Hill: Do the Cowboys have a prayer of a chance this season?


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Do the Cowboys have a prayer of a chance this season?
Posted Saturday, Jul. 19, 2014


It’s the Sunday before the start of Dallas Cowboys training camp, and I suggest that Cowboys fans everywhere join hands. Head down to the altar at the football cathedral otherwise known as AT&T Stadium.

And pray to the football gods.

Pray real hard now for a season of prosperity and a breakthrough from the dark days of .500 football.

Pray for faith in things unseen and unsigned.

Pray that the teachings of Dallas’ great Yoda — defensive coordinator Rod Marinelli — are greater than the talent he has to work with.

Pray that coach Jason Garrett finally has the right kind of guys, who not only play with passion, emotion and enthusiasm but who make the right plays when it matters the most in what could very well be his final season as coach.

Pray that the legendary career of tight end Jason Witten doesn’t go unfulfilled.

Pray that quarterback Tony Romo’s clutch gene shines through and finally overcomes the mediocrity surrounding him.

Ask for forgiveness for the years of arrogance and feelings of superiority brought on by the five Super Bowl titles, including three in the 1990s. It was a time of success and prosperity that you took for granted, made you feel entitled and spoiled.

You have now learned your lesson, thanks to many seasons of pain and sorrow.

A whole generation of Cowboys fans has grown up knowing nothing but mediocrity. They are stuck with images of drugged-out quarterback Quincy Carter, Dave Campo in a wetsuit, Terrell Owens dancing on the star and then wearing the star, Romo dropping the snap in Seattle, Owens weeping for his quarterback, Roy Williams fumbling a victory away against the Saints, Garrett’s late-game mismanagement and the famed Doomsday Defense becoming a turnstile for yards and touchdowns.

Don’t make me go on about 136 wins and 136 losses and just one playoff win since the start of the 1997 season.

It was enough to make legendary coach Bill Parcells quit and bring on Camp Cupcake before giving way to Coach Process. Mediocrity and disappointment were the constants.

How hath thou forsaken thee, the Cowboys fan?

Yet year after year, they return by the multitudes, hoping for a revival. Hoping that what has been an ordinary franchise becomes extraordinary again.

They remain believers because of the stories told by their fathers and forefathers, who have seen miracles performed in the name of the franchise before.

In the beginning, there was Tom Landry.

Then there was the Hail Mary in Minnesota that remains the water-into-wine moment that Cowboys fans cling to in desperate times.

And then there were the Triplets, who carried the Cowboys to their greatest success — three Super Bowl titles in four seasons.

Forgive owner Jerry Jones for diminishing a team of abundance and prosperity with the disrespecting moniker of “glory hole days.” For he knew not what he what was saying.

Pray hard, Cowboys fans.

Pray that Jones has learned his lesson.

Pray that your fandom is finally worthy of success again.

That’s certainly what ownership and the coaches are doing.

There has been nothing dramatic done in the off-season via free agency or the draft to expect a Super Bowl run or miraculous turnaround.

Not with DeMarcus Ware banished and Sean Lee’s season already served up as a sacrifice.

The Cowboys base their optimism on hope and faith.

At this point, pray that prayers are answered.



DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
A prayer to do what?

Win the Super Bowl?


Win this shit division?

Why not?


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
The national media thought very little of the Seattle Seahawks in 2012, and they whipped the Cowboys beat the Packers and went to the playoffs. If it weren't for some late game mishaps in Atlanta the Hawks would have probably beaten the 49ers and gone to the Superbowl.

They had a strong secondary, high draft picks at LT and C, a bunch of no names up front defensively, and a high draft pick DE who topped the scales at 250 pounds.


Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I'll consider it a moral victory they actually stay healthy for a change.


Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
The national media thought very little of the Seattle Seahawks in 2012, and they whipped the Cowboys beat the Packers and went to the playoffs. If it weren't for some late game mishaps in Atlanta the Hawks would have probably beaten the 49ers and gone to the Superbowl.

They had a strong secondary, high draft picks at LT and C, a bunch of no names up front defensively, and a high draft pick DE who topped the scales at 250 pounds.
Two things, though.

1. They were also in an environment where football comes first is easily the top priority. Can't say that about Dallas.

2. They actually have a HC who knows what the hell he's doing. One who actually earned his job and wasn't handed it in a case of extended nepotism.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Two things, though.

1. They were also in an environment where football comes first is easily the top priority. Can't say that about Dallas.

2. They actually have a HC who knows what the hell he's doing. One who actually earned his job and wasn't handed it in a case of extended nepotism.
Yes and Yes.

I liken the DL this year though to the offense under Garrett in the 2nd half of 2010. They ran the football because they were forced to without Romo, and suddenly they went 5-3 and they were actually thinking playoffs until Roy Williams fumbled.

Without Ware and Hatcher, these coaches will be forced to create a rotation of 9 defensive linemen who have to fight for their jobs and each other. They have no choice. Outside of Lawrence, there's no Jerry-boy to coddle or star to feature. I truly think the DL will be fine, possibly much stronger than fine. Football is a team sport first.

What will sink this defense is the worst LB corps I've seen in years and years. Barring some miracle, these guys are going to be very, very bad.


This seemed like a good idea at the time.
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
The only thing I pray for concerning the Cowboys is Jerry picks the wrong Glory-Hole and is bludgeoned to death by a queer in a interstate rest area.


Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
Two things, though.

1. They were also in an environment where football comes first is easily the top priority. Can't say that about Dallas.

2. They actually have a HC who knows what the hell he's doing. One who actually earned his job and wasn't handed it in a case of extended nepotism.
Seattle also cuts down on mistakes and controls games with their RB.


Brand New Member
Apr 7, 2013
Anything can happen, but it's really hard to believe that this particular team is on the cusp of emerging into a force like Seattle. Talent, coaching, and front office issues aside, they have still yet to show they possess the kind of mental fortitude it takes to be winners. Until I see at least a spark of that running through more than a handful players I expect more mediocrity at best and flat out collapse on the low end of white might transpire this season.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
If you put these players in a conducive atmosphere for winning like Seattle or San Francisco I think it could contend for a title. We have one of the best OL's in the league, a top 5 WR, a top 5-7 TE, a top 10 RB and Romo is more than good enough to produce with that kind of supporting cast.

The defense is obviously average at best talent wise but I've seen teams make runs with one side of the ball being average or just straight up bad.

The real problem is that every single one of our warts is exacerbated by the fact that we have a novice idiot at HC and a band of buffoons in the front office.


Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
The real problem is that every single one of our warts is exacerbated by the fact that we have a novice idiot at HC and a band of buffoons in the front office.
This is probably my primary gripe with Garrett. He doesn't possess the ability to coach around his team's flaws.

Virtually every team has warts but good coaches know how to mask those warts. Unfortunately for us, Garrett is a wart himself and he often compounds the problems.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
This is probably my primary gripe with Garrett. He doesn't possess the ability to coach around his team's flaws.

Virtually every team has warts but good coaches know how to mask those warts. Unfortunately for us, Garrett is a wart himself and he often compounds the problems.
I couldn't tell you one positive thing Garrett has brought to this team that any of a dozen other coaches couldn't have brought. There are many negatives, though, and most caused by a novice learning on the job.

Garrett is smart enough to be dangerous. Based on his intelligence, not experience, he refuses to change what he's doing, and the team pays for that stubbornness.

Most of it comes from being thrust into the role prematurely. I mean who corners Jimmy Johnson on a fishing trip only to grill him on how to be a coach? Like a weekend of 20 questions is going to make any kind of difference.


Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2013
Garrett might have been a good coach if he had spent another 5 years working for Saban down in Tuscaloosa, but like a lot of things poisoned by this franchise, we'll never know if they would have worked had they been done the right way.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
If you put these players in a conducive atmosphere for winning like Seattle or San Francisco I think it could contend for a title. We have one of the best OL's in the league, a top 5 WR, a top 5-7 TE, a top 10 RB and Romo is more than good enough to produce with that kind of supporting cast.
A conducive winning atmosphere means a real head coach allowed to make that happen. We have neither.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Garrett might have been a good coach if he had spent another 5 years working for Saban down in Tuscaloosa, but like a lot of things poisoned by this franchise, we'll never know if they would have worked had they been done the right way.
Feh. I think the guy is a robot who is really a better politician than coach. I don't think the players respect him.


Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2013
Feh. I think the guy is a robot who is really a better politician than coach. I don't think the players respect him.
I don't think anyone respects a guy who gets promoted ahead of everyone else by kissing ass and having connections at the top of the food chain. That said, with his robotic, weird personality and lack of charisma I doubt he would have connected with players no matter how long he coached. I also doubt that he would have ever been even an average play caller with his stubbornness and lack of creativity.
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