

One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
hope it helped.
It did. Instead of having nightly nightmares, they went down to about once a month by the end of those 3 years. Now, they only happen once every couple of years.


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
I’ve watched every episode of Supernatural.

Dean Winchester rules!

All kidding aside, when I get back to my computer tonight, I’ll tell of a few things I’ve witnessed personally. Not gonna type all that on a phone.

I don’t know if I believe in ghosts exactly, but I do believe... something is out there. I don’t fucking know. Some strange shit happens sometimes.
I had a crazy ass ouija board experience many years ago.

You can definitely summon up some wicked shit, I know for a fact.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
Every person who has told me they’ve seen a ghost, they just aren’t that reliable in other areas of their lives. Like, I would t expect y to I ask them an honest question and get an honest response.

My uncle, who is a tweaker, told me the most believable story I’ve personally heard. This was 20+ years ago before he was a full blown tweaker, he was just a pot head back then, but a shady MFer.

Short version, he was at the home of his great grandparents as a child, who were deceased before he was born, never met them. He claims he came face to face with a figure in a hallway that stared at him. The figure turned around after a moment and floated through a wall.

He claimed he described a frail man wearing overalls and a straw hat. He said he’d never seen a picture of the man, but when the old family album was pulled out, the man was in lots of photos wearing the same attire in every picture.

He also told me he was in the mafia, so I took everything he said as mostly bullshit.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
OK... This happened many years ago, but I still remember it vividly and think about it often. I was about 16 or so.

A friend of our family had given his mother a dozen red roses with a single white rose in the middle for her birthday. He told her that the white rose was him, surrounded by her love. (the red roses) About a week later, he drowned. At his funeral, his mother wanted one of the floral arrangements to be that dozen red roses with the white one. But the floral shop in town (small town) didn't have any white roses. So they chose a yellow rose in it's place.

During the funeral, the yellow rose started fading and people were starting to notice, as it was right beside the casket. Of course, the whispering started. His mother had been crying before and during the funeral, but she stopped, and was sitting there with an almost happy look on her face. By the time the service was over, that rose was snow white.

People claimed a lot of different things must have happened to cause that rose to fade and to fade so quickly. The main one was that there must have been a cold draft from the air conditioning, or something. But none of the red roses either faded or wilted. Norma claims that Tony had spoken to her when the rose started fading, telling her that he was alright and that he loved her. Now, I witnessed this with my own eyes, and I'll be honest. It kinda spooked the hell out of me seeing something like that. Especially after hearing the back story of those flowers. That was pretty much the topic of every conversation after the funeral.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
OK... This happened many years ago, but I still remember it vividly and think about it often. I was about 16 or so.

A friend of our family had given his mother a dozen red roses with a single white rose in the middle for her birthday. He told her that the white rose was him, surrounded by her love. (the red roses) About a week later, he drowned. At his funeral, his mother wanted one of the floral arrangements to be that dozen red roses with the white one. But the floral shop in town (small town) didn't have any white roses. So they chose a yellow rose in it's place.

During the funeral, the yellow rose started fading and people were starting to notice, as it was right beside the casket. Of course, the whispering started. His mother had been crying before and during the funeral, but she stopped, and was sitting there with an almost happy look on her face. By the time the service was over, that rose was snow white.

People claimed a lot of different things must have happened to cause that rose to fade and to fade so quickly. The main one was that there must have been a cold draft from the air conditioning, or something. But none of the red roses either faded or wilted. Norma claims that Tony had spoken to her when the rose started fading, telling her that he was alright and that he loved her. Now, I witnessed this with my own eyes, and I'll be honest. It kinda spooked the hell out of me seeing something like that. Especially after hearing the back story of those flowers. That was pretty much the topic of every conversation after the funeral.
That shit is crazy. If a random person told me that story I would be skeptical, but I trust you, so that shit is crazy.


Baddest MoFo Around
Apr 7, 2013
I had a crazy ass ouija board experience many years ago.

You can definitely summon up some wicked shit, I know for a fact.
My pastor (ret.) and long time family friend did a lot of mission work around the world and he had witnessed democratic possessions... he stated, as a matter of fact, that Ouija boards were not to be messed with.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
My pastor (ret.) and long time family friend did a lot of mission work around the world and he had witnessed democratic possessions... he stated, as a matter of fact, that Ouija boards were not to be messed with.
I have witnessed Democratic possessions right in the USA. :unsure


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
My pastor (ret.) and long time family friend did a lot of mission work around the world and he had witnessed democratic possessions... he stated, as a matter of fact, that Ouija boards were not to be messed with.
Agree 100%


DCC 4Life
Apr 10, 2013
Consensus is that the shit is real


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I'm thinking about burning the Ouija board from my childhood purely out of fear for this exact same thing happening.
I don't play games with shit like that. My belief level is high enough I think that might scare the hell out of me. Even if just a thunderclap struck or something I might shit my pants. :lol


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I don't play games with shit like that. My belief level is high enough I think that might scare the hell out of me. Even if just a thunderclap struck or something I might shit my pants. :lol
I swear to this day we were talking to a spirit on one as a child and it threw something and smacked my sister on the head. Just saying.


Baddest MoFo Around
Apr 7, 2013
Another incident for consideration... one of my mom's good friends was terminal, and was receiving hospice at home. When her time came, her family and friends gathered around her bedside... just as she was drawing her last breathes, their dog walked into the room and sat down next to my mom. At the very moment she passed, the dog perked up and look like he was tracking something moving across the ceiling, and when (whatever he was looking at) reached the wall, he let out a long mournful howl. Needless to say, everyone was in stunned silence for a good while.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
This isn't ghosts, exactly, but close... My buddy's ex-wife was a nurse who worked mainly with kids at the hospital. She said it happened a few times that kids would die, have no vital signs, and come back to life many minutes later, like 10-20 minutes when there should be no way. She claimed the docs always said to not ever talk about it because people might come to expect it, but that it wasn't that uncommon.

Now my buddy isn't some liar or anything, but I could see him stretching a story a little bit. But she was totally squared away and I couldn't possibly see her making up something like that.

But then if you read around, those kinds of stories aren't unheard of, either. For some reason it's far more common with kids.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
This isn't ghosts, exactly, but close... My buddy's ex-wife was a nurse who worked mainly with kids at the hospital. She said it happened a few times that kids would die, have no vital signs, and come back to life many minutes later, like 10-20 minutes when there should be no way. She claimed the docs always said to not ever talk about it because people might come to expect it, but that it wasn't that uncommon.

Now my buddy isn't some liar or anything, but I could see him stretching a story a little bit. But she was totally squared away and I couldn't possibly see her making up something like that.

But then if you read around, those kinds of stories aren't unheard of, either. For some reason it's far more common with kids.
There was a story not too long ago about a really young kid being dead for some time, then coming back.

It was a shitty story because the kid died again like two days later. Imagine the horror that family went through.
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