President Trump Thread...


Brand New Member
Apr 13, 2013
I get it but his campaign was like, "immigration? no problem, I will fix will be fabulous." The economy? We are going to make it better than anything will be YUUUUGE!" ~cheers from the idiots~

Who really believes that? Does he have magic powers or something?
the Atlantic wrote a great article about liberals take trump literally, but don't take him seriously. While conservatives don't take trump literally but they do see him as serious.

There is a perfect display in this thread. Liberals who where the only ones who took trump literally, now calling other people idiots because these literal things never happened. Seriously, how is trump going to just make everything Great!!!? They were just words the man spewed

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
the Atlantic wrote a great article about liberals take trump literally, but don't take him seriously. While conservatives don't take trump literally but they do see him as serious.

There is a perfect display in this thread. Liberals who where the only ones who took trump literally, now calling other people idiots because these literal things never happened. Seriously, how is trump going to just make everything Great!!!? They were just words the man spewed
Yeah liberals are difficult to understand at times. They are very tolerant, understanding, benevolent, considerate and gracious unless you disagree with them then you are ignorant, stupid , uncouth and moranic.


Brand New Member
Apr 7, 2013
Yeah liberals are difficult to understand at times. They are very tolerant, understanding, benevolent, considerate and gracious unless you disagree with them then you are ignorant, stupid , uncouth and moranic.
There is a lot of truth in that but I hope you are not suggesting that conservatives, if we are going to generalize both sides for the purpose of the point, are really any different. I see every bit as much self-righteousness in conservatives as I do liberals. I also see as much name calling, finger-pointing, dismissiveness (and outright laughing off) of ideas, stubbornness, etc. Any time you have a group of people who feel strongly about something and believe that their way of thinking is the best way you are going to find these things.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
There is a lot of truth in that but I hope you are not suggesting that conservatives, if we are going to generalize both sides for the purpose of the point, are really any different. I see every bit as much self-righteousness in conservatives as I do liberals. I also see as much name calling, finger-pointing, dismissiveness (and outright laughing off) of ideas, etc. Any time you have a group of people who feel strongly about something and believe that their way of thinking is the best way you are going to find these things.
It has always been my policy to never stoop to name calling and intentional defamation. I can't speak for any other conservative type.


Brand New Member
Apr 7, 2013
It has always been my policy to never stoop to name calling and intentional defamation. I can't speak for any other conservative type.
Maybe you don't but it is no less common among conservatives in general. There is a very prevelant 'stupid fucking Libtards' attitude out there and there is nothing gracious or subtle about it.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
Maybe you don't but it is no less common among conservatives in general.
I think you are correct. I see a lot of personal degrading terms thrown around but obviously I pay more attention to the commentary that is directed my way. This is usually from the views that differ from mine.


Brand New Member
Apr 7, 2013
I think you are correct. I see a lot of personal degrading terms thrown around but obviously I pay more attention to the commentary that is directed my way. This is usually from the views that differ from mine.
Sure, it just depends on what side of the fence one happens to sit. Trust me, there is a particular venom towards 'the left' in a not insignificant percentage of conservatives right now. That leads to a lot of conversations that devolve into smug self-righteousness and insulting discourse.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
Sure, it just depends on what side of the fence one happens to sit. Trust me, there is a particular venom towards 'the left' in a not insignificant percentage of conservatives right now. That leads to a lot of conversations that devolve into smug self-righteousness and insulting discourse.
I have no problems with someone disagreeing with me but I expect to be regarded in a respectful manner. Conversely I will extend the same courtsey. However, I have little patience when the dialogue becomes childish and personal.


Brand New Member
Apr 7, 2013
I have no problems with someone disagreeing with me but I expect to be regarded in a respectful manner. Conversely I will extend the same courtsey. However, I have little patience when the dialogue becomes childish and personal.
I understand how you are as an individual. I am speaking in general terms because in the original post I quoted you were speaking of liberals in general. I am just trying to highlight that plenty of ugliness comes from both sides as a whole.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
I believe I have responded to that. See a couple of posts back. I said I think you are correct.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
There is a lot of truth in that but I hope you are not suggesting that conservatives, if we are going to generalize both sides for the purpose of the point, are really any different. I see every bit as much self-righteousness in conservatives as I do liberals. I also see as much name calling, finger-pointing, dismissiveness (and outright laughing off) of ideas, stubbornness, etc. Any time you have a group of people who feel strongly about something and believe that their way of thinking is the best way you are going to find these things.
I would agree with this. People on both sides love nothing more than to look down their noses at the other. But only one side preaches how 'tolerant' they are as opposed to the other. And that's a load of bullshit. They're only tolerant if you agree with them.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Well when your disagreement is about equality, civil rights and such... It's easy to understand why they consider themselves more tolerant...


Brand New Member
Apr 7, 2013
I would agree with this. People on both sides love nothing more than to look down their noses at the other. But only one side preaches how 'tolerant' they are as opposed to the other. And that's a load of bullshit. They're only tolerant if you agree with them.
There is a certain amount of hypocrisy in claiming tolerance if that tolerance is narrowly focused to specific political hotbutton issues, no doubt. But anyone who carries a flag for a particular point of view is guilty of varying degrees of hypocrisy.
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El Presidente'
Staff member
Apr 7, 2004
There is a certain amount of hypocrisy in claiming tolerance if that tolerance is narrowly focused to specific political hotbutton issues, no doubt. But anyone who carries a flag for a particular point of view is guilty of varying degrees of hypocrisy.

No doubt. That's why I just laugh when one side or the other makes sweeping claims about the opposite side. That's why I've decided to be a conservative democrat/libertarian/Reagan republican with tolerant tendancies/rigid fiscal conservative (unless it benefits my pet cats) and a-political all at the same time. It seems to be working for me.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
No doubt. That's why I just laugh when one side or the other makes sweeping claims about the opposite side. That's why I've decided to be a conservative democrat/libertarian/Reagan republican with tolerant tendancies/rigid fiscal conservative (unless it benefits my pet cats) and a-political all at the same time. It seems to be working for me.


Not So New Member
Apr 11, 2013
Not to go all Alex Jones, but all of this Russia stuff feels a lot like a last gasp of plans for conflict with Russia that were disrupted.

I find a lame duck President in his final weeks openly talking retaliation against a foreign power incredibly strange.


Not So New Member
Apr 7, 2013
Not to go all Alex Jones, but all of this Russia stuff feels a lot like a last gasp of plans for conflict with Russia that were disrupted.

I find a lame duck President in his final weeks openly talking retaliation against a foreign power incredibly strange.
I think it is odd, they hacked only one candidate, or maybe only released one sides email. It doesn't legitimize my sides claim that Trump is illegitimate. Ultimately if the emails had influence on the election it wasn't that they were released it was the content in them. That's on Clinton and her cronies.

If Russia did do it to try and influence our election then that needs to be dealt with and he is the president, regardless if it's his last week or first week. He is the sitting president he needs to discuss issues facing our country


Apr 8, 2013
the Atlantic wrote a great article about liberals take trump literally, but don't take him seriously. While conservatives don't take trump literally but they do see him as serious.

There is a perfect display in this thread. Liberals who where the only ones who took trump literally, now calling other people idiots because these literal things never happened. Seriously, how is trump going to just make everything Great!!!? They were just words the man spewed
There is a lot of truth to this but you have to factor in that the "Liberal" president has just been treated the same way by conservatives for the last 8 years.

Of course they are going to hold Trump to the same standards.


Apr 8, 2013
Not to go all Alex Jones, but all of this Russia stuff feels a lot like a last gasp of plans for conflict with Russia that were disrupted.

I find a lame duck President in his final weeks openly talking retaliation against a foreign power incredibly strange.
So we should ignore what the intell is saying?

I really do not see what is strange, should this just be ignored?
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