Random Politics Stuff Thread...


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
You can count Trump's lies "of substance," (and by that I mean, not every literal misstatement or incorrect fact he's ever said) as a candidate or President (so, like, "the election was stolen," would be 1 lie).

And I can find ten times as many in a day of research from any ONE major news source during that same time period.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
1) Trump colluded with Russia
2) Trump obstructed justice during the investigation
3) The Obama Administration did not illegally wiretap Candidate Trump in the leadup to the election
4) Hunter Biden's laptop story was Russian disinformation
5) Hunter Biden did not profit from Ukraine
6) Hunter Biden did not profit from China
7) January 6th was an insurrection
8) The cause of deaths from the people who did die on January 6th

Let me think another ten minutes and I'll come up with more.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
9) That Elon Must was running cover for Trump by buying Twitter
10) That Twitter wasn't in bed with the federal government

Irving Cowboy

DCC 4Life
Feb 7, 2014
I agree with 4,5, 9, and 10. The other 6 are you swallowing what Trump and his allies spew out. #3 is up in the air, I suppose it’s a great story if you want to believe that he’s being persecuted like Jesus (which he’s not).

Irving Cowboy

DCC 4Life
Feb 7, 2014
One more question… if your friend tells you he didn’t swipe your $100 from your glove compartment 50 times, (and you find out later that he actually did), do you consider that only one lie? How likely are you to believe him from that point on?


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I agree with 4,5, 9, and 10. The other 6 are you swallowing what Trump and his allies spew out. #3 is up in the air, I suppose it’s a great story if you want to believe that he’s being persecuted like Jesus (which he’s not).
You are ignorant then.

We can split hairs on 7 maybe, but the rest are stone cold facts and if you don't know those facts, then you are, with no other way to say it, ignorant.

There was a fucking Mueller investigation. No collusion. Period. Fact.

Obama did illegally wiretap Carter Page. It's not "up in the air." It's a fact. I mean, if you don't know these facts, that's your fault. Also just more proof that the media is lying to you about these facts.

Besides the point. It took me all of ten seconds to come up with these. So going back to my original point, there are lies upon lies from the media, and there are a hundred different incarnations of every one of these lies from CNN, MSNBC, Vox, every journalism outfit out there.

This is why Trump is "defended."

We all know he lies. But he's not any more of a liar than the rest of them.

You keep questioning why people are embracing him. This is why. This isn't a situation where Trump is lying and the "media" is fact checking and keeping things honest.

It's a situation where Trump is lying about some things, embellishing others, and the media is lying about ten times as many things.

I mean, those were just a quick-list of election related things.

What about the summer of BLM? Nick Sandman? Covid's seriousness? Covid's origins? Joe Rogan and Ivermectin? The vaccine's effectiveness? Kyle Rittenhouse? We could go on and on and on. They lie about EVERYTHING. It's way, way, way, way worse than Trump's lies.

People are siding with Trump because he's the one who is most aggressive and open about calling out the Media's lies. And the media doesn't like it, which is why they nitpick and "fact check," everything he says.

The embrace of Trump is quite simple. The right, and increasingly the center, are fed up with the lies and one-sided bias from the media. The media and the left have had multiple generations in control of print, radio, TV and internet dominance and they have abused their power, and people are done with it. Trump is a creation of the left because their abuse has resulted in a monster. If they were better behaved, no one would have any patience for Trump, but for many you have to fight fire with fire and that's why he's here.

And the frank truth is, he is way less of a threat than a lying, corrupt media and government infrastructure (ie, the FBI is full of corrupt, partisan liars also). He is, essentially, harmless (ie, no, January 6th was not an "insurrection," it was a foolish and misguided and stupid attempt to find a loophole in the law and it was properly handled).

The real threat of harm he poses is exposure of the system's bullshit and that's why they pull out all the stops to silence him.
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DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
One more question… if your friend tells you he didn’t swipe your $100 from your glove compartment 50 times, (and you find out later that he actually did), do you consider that only one lie? How likely are you to believe him from that point on?
This question is kinda besides the point. Repeating a lie over and over is a terrible thing, but if we are lie-tracking there is really no point in sleuthing around the internet to try to find out every time he said it. Finding the lies and acknowledging they've been repeated ad infinitum is sufficient.

Here's the other thing, many of the "lies," that have been fact checked, the fact checking is the lie and the "lie" was the truth. See my previous examples. Trump was accused of "lying" about those things and he wasn't.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
I mean, here are some real facts that the media keeps trying to tell you Trump is lying about, but he's not.

1) There is a deep state. There is a government bureaucracy that is sheltered to the point that it is nearly unanswerable to the Democratic process (see Peter Strzok).

2) This government bureaucracy violates the law all the time.

3) The government bureaucracy is in bed with the media as the Twitter Files definitively prove.

4) He is being prosecuted for things that no one else is prosecuted and will not result in jail time or significant deterrent for him or anything else, other than being a bald attempt to render him ineligible for office or un-electable to the populace.

Years and years I spent of high school and college arguing with morons that the media isn't left leaning. We can argue about the degree of these things, but this is all true.

It's proven. The twitter files prove it. The CNN exposures where their CEO or whatever is caught outlining their strategy to push one candidate is out there for people to listen to. It's proven. The media has an agenda to control the flow of information and thus, control the population.

This is the truth.

Who gives a fuck if Trump is embellishing the extent of election interference (gee, is it a lie, or is it an embellishment, given that yes, Hillary Clinton DID "collude," with a foreign power by paying for dirt on Trump, which is the very thing they then tried to call treason and impeach him for? Pot calling the kettle black much)?

This stuff is existential crisis stuff.

If you don't want to trust Trump, trust Elon Musk.
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One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013

Is this broad serious?
WTF is she talking about? I am in multiple group texts with people that have Android phones. Am I missing something?


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013

Yes, he was a liberal self-proclaimed communist.
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