The Outrage Thread


May 10, 2022
It's not called the bill of needs.
Oh sorry, it’s our “right”. It also used to be my right to own a slave, but at some point we got smart enough to rethink that one.

also, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is supposed to be a pretty big aspect of the DOI. I can think of 19 victims and their families who aren’t experiencing those right now. Why are we defending some rights and not the others?


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
That's the problem. We are more interested in who/what to blame then to fix the issue.
"Guns are the problem" vs. "Mental Health is the problem"...

Rather than saving the fucking environment, how bout our elected politicians quit parroting their party's "theme" and come up with a fucking solution to end these mass shootings?


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I own both a 9mm and a .40. I have no reason for a rifle because I don’t hunt. Both are more than capable to protecting myself and my family.
You have made the personal decision that you don't need a rifle. You can't speak for others. You should probably stick to objective things instead of subjective ones.

as for your assault rifle definition, use whatever verbiage you want. At the end of the day, that’s the weapon most being used in these instances because of its ease to obtain and it’s effectiveness.
There is no evidence of this assertion. You can suspect it's because it's "ease to obtain," combined with it's "effectiveness," but that is purely speculative on your part. I personally think it's a coolness factor at play with these lunatics.

Shotguns and handguns are both far cheaper and easier to obtain. And as we've seen, a ban on assault weapons does not stop school shootings from occurring.

Effectiveness? Let's break that down.

What makes the AR more effective than a handgun? It fires at the same rate. It's bullets are generally a similar size/caliber and cause the same amount of damage. A handgun is far easier to manipulate and aim as it's smaller, lighter, and more portable. A handgun is far easier to get closer to a target because it is concealable.

The AR's advantage is it has an edge in aiming due to it's stock and barrel/sights. But this is primarily an edge in intermediate and long range scenarios, not necessarily in close-quarter combat.

Is it magazine size? I don't know if I've seen a handgun with a 30 round magazine, but 17 is very common.

At the end of the day, we are talking about 13 extra rounds in a magazine and a long sighted barrel. Is this the difference in these mass shootings? I'm not buying it. Mass shootings aren't gonna happen if AR magazines are limited to 17 rounds? Doubtful.

And you can't ban barrels. They are on every hunting rifle in existence.

I am unconvinced that the reason the AR is the weapon of choice for these shootings is their excessive deadliness. Instead, they are part of the fantasy that mentally ill, delusional individuals have of being part of a paramilitary organization and so they obtain weapons that MOCK and MIMIC military weapons but instead share the characteristics of your basic handgun and hunting rifle and are not superior in function to either of those things.

Ban them and while the innocent are punished, the criminally insane will still use handguns and shotguns to carry out their murder fantasies, as those two sickos did at Columbine.

Ending the rash of school shooting terror is going to require solutions that (a) actually will prevent school shootings, and (b) do not punish law abiders with constitutional rights.
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DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Oh sorry, it’s our “right”. It also used to be my right to own a slave, but at some point we got smart enough to rethink that one.
Feel free to try to pass a Constitutional amendment then, like we did with slavery.

also, Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is supposed to be a pretty big aspect of the DOI. I can think of 19 victims and their families who aren’t experiencing those right now. Why are we defending some rights and not the others?
Life Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness is a slogan. A catchphrase. The Declaration of Independence is not law.

Can you point to an actual law, ie, the Constitution, so we can have a real discussion? I mean, I can think we should all have mansions and drive sports cars because Aladdin was a movie about granting wishes, but that doesn't mean it's a real thing.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
We will not agree to banning anything because anytime we give an inch the left takes a mile. Next it will be semi-auto handguns then all handguns. No more giving any ground
Well and that's sort of the problem. So next time a kid takes a few hand guns and only kills 12 kids. We will all have the same freakout and then restrictions will just go further. People will start clamoring that a person should only be allowed to own one gun. Yadda yadda yadda.

I will say still though, I don't agree with some dumbass kid turning18 and being able to walk into a store and walk out with a stockpile of firearms. Think of how immature most of us were at the age of 18. That's just how society is today. Kids aren't mature at the age of 18 and I really do think people were different 30 years ago, 40 years ago or 50 years ago. Not sure this would have had any impact as guns in these situations come from all over the place. Most school shootings aren't a student who went into a gun shop and bought firearms legally at the age of 18. But in this instance I wish no one would have sold a fire arm to this mentally deranged individual.
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Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
I agree with the sentiment that we need to quit trying to spread our brand of "democracy" across the world.

Here's a breakdown showing the number of private and public K-12 schools in the US.


We send $ all over the world, but strictly talking about Ukraine....we have sent them $54Billion.

$54Billion / 130,930 = $412,434.13

I'm not saying that instead of sending the money to help Ukraine, we could have spent the funds to keep this incident from happening.

If we really want to create a solution, the cost should NOT be prohibitive.

Come up with a mother fucking solution!


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
Also, FB will block a mother fucker in a minute.

Apparently this guy announced on FB that he had shot his grandmother before heading to the school.

Why aren't their mechanisms used in this case?


please don't "dur" me
Apr 9, 2013
Murder is already illegal and the perp killed himself before he could be punished, so....


Honored Member - RIP
Aug 26, 2013
How poor was he? Looks like he had himself a thousand dollar phone to take sad looking selfies with.
Also the AR he bought was a Daniel Defense which isn't cheap


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
Nobody has advocated taking all the guns. Handguns and hunting rifles will always be available. But at least those are easier to fight against and require reloading times to allow potential vicitms to act. It’s assault weapons that shouldn’t be available. Nobody has a need for one unless they are planning something horrific.

Opinion invalid.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Also, FB will block a mother fucker in a minute.

Apparently this guy announced on FB that he had shot his grandmother before heading to the school.

Why aren't their mechanisms used in this case?
You post something about Covid being a hoax and you're banned almost instantly.

You post about having committed a murder and eh, we will get to it. Kind of ironic.


Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
But I think a better question is how these people are accessing school grounds. Perhaps schools need to have entrances and exits that are controlled by gatekeepers. This would be a societal shift as to how students enter and exit school, but that's probably a way easier transition than trying to force through policy that is literally enshrined in a Constitutional amendment.
This is how my kids high school was set up and frankly a lot of office buildings and government offices are set up in a similar fashion where gatekeepers control access.

Seeing that it's a fairly common practice already in our society, you'd think this would be one of the few things that both sides could agree on.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
This is how my kids high school was set up and frankly a lot of office buildings and government offices are set up in a similar fashion where gatekeeper control access.

Seeing that it's a fairly common practice already in our society, you'd think this would be one of the few things that both sides could agree on.
Yeah honestly I thought this was just how most schools were set up now days. Our government wastes so much money. Hell all the Covid relief money sent to school and communities was insane. Giving schools funding to upgade to this sort of thing seems like a simple solution that would help tremendously.

Meanwhile our local courthouse took a large chunk of their "covid funding" and spent almost a million dollars to put fucking telecomunication in the court rooms. Now I'm no genius but there is no fucking way that 4 court rooms should cost that much to wire fucking TV's and Cameras. But it's amazing how much people get away with charging government entities to do shit.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
I own firearms and are well aware of the differences.
This is clearly untrue since you continue to use the term assault weapon in this discussion.

Do you know the definition of an assault weapon? I assume you do, or at least should, since were not once in the military?


May 10, 2022
This is clearly untrue since you continue to use the term assault weapon in this discussion.

Do you know the definition of an assault weapon? I assume you do, or at least should, since were not once in the military?
I’ve seen the definition vary over the years, but anything outside of a handgun, shotgun or hunting rifle would be one to me. Especially something that carries a 30 round magazine clip.

I never claimed to be military.
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