Truck attacker kills dozens in Nice, driver shot dead


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
The arab nations depend on oil for wealth, cut lose from oil and you won't need or want a presence in the ME.


Your favorite player's favorite player
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
I agree this isn't as simple as just going in and kicking their ass because they're everywhere and other than the ones wreaking havoc in Syria and other ME countries where they go about in their little ninja outfits, there's no clear cut way of identifying them. The easiest answers is to keep people of a certain faith from migrating to your country and quit screwing around over there.

LTF, it's not that simple because they're funded by theft and some rogue nations. These "people" are basically criminals who have no regard for life, western values and laws. We had sanctions on Iran for years but they still managed to be one of the biggest sponsors of terrorism out there. They care about their own beliefs and that is it.

It's just F'ed up that with all the modern surveillance, spying and all the acronym intelligence agencies out there, nobody can prevent things like this from happening. Couple that with the "We Are the World", attitude of unconditional tolerance and you have crap like this. It's not a perfect world where everyone gets along and the sooner "leaders" realize this, the better.
With things going the way they are, I think we should definitely close our borders to individuals coming from countries that have links to terrorism. It’s common sense, IMO.

But that still doesn’t address the issue with home grown terrorists. The ones who are already here and who can target any number of crowded soft targets such as movie theaters where there’s zero security or searches. The ones who are easily influenced and aren’t on federal agencies’ radars. Those are the individuals who worry me the most.
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L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
With things going the way they are, I think we should definitely close our borders to individuals coming from countries that have links to terrorism. It’s common sense, IMO.

But that still doesn’t address the issue with home grown terrorists. The ones who are already here and who can target any number of crowded soft targets such as movie theaters where there’s zero security or searches. The ones who are easily influenced and aren’t on federal agencies’ radars. Those are the individuals who worry me the most.
Only one Presidental candidate is in favor of closing the borders. See you in November. Wink, wink.


DCC 4Life
May 16, 2014
It worked in Hiroshima.
There are times I think we should turn the entire fricking region into glass, trust me.

All I know is nation building in the ME hasn't worked and every time it has been attempted, it came back to bite us or someone else in the a$$. Either get out, or wipe them out but quit playing patty cake. Keep importing oil from them but let them fight their own damn battles. 'Nam was a big clusterfvck that went on far longer than it should have but at least in the end, we got the eff out and let the chips fall where they may. Keep them out and let them kill each other off. JMO.


Apr 7, 2013
The arab nations depend on oil for wealth, cut lose from oil and you won't need or want a presence in the ME.
Get our military bases and oil companies off their land and watch it all go away. At least for the countries willing to pull out.


Apr 11, 2013
I bet it's the same kind of MFers who attacked Paris last time. ISIS, likely from Europe, It's hard to not want a knee jerk here. But ready made solutions for a problem we don't even know the full scope of is a dumb way to approach it. It's like deciding to perform surgery to cure a viral infection.

New problems necessitate new solutions. Not just send a million more missiles into the desert. If a war there could solve something, it would have by now.


DCC 4Life
Apr 7, 2013
Closing your borders is similar to gun control, they're already in the USA.


Not So New Member
Nov 21, 2015
Unfortunately this attacker was a true follower of Islam. Anyone who cares to read the Qu'ran and the Hadith knows this.

Genghis Khan

The worst version of myself
Apr 7, 2013
Yeah because it's that simple.

We get more oil from Canada, Venezuela and Mexico. Do we have these problems from those countries? No?

We have military bases in Germany and Japan. Do we have these problems from those countries? No?

Does France have military bases in Saudi Arabia or Iraq or Iran or Afghanistan or Syria? No?


One-armed Knife Sharpener
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
That doesn't even make any kind of logical sense.
What, you don't equate people standing in a communal area minding their own business to some idiots blocking traffic on a major highway?


Apr 11, 2013
What, you don't equate people standing in a communal area minding their own business to some idiots blocking traffic on a major highway?
I mean if you chose to run over protestors you'd be a monster too. It's not like blocking traffic justifies murder. The people who would say "just run them over" don't actually mean it, and they'd probably never expect someone that do it. That's the difference.
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