2024 Random NFL Stuff Thread…


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013

Whoa. They took a precious fifth from them.

And…nothing for the Eagles.
I hate to say it but I don't really care. The NFL Free agency is a joke. They can pretend like they are doing something by taking a fifth round pick from someone. But they are full of shit. The only team not tampering is the Cowboys and that's because they have no interest in free agency. Every other NFL team is tampering. It's why these contracts are all agreed to 30 minutes into the "legal tampering" period. That shit was worked out and discussed with agents well before than. But you can't turn a blind eye to every free agent being tampered with and then act high and mighty with one or two free agents who you think crossed the line "too" far. It makes the whole thing a joke.

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. You know damn well Dak's agent would have offers on the table a month before the "tampering" period would start. And the Cowboys will either match and exceed them or he will leave. This isn't something that happens in 24 hours or less.


Good, bad, I'm the guy with the gun
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I hate to say it but I don't really care. The NFL Free agency is a joke. They can pretend like they are doing something by taking a fifth round pick from someone. But they are full of shit. The only team not tampering is the Cowboys and that's because they have no interest in free agency. Every other NFL team is tampering. It's why these contracts are all agreed to 30 minutes into the "legal tampering" period. That shit was worked out and discussed with agents well before than. But you can't turn a blind eye to every free agent being tampered with and then act high and mighty with one or two free agents who you think crossed the line "too" far. It makes the whole thing a joke.

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. You know damn well Dak's agent would have offers on the table a month before the "tampering" period would start. And the Cowboys will either match and exceed them or he will leave. This isn't something that happens in 24 hours or less.
But we are supposed to be too stupid to understand this.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
I hate to say it but I don't really care. The NFL Free agency is a joke. They can pretend like they are doing something by taking a fifth round pick from someone. But they are full of shit. The only team not tampering is the Cowboys and that's because they have no interest in free agency. Every other NFL team is tampering. It's why these contracts are all agreed to 30 minutes into the "legal tampering" period. That shit was worked out and discussed with agents well before than. But you can't turn a blind eye to every free agent being tampered with and then act high and mighty with one or two free agents who you think crossed the line "too" far. It makes the whole thing a joke.

Anyway, that's my rant for the day. You know damn well Dak's agent would have offers on the table a month before the "tampering" period would start. And the Cowboys will either match and exceed them or he will leave. This isn't something that happens in 24 hours or less.

I don't care either, but it's the hypocrisy and selective enforcement that bugs me.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I don't care either, but it's the hypocrisy and selective enforcement that bugs me.
That's kind of my point. Basically either enforce it or don't. But they have decided to decide to enforce it with one guy, probably because he is a QB and more high profile. While ignoring probably 100 other players that were tampered with according to their rules. But I'm sure there is a set of real rules that they all sort of agree to that they don't let fans know. Like you can tamper, but don't do it before the end of the Superbowl or you can tamper but don't have your owner actually wine and dine the player. Whatever it is, they aren't being up front and honest with fans. All because they want to create the illusion of some big event when free agency starts.

The NFL is all about money and marketing. And this whole thing is just to drive the attention and publicity to the NFL when free agency starts. Sort of ruins the event if you knew that player A had agreed to terms a month prior with the team. So as long as it's not leaked to the public, the NFL doesn't care.

Chocolate Lab

csn this hash tomo
Oct 2, 2014
I'm boycotting the NFL, too.

No matter how many teams call me begging for my services, I refuse to work for them.
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