The Conspiracy Theory Thread


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I do buy that the league has an agenda and tries to push that agenda. I think, for example, that when Jerry Jones sued the league in the 1990s, it was curtains for the Cowboys in terms of ever getting honest treatment again from the league or the officials. That's why we always lead the league in penalties no matter who the coach has been. That's why we are the most suspended team. That's why we lose every appeal. It's why year after year we draw the fewest holding penalties, which are subjective, and get called for the most.

Especially because the league is run out of NY, which is also close to Philadelphia for commuting employees of the league on a train, and hey, lookie there, our two rivals play in those cities. In a subjective matter, the people who run these departments, even absent direct instruction to fuck Dallas, they know where their bread is buttered and they know the preferences of their employer and they seek to please that employer. If you don't think refs have a conscious choice in affecting the outcome of games, just look at the NBA with that ref who was fixing games. It can happen and you'd have to be a naive idiot to think it doesn't happen in the NFL.

But SCRIPTED? It would be essentially impossible to script events that require unique displays of athletics.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
But SCRIPTED? It would be essentially impossible to script events that require unique displays of athletics.
Are you telling me professionals wrestlers don't display unique athletics!!!! It's real to me dammit!!!

In all seriousness I think you could script an NFL game. The bigger problem is keeping everyone of the players from blowing the lid off of it. It's impossible to control that many people without having some pissed off players run their mouth. Especially in the days of twitter and such. But I do think that the NFL has ways to influence the out comes of games like you mentioned.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
In all seriousness I think you could script an NFL game.
I don't think it would be that easy. How do you script a tipped pass for INT? Or how a defender just barely gets a finger tip on a pass? And many other close, bang bang type plays.

I guess a game could be influenced with how the refs call it. Tight for one team, pretty loose for the other. But I don't think you could have players involved. Too many things like I mentioned above. And like you said, keeping them all quiet and going along with the plan.

Also, how pissed would players be that were always on the scripted losing end?

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
Better chance we didn't land on the moon than that NFL games are scripted.

Could there be, and are there, the occasional crooked player or zebra? I'm sure. But no way is the whole thing planned out in advance.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I don't think it would be that easy. How do you script a tipped pass for INT? Or how a defender just barely gets a finger tip on a pass? And many other close, bang bang type plays.

I guess a game could be influenced with how the refs call it. Tight for one team, pretty loose for the other. But I don't think you could have players involved. Too many things like I mentioned above. And like you said, keeping them all quiet and going along with the plan.

Also, how pissed would players be that were always on the scripted losing end?
It's dumb. It isn't scripted, but I can see bias in how refs call the games.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
don't think it would be that easy. How do you script a tipped pass for INT?
I mean you couldn't script it with perfect detail. But on a drive by drive basis you could. Hypothetically.

But yeah, it's not scripted. Too many people would have to be in on it. Besides it's much easier to control games through the refs with no player involvement needed. Refs absolutely can decide games.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
I think for the first time in my life I don't think Oswald acted alone.
Same here. I went through my phase like probably most of us where I read books and watched docs on it, and certain parts definitely seemed fishy, but I was never totally convinced. Besides, some people who seemed respectable enough who studied it much more than I have

But between what RFK Jr has said lately and what some FBI people have told Tucker Carlson recently, I've changed my mind.

What was it that made you change your mind?

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
Same here. I went through my phase like probably most of us where I read books and watched docs on it, and certain parts definitely seemed fishy, but I was never totally convinced. Besides, some people who seemed respectable enough who studied it much more than I have

But between what RFK Jr has said lately and what some FBI people have told Tucker Carlson recently, I've changed my mind.

What was it that made you change your mind?
A lot of what you're saying, plus just noticing how the CIA, FBI and the rest of the deep state have been operating now, and just realizing that this didn't just start in recent years, it's likely they've been shady for decades and it's just more obvious now.

Previously I always thought there just wasn't enough evidence but I don't think that's even needed anymore.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
Just to keep this going, what do you guys think about the Kennedy Assassination?

My suspicions were always more along the lines that the Russians or especially the Cubans were involved... more the Cubans, because I think the Russians would be too afraid of being nuked to kill a sitting president. I thought maybe the Warren Report couldn't reveal those facts because if the public knew, they would demand retaliation which could lead to us all getting blown up.

But RFK Jr has a very specific belief that it was the Miami office of the CIA, which was one of the most well-funded and powerful offices (due to Cuba) and was furious when JFK told them to stand down with some of their plans regarding Cuba, and resented him all the way back to the Bay of Pigs.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
I don’t know what a bullet laying in the area of the of the seat means. if true what can be gleaned from it and how does it change or support the idea of another shooter? Whether it is a spent shell or just a slug unless it is a different caliber it still means nothing If left to just being something that was a statement made by someone. Surely it was checked against the weapons that were detailed to the Presidents guards.

Whether people around the car heard shots before other shots originating from the library may mean something but it also raises the primary question of were these shots only heard from members in and around the car. If so then the other shooter would have had to be a member of the parties in the vehicle or around the cars and that would raise the issue that maybe an insider fired shots to distract everyone while giving time for the sniper in the library had time to shoot and move away from the place of the actual library shoots. Or it was from the weapon of the security guards.

i am not aware that any of the evidence of the the actual investigation was released to anyone other the committee. Further I am not aware that anything was changed from the Committee report.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
i am not aware that any of the evidence of the the actual investigation was released to anyone other the committee
All the evidence wasn't released to the committee either. I assure you.
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