Senate seat being vacated by retiring Saxsby Chambliss. In a smaller race in Upstate New York, Dr. Paul endorsed David Andrew Gay for the Syracuse City Council last week.

CNN reports that Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) is set to endorse Republican Mark Sanford in the special election in South Carolina’s 1st Congressional District, two sources familiar with the race said. The endorsement could come as soon as Tuesday.

One of Sanford’s major hurdles in the race is the baggage he carries from his 2009 personal issues.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Feels like home again. We were missing a Ron Paul thread.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
He earned enough goodwill points the other day by condemning the Boston police situation to tide him over for a while.


Not So New Member
Apr 11, 2013
Has nothing to do with the Sanford thing or his Boston comments (although I do disagree with his interpretation), but Ron has lost a few points with me after his tactless Chris Kyle tweets and his doing interviews with that wingnut Alex Jones lately. Commence the hate!

I do still like Rand though.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I mean, yeah, Alex Jones is nutty. It would be nice if he'd distance himself from Alex Jones, but then again, Alex Jones will give him airtime.

Since we know the mainstream is wrong for ignoring Paul on all the things he's right about, maybe it's not so bad that he seeks refuge with the kooks sometimes.

I do not think Alex Jones is right about almost every thing he talks about but at the same time.... there is more truth in some things he says than the mainstream would like people to believe. Is the government actively plotting to enslave us? Is the Boston incident a conspiracy and coverup?

Well.... no. But at the same time I do not doubt for a second there are politicians who are going to seek to expand their own influence to pass laws that chip away at our freedoms. And I do not think all of them do so merely in the name of an honest belief in doing the right thing. So while Alex Jones is incorrect that there is a huge conspiracy to take away our liberties, we should be smart enough to realize that we are being taken advantage of. The media has absolutely sensationalized the Boston incident to further a political agenda.

Is that different than a conspiracy? Yes... but not entirely.


Brand New Member
Apr 13, 2013
Well, yea, but that was because it was hijacked by the establishment and driven into the ground.

Ron Paul is as "kooky" as ever.


The One Who Knocks
Apr 7, 2013
I love Ron Paul but if I'm being honest the Alex Jones thing creeps me out. That guy is a douche.

Not a big Rand Paul guy though, I gotta admit.


Apr 8, 2013
I love Ron Paul but if I'm being honest the Alex Jones thing creeps me out. That guy is a douche.

Not a big Rand Paul guy though, I gotta admit.
I have always respected Ron Paul as a actual believer in what he says, and he opened my eyes to libertarianism as a concept, its a principal I agree with.

But he has had some dubious associations to say the least it kind of makes me more uneasy about his newsletter again.


El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
I have always respected Ron Paul as a actual believer in what he says, and he opened my eyes to libertarianism as a concept, its a principal I agree with.

But he has had some dubious associations to say the least it kind of makes me more uneasy about his newsletter again.
If you live long enough in the public eye you will find that ever person alive will eventually have have some cracks in their foundation. Every person does.

Still, Ron Paul is the most impressive politician that I have paid attention to in many years.
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