The Kids Thread…


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
Who here has kids?

I’m fucking losing my shit right now. I have an 11yo girl and a 7yo girl.

The 7yo is a supreme asshole about 30% of the time. My wife is in Minnesota until Monday and I’m probably going to end up on front page news.

My 11yo has been Super chill and super easy all the way from birth. My 7yo just isn’t growing out of her crybaby stage and it’s getting ridiculous. At the drop of a hat she’s just an emotional wreck. Her mother usually deals with it, but what we’re doing isn’t really fixing anything.

For example. I want to get them out of the house today to do something. I ask them to pick a restaurant and an activity. The 11yo is super chill about it. They come back and suggest McDonalds because there’s a place place inside.

I told them that shit ain’t happening for obvious reasons. I don’t want them slushing around in a sea of germs. The 7yo has a meltdown, partly my fault for not realizing their minds would go to McDonalds. I suggest a BBQ joint and this arcade/bowling alley thing. Bigger meltdown.

Then I just say fuck it, I’ll make dinner and you guys can pick up dog shit or whatever.

It’s like the only way to get through to the 7yo is to get her into her meltdown and explain that she isn’t getting her way and is losing all options at the same time.

It sucks because if I throw my hands up and say fuck it, we aren’t going anywhere, the 11yo suffers the consequences of the 7yo’s actions.

I’d almost be inclined to think the 7yo has some kind of developmental issue, but she’s off the charts intelligent and super advanced in all subjects in school to the point we’ve been asked about possibly moving her up a grade.

I can see why parents are quick to put their children on meds when they aren’t perfect angels.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Who here has kids?
I am hurt that you have not paid attention to the comments of others to figure that out.

But okay.

I’m fucking losing my shit right now. I have an 11yo girl and a 7yo girl.
You did appear to time things out correctly. We had two, six years apart.

The 7yo is a supreme asshole about 30% of the time. My wife is in Minnesota until Monday and I’m probably going to end up on front page news

My 11yo has been Super chill and super easy all the way from birth. My 7yo just isn’t growing out of her crybaby stage and it’s getting ridiculous. At the drop of a hat she’s just an emotional wreck. Her mother usually deals with it, but what we’re doing isn’t really fixing anything.

For example. I want to get them out of the house today to do something. I ask them to pick a restaurant and an activity. The 11yo is super chill about it. They come back and suggest McDonalds because there’s a place place inside.
You were doing so well.

I told them that shit ain’t happening for obvious reasons. I don’t want them slushing around in a sea of germs. The 7yo has a meltdown, partly my fault for not realizing their minds would go to McDonalds.
The germs are your problem, not theirs. This was their suggestion, which you asked for and you then squashed it.

I suggest a BBQ joint and this arcade/bowling alley thing. Bigger meltdown.
This is your biggest mistake.

Didn't your mama tell you not to throw water onto a grease fire?

You did not understand that the 7 year old has already established dominance.
We did, you didn't.

Then I just say fuck it, I’ll make dinner and you guys can pick up dog shit or whatever.

It’s like the only way to get through to the 7yo is to get her into her meltdown and explain that she isn’t getting her way and is losing all options at the same time.

It sucks because if I throw my hands up and say fuck it, we aren’t going anywhere, the 11yo suffers the consequences of the 7yo’s actions.

I’d almost be inclined to think the 7yo has some kind of developmental issue, but she’s off the charts intelligent and super advanced in all subjects in school to the point we’ve been asked about possibly moving her up a grade.

I can see why parents are quick to put their children on meds when they aren’t perfect angels.
I think you have the developmental issue.

Just speaking from experience. But the cool thing is I had two very chill kids.


Semi-contributing member
Apr 7, 2013
Damn Booze.

Sheik mine are all older now 27, 23, 21. G/B/B.

The girl was usually easy to deal with other than being a habitual liar that got out of control in her teens, then she ran off and married a complete loser con man that I can’t handle and is a SJW moron that I barely pay attention to. My boys are good for the most part easy going. The middle child lives with his girlfriend and will get married eventually. The youngest is gay and still trying to figure out how to be an adult. Before they became adults I thought we had done a good job. Then they all went a little off the rails. I hang my hat on the fact that they all generally want the best for people in general.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
then she ran off and married a complete loser con man that I can’t handle and is a SJW moron that I barely pay attention to.

Not laughing at you, just the description of the son-in-law.

The youngest is gay and still trying to figure out how to be an adult. Before they became adults I thought we had done a good job. Then they all went a little off the rails. I hang my hat on the fact that they all generally want the best for people in general.
Similar situation with me. 24 M and 18 F. My girl I dunno, she might be gay, I have no idea. She is stuck in a very infantile stage she has been stuck in probably since COVID fucked everybody up. She is not all expressive. But I do know, she intensely hates males in general. She might just be neuter. That is just not a big deal for her.

Overall, no I didn't have a cheerleader daughter and a football son.

But I think both of them have decency, treat people with respect and like you, I can hang my hat on that as well.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Umm, I have two kids.


DCC 4Life
Apr 10, 2013
I have one girl who is a high school senior this year. Great kid, well adjusted, kind towards others. We volunteer at a dog shelter every month and have gone through scuba training together. She just made the National Honor Society a couple of weeks ago. I have never once spanked her or even raised my voice to her. I want to be like her when I grow up.



Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I have a 10 year old step daughter, four year old daughter and two year old son. You all have sufficiently scared the crap out of me. They all seem pretty great so far. But obviously they aren't really yet who they will become.

Irving Cowboy

DCC 4Life
Feb 7, 2014
We have 2 boys, 29 and 33.

The oldest was a handful from the age of 7 until he left home when he was 20. Came back for a short time then moved in with his girlfriend and they've been together like 7 years and have a 3-year old little girl now. (Being a grandparent is great, BTW). For someone who's pretty much self-taught himself with the exception of watching me when he was little he's done pretty well for himself in the automotive industry but he wants to move on to something else and I don't blame him.

The young one really learned from watching his brother what NOT to do. He did well all through school, so I signed my GI bill over to him and he got his degree, although his work (defense contractor) now has absolutely nothing to do with his degree in sports medicine. He's been with a girl now for 5 years and they will probably get married next year.

Overall my wife and I are pretty proud of the fact we raised two caring, contributing members of society, although the older one says he's an Eagles fan just to piss me off.


Semi-contributing member
Apr 7, 2013
I have a 10 year old step daughter, four year old daughter and two year old son. You all have sufficiently scared the crap out of me. They all seem pretty great so far. But obviously they aren't really yet who they will become.
Just remember that no matter what you do at some point they will make their own choices.

one of my only concerns is grandchildren. The daughter’s husband allegedly and thankfully can’t reproduce. The gay son says he doesn’t want kids but may be willing to adopt teens at some point So it is down to the middle child. He and his GF will likely have kids at some point but she is a little new age in how she thinks. Damn millennials/gen z.
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