Marinelli to Bucs with Lovie Smith


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
I live in DC bitch, don't say shit.
I'd think philly and it's fans would be worse to live around. You can ignore drooling retards. Violent retards are a whole other thing.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
I'd think philly and it's fans would be worse to live around. You can ignore drooling retards. Violent retards are a whole other thing.

Philly fans are actually drooling AND violent retards.

Believe it or not they have a dumber fanbase than even ours.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
Do I really have to post one of the DTC videos?

DC is on par with Philly, to some extent. The main difference is that Philly is a blue collar city full of people who have been living there for 3 generations, people who hate life, are probably generally less intelligent and derive the majority of their happiness by living through sports, which in turn makes them illogically violent when things inevitably don't go their way.

DC is a transient city full of a bunch of fufu little bitches, the majority of which are just bandwagoners. The surrounding areas have more hardcore fans who have grown up here, similarly to Philly I'm sure, but there is alot less embedded hatred because so many of the people here aren't actually from here.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Basically Simp is the toughest guy in any room he walks in to.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
I have no idea if other cities are like this, but the core Eagles fan base is completely different than the Phillies and Sixers fanbases.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
Do I really have to post one of the DTC videos?

DC is on par with Philly, to some extent. The main difference is that Philly is a blue collar city full of people who have been living there for 3 generations, people who hate life, are probably generally less intelligent and derive the majority of their happiness by living through sports, which in turn makes them illogically violent when things inevitably don't go their way.

DC is a transient city full of a bunch of fufu little bitches, the majority of which are just bandwagoners. The surrounding areas have more hardcore fans who have grown up here, similarly to Philly I'm sure, but there is alot less embedded hatred because so many of the people here aren't actually from here.
That sounds basically right. Not sure where our opinions diverge.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
That sounds basically right. Not sure where our opinions diverge.
They don't, I'm just saying DC is up there in the shitty places for Cowboy fans to live category, it was mostly just because you said you didn't want to hear from anybody living anywhere else.


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
I would like to watch more DTC vids. Please provide a link.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
You think it's hard living in DC and Philly? Try living in Luboock! There are like a good 25 Saints fans and I would bet at LEAST 15 Redskin fans that live here!

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
To be blunt, with Garrett coming back next year is a lost cause anyway so I'm not sure any of this matters.

Exactly, which is why any coaching move or player acquisition ultimately won't mean shit.

We're fucked.

Seriously. :lol I couldn't give half a fuck if we lose to Houston other than its a loss like any other.

I live in Philly. I laugh at anyone thinking they have it tough being a Cowboys fan in any other city. They live in Purgatory and call it hell. They don't know real hell.

I fart in your general direction, Ace.

You just don't know, pal.

Philly at least is a division rival so it makes sense to a degree that the Eagles fanbase despises the Cowboys. But Houston? They're not even in the same damn conference and yet you have tons of fans here who devote time, money, and other resources to hating the Cowboys.

The local paper did a feature on a guy who spent over 30,000 on a trailer that he hitches to his truck when he tailgates at Texans games that is completely designed with Cowboys hatred both inside and out. Do you know of anyone in Philly that has done the same?

Also, they did a feature to show best man caves in the Houston area, and do you know how many of those were more devoted to Cowboys hatred than Texans devotion? A shit load.

I would argue that no other city, except maybe Philly, has a fanbase that is as obsessed over the Cowboys and hates them as much as this fanbase.

This one is probably worst because they have no real reason to hate the team, unlike Philly which actually does have a rivalry with the Cowboys.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I find it hard to believe that you could live in Texas and be truly harassed and bothered as a fan of the Cowboys on the same level as in Philly.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I find it hard to believe that you could live in Texas and be truly harassed and bothered as a fan of the Cowboys on the same level as in Philly.
I can't speak for Ace, but I was obviously joking. You can't drive 2 blocks in Lubbock without seeing something Cowboys related.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
I find it hard to believe people give a shit. Ignore them. Trolls tend to get bored if they don't get a rise out of you.

And I thought you guys didn't wear Cowboys gear? How do random strangers know you're a fan of a team not in that city?
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