Rant banner


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
It's that time of year again. Every year we put a memorial banner for our member that lost his life 15 years ago. He got hit by a drunk driver. It was a hard time for the board.

Salut, Rant.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Drop a memory of Rant. Just any memories you have. I remember he and I used to argue all the time. :lol

It was all brotherly love, though,.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
We argued about Phillip Rivers as a draft prospect prior to the 2004 draft, and one day he asked me for my address, which I gave him. An NC State mini helmet signed by Phillip Rivers showed up at my house a few days later. He apparently was in to memorabilia.

I still have that helmet even as a UNC fan. It’s up in my bonus room on a shelf with other sports memorabilia that I have.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
We argued about Phillip Rivers as a draft prospect prior to the 2004 draft, and one day he asked me for my address, which I gave him. An NC State mini helmet signed by Phillip Rivers showed up at my house a few days later. He apparently was in to memorabilia.

I still have that helmet even as a UNC fan. It’s up in my bonus room on a shelf with other sports memorabilia that I have.
Now that's a pretty cool story. Want to send me a signed Hampton helmet?


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
We used to chat on AIM and one year around 2006ish we did a "draft" of the board members that we'd want to fill out a front office that we were leading. I assumed there was no way he'd take sbk given how much they argued, so I let that one roll for a bit thinking I'd get him whenever I wanted, but he surprised me and ended up taking him in like the 3rd "round".

We were also planning on meeting up for a road game around the time that he died, targeting probably the 2010 or 2011 season, but alas.


Senior Junior Mod
Staff member
Apr 8, 2013
Rant's accident was before Christmas, but for some reason I've been thinking it was NYE as well.

He had some great insights, especially concerning college players entering the draft.

Juat a really sharp guy, who didn't take himself too seriously.

I don't recall who it was, but someone called him ignorant during an argument and I messaged him with a suggestion that he change his user title to Igno.

He did change it for a few days, but he was far from dumb.

He was also one of the original contributing members of the first Beer Thread. At a time when i was swilling Bud Light & High Life, he convinced me to start giving other beers a go and now there's not a brew around that I wouldn't try.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Rant's accident was before Christmas, but for some reason I've been thinking it was NYE as well.

He had some great insights, especially concerning college players entering the draft.

Juat a really sharp guy, who didn't take himself too seriously.

I don't recall who it was, but someone called him ignorant during an argument and I messaged him with a suggestion that he change his user title to Igno.

He did change it for a few days, but he was far from dumb.

He was also one of the original contributing members of the first Beer Thread. At a time when i was swilling Bud Light & High Life, he convinced me to start giving other beers a go and now there's not a brew around that I wouldn't try.
My memory must be slipping. I would have sworn it was on NYE. Regardless, he is getting this whole month for himself.


Forbes #1
Apr 7, 2013
Didn't he have an alternate ID when he got banned by HWSNBN. Trojan or Chicago JK, was it?


29 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
Trojans14 I believe. I know for sure it was Trojans because he came back after sbk went ban crazy. I recognized pretty early it was him and he confirmed it to me.
I bet if you asked sbk about that now, he would be like an abusive older stepbrother with a bad long-term memory.

Who? What flitboy was that?


Forbes #1
Apr 7, 2013
Drop a memory of Rant. Just any memories you have. I remember he and I used to argue all the time. :lol

It was all brotherly love, though,.
Michael James McLaughlin, 29. He was born and raised in Camillus before moving to San Diego in February 2005. A 1998 graduate of West Genesee High School, Michael also attended Bridgton Academy in Maine and Rutgers University. He was an account executive for Maxim Staffing Solutions in San Diego. An avid lacrosse player, he was the MVP of the 1998 NYS Lacrosse Championship Game and First Team All Central New York Attack. He also played lacrosse for Bridgton Academy and Rutgers Univ. as well as Quicksilver semi-professional lacrosse team that won the 2009 CA State Championship. He was a five-year blood and platelet donor with the American Red Cross. Michael was a great lover of music and people. His smile lit up a room and warmed the hearts of all he loved.
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