2023 Season | Week 14 | Gameday Chatter Thread | Eagles @ Cowboys | 12/10/2023


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I don't know why he'd stir the hornets nest though.

Say you thought you should have played better that's fine.

But why say we should have put up 50? All that does is motivate the Eagles defense.
Yeah the last part about putting up 50 may have been a little too far. We are going to face the Eagles again potentially this year. You don't want that plastered up everywhere by their defense.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
Even if we don't get end up winning the division we basically sealed the Eagles fate last night in terms of their Super Bowl chances. I think it's very unlikely the 49ers lose any of their last 4, they play 3 cupcakes and the Ravens at home, which I guess could be a loss, but probably not.

And I think there's absolutely a 0.0% chance the Eagles could win on the road against SF because of how wobbly their pass defense is. We stand the best chance since we're basically the best and most complete team in the conference aside from SF, but I can't see the Eagles winning there unless SF completely imploded.

So even if things don't fall our way in the playoffs I can rest assured knowing that we fucked the Eagles out of probably their only chance at going to another SB over the next few years, because once guys like Kelce and Cox retire (as soon as after this season), and once the Hurts extension really starts to kick in, they're going to fall out of the ranks of the elite.


Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I still can't believe Cowboys fans actually had him on the hot seat coming into this season.
To me it felt more like the national media and their irrational crush on Sean Payton. They were the ones mostly pushing that narrative.

Real Cowboys fans recognized that we hadn't experienced this type of stability and sustained success in close to two decades. The Phillips and Garrett eras were mostly a rollercoaster ride. Up and down year after year.


DCC 4Life
Apr 10, 2013
I'm not sure I have ever seen a kickers kicks look so perfect from 59 or 60 yards. They weren't even close. It's insane. In the past that big leg has come with inconsistency. Instead Aubrey is nailing everything, including the insane long kicks.
both the long field goals had more distance on them.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014

“It all starts with my confidence,” Prescott said from Texas 70 minutes after the game. “Where does the confidence come from? I credit for one the footwork of Mike McCarthy, the way that he’s been consistent in the footwork. I hit that back foot, and I’ve got the confidence to let it go because of the work we’ve put in in QB school going back to the offseason.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I'm not sure I have ever seen a kickers kicks look so perfect from 59 or 60 yards. They weren't even close. It's insane. In the past that big leg has come with inconsistency. Instead Aubrey is nailing everything, including the insane long kicks.
I almost wanted them to get a 7 yard penalty so he could get the record.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
I'm not sure I have ever seen a kickers kicks look so perfect from 59 or 60 yards. They weren't even close. It's insane. In the past that big leg has come with inconsistency. Instead Aubrey is nailing everything, including the insane long kicks.
We've seen it all year now, but it still gets me how smooth he swings at it and it still goes the way it does, like he's just smoothing an extra point.

He's like a good golfer who swings easy and hits hard, while most of us swing hard and hit easy. :(

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013

“It all starts with my confidence,” Prescott said from Texas 70 minutes after the game. “Where does the confidence come from? I credit for one the footwork of Mike McCarthy, the way that he’s been consistent in the footwork. I hit that back foot, and I’ve got the confidence to let it go because of the work we’ve put in in QB school going back to the offseason.

God I really wish they had put this in back in 2020.

The more time goes on and things get revealed the more I think McCarthy didn't have much control over Moore as mandated by the front office because I can't imagine McCarthy looked at all this prior to this year and thought it was ok.

I also wish we had fired Garrett in 2010 but that's a different discussion.


Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I'm not sure I have ever seen a kickers kicks look so perfect from 59 or 60 yards. They weren't even close. It's insane. In the past that big leg has come with inconsistency. Instead Aubrey is nailing everything, including the insane long kicks.
Remember during the early portions of training camp he struggled and it looked like the Cowboys were going to have to go out and find a veteran K.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
The more time goes on and things get revealed the more I think McCarthy didn't have much control over Moore as mandated by the front office because I can't imagine McCarthy looked at all this prior to this year and thought it was ok.
It's clear Jerry mandated that MM was to be hands off with the offense and just manage the team.

So damn stupid. All because Jerry wanted Dak to be comfortable with his BFF Kellen.

I don't know how Mike maintained his sanity through that. I guess he figured he'd just wait it out and eventually he'd gain enough of Jerry's trust to get his way.

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
I don't know how Mike maintained his sanity through that. I guess he figured he'd just wait it out and eventually he'd gain enough of Jerry's trust to get his way.
Yeah, I said earlier this year that this is what I thought happened -- I think he knew he had to earn Jerry's trust and once he felt he had, he felt more confident in being able to come to him about replacing KM because he knew he had tangible stuff that he could take to Jerry that he could use to make his case that he was hindering both the QB and the offense as a whole.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
Maybe not popular, but you have to give Stephen some credit, too. I still think he's the one who hit it off with Mike and convinced deddy to make the move. Remember how Garrett wasn't leaving the compound because it looked like Jerry was trying to talk himself into keeping him. :doh
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