Last NFL Game You Attended

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
One of the security guards made the mistake of leaving the player/coach room roster in the lobby so the next morning I went around and stole the newspapers of a few coaches (as if that was going to make a fuckin difference in the game, lol). Needless to say, Joe Gibbs did not get his newspaper that morning. It totally flustered him I’m sure. :art
:lol :lol :lol

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
5 best games I attended in TX Stadium:

5. Vs Eagles 9/2008 MNF
4. Vs 49ers 10/93
3. Vs Packers 1994/95 Divisional playoff round
2. Vs Eagles 1992/93 Divisional playoff round
1. Vs Packers 1995/96 NFCC

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
Someone on Twitter posted highlights of Quincy beating the Jets in a day game at NY. Had no recollection of it whatsoever.
2003 for Parcells' 2nd win.

I remember thinking how dumb it was for the NFL to schedule the Cowboys in New York in back to back weeks.

Dookie Stick Hambrick scored and so did Antonio Bryant.

Quinthy also made one of the best throws of his short career that day to Galloway late in the game.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
I believe Saturday we toured Texas Stadium (the turf felt like concrete - horrible)
I remember getting on the turf and being amazed at how prominent that crown was. They'd talk about it on TV and I'd think, ok I'm sure it's not that big of a thing. Then being there and realizing it really probably is a pretty big deal if you're not used to it.

I wish we'd kept a crown at the new stadium.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
2003 for Parcells' 2nd win.

I remember thinking how dumb it was for the NFL to schedule the Cowboys in New York in back to back weeks.

Dookie Stick Hambrick scored and so did Antonio Bryant.

Quinthy also made one of the best throws of his short career that day to Galloway late in the game.
“Dookie stick” still cracks me up to this day. :lol

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
One of the security guards made the mistake of leaving the player/coach room roster in the lobby so on game day I went around and stole the newspapers of a few coaches (as if that was going to make a fuckin difference in the game, lol). Needless to say, Joe Gibbs did not get his newspaper that morning. It totally flustered him I’m sure. :art

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
Man, for a bunch of allegedly fake fans, some of you mofos have some pretty good stories.

I've never talked to a player - didn't want to bother them -- but I've been to training camps in San Antonio and Wichita Falls. Like Ace said, at WF you could get really close to the action and the crowds weren't nearly as huge as they are now. Also sat two tables away from Jerry at this Tex-Mex restaurant there where he let random people try on his SB ring. Saw Emmitt and Robert Thomas and some other player there also, and Troy and Dat at a bar there. Troy is a big. big dude and Dat had to have been on PEDs. Have also been sitting at a couple of bars in Grapevine when Newman and Ware (separately, different occasions) came in to get pickup orders. Ware stood right next to me... could easily have talked to him, and no one else was around, but I'm the type to let these guys have their privacy. Way I was raised I guess.

Texas Ace

Teh Acester
Apr 7, 2013
Like Ace said, at WF you could get really close to the action and the crowds weren't nearly as huge as they are now.
Yeah that's right.

My story is from 2001 and the crowd there wasn't that big. I'm sure you remember the bleachers there and they weren't all that big, and yet even the relatively small space that was provided wasn't even full.

I guess after going 5-11 in 2000, Cowboys fans weren't exactly chomping at the bit to watch them practice in triple digit heat. :lol

And I may be a pessimistic, apathetic bastard of a fan now, but once upon a time, I used to bleed blue and silver.

I loved that team.


Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
My story is from 2001 and the crowd there wasn't that big. I'm sure you remember the bleachers there and they weren't all that big, and yet even the relatively small space that was provided wasn't even full.
Mine must've been 1998 or 99, because Gailey was the coach. Didn't even say all that much -- all he did was stand behind the offense and spit like I've never seen. Had to have been chew and not just dip because he spit like Garrett clapped.

And speaking of, the dropoff from Troy to Garrett had to have been the biggest dropoff in history. You went from laser beam to helium balloons.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Last game I went to was season opener 2010 at FedEx field.

- Dez's NFL and McChunky's Washington debut.

- Tashard Choice stripped after a quick pass with 4 seconds before half on our own 30 to give Washington an easy TD to fucking Deangelo Hall (good call, Garrett). I was most of the way up the stairs to the concession stands when I hear the crowd roar. Couldn't believe Wade/Garrett called anything other than a kneel down. I think Garrett's undermining began right then.

- Miles Austin tears it up, but we couldn't get anything going for long because there was barely any protection.

- Alex Barron with the hold on Brian Orakpo ends the game on 4th down despite Romo's apparent game winning TD to Roy Williams.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
Last game I went to was season opener 2010 at FedEx field.

- Dez's NFL and McChunky's Washington debut.

- Tashard Choice stripped after a quick pass with 4 seconds before half on our own 30 to give Washington an easy TD to fucking Deangelo Hall (good call, Garrett). I was most of the way up the stairs to the concession stands when I hear the crowd roar. Couldn't believe Wade/Garrett called anything other than a kneel down. I think Garrett's undermining began right then.

- Miles Austin tears it up, but we couldn't get anything going for long because there was barely any protection.

- Alex Barron with the hold on Brian Orakpo ends the game on 4th down despite Romo's apparent game winning TD to Roy Williams.

That was a painful friggin game to watch.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Talking about the price of attending NFL games made me wonder how often us regular Joes fork up the money to go to a live NFL game these days.

For me, the last game I attended was the Bucs at Cowboys in September 2012.

I only paid 150 a ticket to sit at about the second section up.

150 might get you end zone seats in the very upper deck now.

Anyone still attending live games?

I have never got the appeal. It is cool if you are in a suite, but sitting around a bunch of fucktards, no thanks.
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