The Great Police Work Thread


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
Apparently those of you throwing out the paranoid hyperbole didn't read what I wrote about police training. You just ignored it and kept on going with your version of a false narrative that police in general are fearful and hyper vigilant and that is why we have all these shootings.
I remind you once again that of the police shootings that cause this stir, very few of them are like the ones in Tulsa and very few police shootings are not justifiable. BLM is a terrorist organization but is getting so much media and political support that legitimizes them too many people that are uneducated as to the facts are duped into believing they are righteous.
Then again, how about looking at it another way, of the 760 killings Towns mentioned, how many were righteous? How many saved someone's life, whether a cops or a citizens?
I leave you with this. IT's been posted before, but more people need to see it.



DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013

Common sense information, but those of you who just think cops are scared of blacks won't listen or believe it. I have said before, you yourselves wouldn't behave as many of those who have difficulties with officers do (regardless of color), yet somehow you would hold them blameless just because it involved police interaction.


Apr 7, 2013
What you seem to fail to realize is our streets are fucking war zones. And should be treated as such.

This is the fucktarded mentality that leads to cops lining up shoulder to shoulder and killing unarmed pastors.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013

This is the fucktarded mentality that leads to cops lining up shoulder to shoulder and killing unarmed pastors.
And you tell me what the justification is for individuals to use police brutality as an excuse to burn and plunder other people's belongings then commit criminal acts of looting, aarson and other atrocities on whoever happens to get in their way? Which do you classify as being the worse? Neither are acceptably but why would you try to justify any part of this insanity?


Apr 11, 2013
And you tell me what the justification is for individuals to use police brutality as an excuse to burn and plunder other people's belongings then commit criminal acts of looting, aarson and other atrocities on whoever happens to get in their way? Which do you classify as being the worse? Neither are acceptably but why would you try to justify any part of this insanity?
That's a false assumption. Condemning police brutality is not advocating riots. The police do have some responsibility for the riots though. We've seen two seperate DOJ reports that have shown insanely racist, oppressive police forces targeting blacks. We've seen the city of Chicago caught trying to erase their cops murders, and having to pay out millions because of secret black sites they'd use to torture (mostly black) suspects. We've seen time and time and time again unarmed black men shot by cops, men on the ground, men complying with orders, children playing on the playground, every time no one is held responsible. Every time the justice system affirms that black lives do not matter in this country. if this was happening to your community you'd probably be rioting too.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
That's a false assumption. Condemning police brutality is not advocating riots. The police do have some responsibility for the riots though. We've seen two seperate DOJ reports that have shown insanely racist, oppressive police forces targeting blacks. We've seen the city of Chicago caught trying to erase their cops murders, and having to pay out millions because of secret black sites they'd use to torture (mostly black) suspects. We've seen time and time and time again unarmed black men shot by cops, men on the ground, men complying with orders, children playing on the playground, every time no one is held responsible. Every time the justice system affirms that black lives do not matter in this country. if this was happening to your community you'd probably be rioting too.
We apparently see different newscasts. The rioting is always labeled as a reaction to a black individual being killed. What do you watch?


Apr 11, 2013
We apparently see different newscasts. The rioting is always labeled as a reaction to a black individual being killed. What do you watch?
I would say the "individual" is what sparked the riots. But it's the unrest caused by a lot of material proof of institutionalized racism, and excessive force by police against blacks, that caused it.

You can't just blame the straw for breaking a camels back.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
I would say the "individual" is what sparked the riots. But it's the unrest caused by a lot of material proof of institutionalized racism, and excessive force by police against blacks, that caused it.

You can't just blame the straw for breaking a camels back.
Now that is still a lame reason for justifying a riot. What does the rioting accomplish other than destruction and hardship heaped on innocent citizens. It accomplishes nothing and does more harm than good toward solving problems.


Apr 11, 2013
Now that is still a lame reason for justifying a riot. What does the rioting accomplish other than destruction and hardship heaped on innocent citizens. It accomplishes nothing and does more harm than good toward solving problems.
I'm not justifying it. I'm saying that the police are, in part, to blame for it.


Brand New Member
Apr 7, 2013
Now that is still a lame reason for justifying a riot. What does the rioting accomplish other than destruction and hardship heaped on innocent citizens. It accomplishes nothing and does more harm than good toward solving problems.
Maybe the people who are rioting do not feel like anything is being done to solve the problem since they are constantly seeing cases of unarmed people being shot and killed by police. I don't think 'solution' has anything to do with it. I think looting & terrorizing random white people on the streets is bullshit and that thugs are using the issue as justification to act like thugs, but it is pretty easy to understand where the anger is coming from.


Honored Member - RIP
Aug 26, 2013

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
Maybe the people who are rioting do not feel like anything is being done to solve the problem since they are constantly seeing cases of unarmed people being shot and killed by police. I don't think 'solution' has anything to do with it. I think looting & terrorizing random white people on the streets is bullshit and that thugs are using the issue as justification to act like thugs, but it is pretty easy to understand where the anger is coming from.
But the anger and subsequent violence is misdirected. It destroys lives and property of people who had nothing with what the motivation for the upheaval is about. That simply exacerbates the situation and adds misery to innocent victims.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
Funny how he completely switched the subject to riots.
It's all a part of the reactions to police brutality and actions for the unjustified killings. It's difficult seperate it into a one sided topic.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
I'm not justifying it. I'm saying that the police are, in part, to blame for it.
Bullshit. YOu may have isolated instances of bad police shootings but this DOJ is just the action arm of the Obama administration pushing his message. I sincerely believe he wants these riots and anti-police mentality because he has done everything in his power to show how anti-police he is. And it suits his agenda. The media goes along with it by highlighting these isolated instances and pushing opinions not news before that facts can be determined. you always hear about the shooting or bad action but rarely is the news as covered when or if an officer is exonerated in a shooting or death. No, that isn't as newsworthy and doesn't serve the agenda.
The rioting is due to people who would rather create and be part of newscasts to get attention for a group whose intent is to cause problems. BLM doesn't give a rat's ass about black lives, if they did they would concentrate as much or more on blacks killing blacks, but that isn't as sexy is it.

Maybe the people who are rioting do not feel like anything is being done to solve the problem since they are constantly seeing cases of unarmed people being shot and killed by police. I don't think 'solution' has anything to do with it. I think looting & terrorizing random white people on the streets is bullshit and that thugs are using the issue as justification to act like thugs, but it is pretty easy to understand where the anger is coming from.
Sadly, I tell you again there has been more done in the last 25 years to cultivate trust with police and citizens of every community especially impoverished black neighborhoods. But based on news coverage, or lack there of you would never know it would you. Oh no, police make no attempt at community relations, we would just rather keep things the same as they have always been, constantly at odds with people and having to kill them all the time. Some of you people sadden me because you don't bother to look beyond what ABC,CBS, NBC and CNN etc put in front of you. Do some research on policing efforts to change things. Listen to some of the stats presented in the videos I linked.

And the riots are exactly the kind of people that get into confrontational episodes with police all the time. And some of them are dangerous and stupid and may in the future get themsoves shot by cops or someone else. A rioter is a thug and a criminal, not someone legitimately protesting something.


Apr 7, 2013
Maybe if you guys would just stop shooting unarmed people. Mnnnkay? That would be a good start.

Then maybe tighten up your hiring protocols and actually give the badge to people capable of doing the job without feeling the need to kill unarmed citizens.


Apr 11, 2013
Bullshit. YOu may have isolated instances of bad police shootings but this DOJ is just the action arm of the Obama administration pushing his message. I sincerely believe he wants these riots and anti-police mentality because he has done everything in his power to show how anti-police he is. And it suits his agenda. The media goes along with it by highlighting these isolated instances and pushing opinions not news before that facts can be determined. you always hear about the shooting or bad action but rarely is the news as covered when or if an officer is exonerated in a shooting or death. No, that isn't as newsworthy and doesn't serve the agenda.
The rioting is due to people who would rather create and be part of newscasts to get attention for a group whose intent is to cause problems. BLM doesn't give a rat's ass about black lives, if they did they would concentrate as much or more on blacks killing blacks, but that isn't as sexy is it.

Sadly, I tell you again there has been more done in the last 25 years to cultivate trust with police and citizens of every community especially impoverished black neighborhoods. But based on news coverage, or lack there of you would never know it would you. Oh no, police make no attempt at community relations, we would just rather keep things the same as they have always been, constantly at odds with people and having to kill them all the time. Some of you people sadden me because you don't bother to look beyond what ABC,CBS, NBC and CNN etc put in front of you. Do some research on policing efforts to change things. Listen to some of the stats presented in the videos I linked.

And the riots are exactly the kind of people that get into confrontational episodes with police all the time. And some of them are dangerous and stupid and may in the future get themsoves shot by cops or someone else. A rioter is a thug and a criminal, not someone legitimately protesting something.
I'm not going to shit on your department. As far as I can tell FWPD has been pretty exemplary.

That being said, the problem with the cops in this country is systemic and not just a few bad apples.

You can't look at stuff like this
And just chalk it up to "Obama's DOJ" this is a municipality acting as a racist extortion racket.

Same with Baltimore

When Chicago PD can hold (and sometimes torture) 7000 people at a black site without access to
their attorney. That's not a few bad apples. It's criminal's in blue uniforms, that think they're above the law.


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
The truth isn't going to matter. They have what they think is the truth in their heads already.


Apr 8, 2013
Police officer charged with fabricating story that black man shot her
CBS News

1 day ago

JACKSON, Ga. -- Authorities are charging a Georgia police officer with fabricating a story that she was shot by a suspect she described only as a black man.

The Georgia Bureau of Investigation said Friday that agents have obtained warrants charging Jackson police Officer Sherry Hall with making false statements, tampering with evidence, interference with government property and violation of oath of office.

The GBI says Hall made a police radio call early on Sept.13, and said she had been shot. Hall said she saw a black man near a woodline while she was on routine patrol, and she approached him to ask him why he was there. He became argumentative and shot her, she claimed. She said she fired two shots at the suspect with the Glock .22 issued to her by the Jackson Police Department, but said he fled into the woods.

Hall is white. Police said previously that Hall was shot in the abdomen but her bulletproof vest protected her.

Jackson police chief James Morgan said he called in the GBI to conduct an independent investigation. According to the GBI, Hall told investigators she hadn’t turned on her police car’s video or audio recording devices. But when investigators turned up video and audio from the unit’s hard drive, they found her statements inconsistent with the recordings and other evidence.

The GBI says investigators determined she was not a victim of a shooting.

At a press conference Friday, investigators and prosecutors didn’t say whether they believe Hall shot herself, citing the ongoing investigation. But they said they do not suspect she had accomplices.

Her claim that an armed suspect was still on the loose instilled fear in the small central Georgia city of just over 5,000. Jackson Mayor Kay Pippin said she was “disappointed anyone would contribute to such fears.”

“For two weeks, the good people of the city of Jackson poured out their hearts in expressions of concern and support for what we believed to be a police officer – one of our own – harmed in the line of duty, Pippin said.

Hall’s daughter spoke to CBS affiliate WGCL shortly after the incident, pleading for the gunman to turn himself in.

Friday, officials reassured the community there was no gunman at large.

Morgan said Hall is on paid administrative leave. She had been with the department for about three months before the incident and had been in law enforcement for about four years, Morgan said.

Officials said she had checked herself into a private facility, but wouldn’t elaborate. She was expected to be arrested and booked on the charges upon her release.


DCC 4Life
Apr 8, 2013
I've told you all I've never said their aren't bad cops and cops that don't need to be cops. Even that there aren't bad departments. But painting all police with the same brush is wrong. And thats just what is being done with no counter by any media source or governmental agency. Its even worse when democratic politicians (who run most of the towns with problems BTW) claim ignorance and pile on as if they have nothing to do with it. And Bipo, I never said it doesn't happen, but not at all with the frequency to be the sole cause of what is happening now. So how about parents teach their kids to quit being hoodlums and show respect to others especially people with a badge and gun, and we see how much crime drops and shootings of anyone stops. Or is that too fricken much to ask?
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