Stephen respects the benchings


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I don't believe that.

I know I've been like a broken record with this theme as of late, but I just don't buy all of the theories behind the Cowboys these days. I don't believe the theory that they lose to bad teams but get up and beat the good teams.

I don't believe that they overlook opponents just because they are coming off a victory. Don't get me wrong, I think these were things that were true about this team before, but not anymore.

I believe that what you see from these Cowboys nowadays is a product of one simple explanation - they are a bad team. That's it......they're simply a bad team and that's why you still see the negative trends they've been known for but none of the positives.

They didn't lose to San Diego because they overlooked them, they lost to the Chargers because they're a bad team and will continue to be one for the foreseeable future.

We're just not as talented as we think we are. That simple.


This seemed like a good idea at the time.
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013

We're just not as talented as we think we are. That simple.
But they believe they are because everywhere they turn in Dallas, Jones is spewing out how good they are, and they just need a few breaks to get to the SB.

I believe without a doubt this team has followed along with what has been a huge underachieving franchise since Jimmy left, save for a couple years with Switzer and Parcells.

Jones doesn't care about winning- he only cares about winning ENOUGH games to keep an already retarded fanbase interested. He is making millions...why change what is keeping money in his pocket?

Say what you want about the dipshits in Washington...they had the balls to quit drinking the kool-aide and stopped showing up for the games.
Snyder was bleeding out...he had no choice but to get out of the way.

The fucktard Dallas fans? They lap up every false promise thrown out by Jones and buy overpriced tickets and merchandise year after year after year.
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Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
But they believe they are because everywhere they turn in Dallas, Jones is spewing out how good they are, and they just need a few breaks to get to the SB.

I believe without a doubt this team has followed along with what has been a huge underachieving franchise since Jimmy left, save for a couple years with Switzer and Parcells.

Jones doesn't care about winning- he only cares about winning ENOUGH games to keep an already retarded fanbase interested. He is making millions...why change what is keeping money in his pocket?

Say what you want about the dipshits in Washington...they had the balls to quit drinking the kool-aide and stopped showing up for the games.
Snyder was bleeding out...he had no choice but to get out of the way.

The fucktard Dallas fans? They lap up every false promise thrown out by Jones and buy overpriced tickets and merchandise year after year after year.
So true.

If the fans base would have taken a stand we could have nipped this in the bud years ago.

All it would have taken was for the Dallas fans to boycott a few games, particularly primetime games, and Jerry would have possibly stepped aside. Jerry's no fool. He's not in the business of losing money.

When he sees that his management style is hurting his bottom line, then and only then will he step aside. But as you mentioned, the fans are still packing the stadium and buying up merchandise like never before, so the message that we're sending is that we approve of his actions.

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
So true.

If the fans base would have taken a stand we could have nipped this in the bud years ago.

All it would have taken was for the Dallas fans to boycott a few games, particularly primetime games, and Jerry would have possibly stepped aside. Jerry's no fool. He's not in the business of losing money.

When he sees that his management style is hurting his bottom line, then and only then will he step aside. But as you mentioned, the fans are still packing the stadium and buying up merchandise like never before, so the message that we're sending is that we approve of his actions.
While I agree with all of this, I think it's harder to see what happened in Washington during Zorn's last season happen here due to the crazy amount of fans who visit from out of state.

You've been to a game, right? So you already know how many people have their signs either while tailgating or in the stadium stating which state they came from to visit. Go to the site and look at the pics on'll see a bunch of fans from different states.

Those fans are the ones who really do not give a shit what type of team we field or how Jerry runs the show. They just want to watch their Cowboys in person.

The point is, even if the local fans stopped going, the stadium would still draw a decent sized crowd because of how large the fanbase is. Still, if they suck bad enough, nobody will go. But as Unc said, we win just enough to keep a large portion of the fanbase interested.
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