2016 POTUS Election Thread

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Apr 8, 2013
So Carson's mom is Johnnie Carson.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
Well for starters the unemployment number is skewed so I didn't go any further.
He doesn't have anything to do with the oil numbers, either. If anything, his administration has been against oil exploration and production. But now his followers want to take credit because he happened to be in office when the fracing boom kicked off? Laughable.


Apr 8, 2013
He doesn't have anything to do with the oil numbers, either. If anything, his administration has been against oil exploration and production. But now his followers want to take credit because he happened to be in office when the fracing boom kicked off? Laughable.
It's more reflection of the fact that when gas was going up Republicans were blaming him when he had nothing to do with it.


It was totally do do with oil speculation in the stock market and that bubble burst.

V.A. was in here blaming Obama for gas prices.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
He doesn't have anything to do with the oil numbers, either. If anything, his administration has been against oil exploration and production. But now his followers want to take credit because he happened to be in office when the fracing boom kicked off? Laughable.
I agree the president has little to do with the numbers but since BiPo is using them as a badge of honor for his own agenda I think he should know the real numbers.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
It's more reflection of the fact that when gas was going up Republicans were blaming him when he had nothing to do with it.
That meme specifically mentioned oil imports, and that was what I commented on. And I don't care what somebody else has said. VA trying to blame gas prices on Obama is no more stupid than people that try to give Obama credit for the falling prices of gas. Different side of the same retarded coin.

The falling prices go hand in hand with production and surplus of oil from our own shores. And like I said, Obama has been against that, so not sure how he should get credit now (as this meme is showing) for our country using more of our own oil.


Apr 8, 2013
So were those numders not skewed in 2007?

Are they using a different equation or criteria now?

Did these type of people just happen after 2007?

Discouraged: People who have stopped looking for work because they believe that there’s no work available for them.

Marginally attached: People who’d like to work and are physically able, but haven’t looked for work in the last four weeks.

Involuntary part-timers: People who want to work full-time, but can’t find a full-time position.

Using this same logic those 2007 numbers are just as skewed.


Apr 8, 2013
That meme specifically mentioned oil imports, and that was what I commented on. And I don't care what somebody else has said. VA trying to blame gas prices on Obama is no more stupid than people that try to give Obama credit for the falling prices of gas. Different side of the same retarded coin.

The falling prices go hand in hand with production and surplus of oil from our own shores. And like I said, Obama has been against that, so not sure how he should get credit now (as this meme is showing) for our country using more of our own oil.
I agree he should get minimal credit just as minimal blame.

But he has done little to curtail production that was ramping up before he took office which discredits this notion that he was against anything going on during this boom.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
So were those numders not skewed in 2007?

Are they using a different equation or criteria now?

Did these type of people just happen after 2007?

Discouraged: People who have stopped looking for work because they believe that there’s no work available for them.

Marginally attached: People who’d like to work and are physically able, but haven’t looked for work in the last four weeks.

Involuntary part-timers: People who want to work full-time, but can’t find a full-time position.

Using this same logic those 2007 numbers are just as skewed.
I know they are old numbers but what I was saying is t the current +umbers are also skewed. This was n example of how it is done.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
But he has done little to curtail production that was ramping up before he took office which discredits this notion that he was against anything going on during this boom.


EDIT: Here's a little something for your "notion discrediting". And this was just from a month ago. There's plenty more from the last 6 years or so. And I'm pretty sure you've heard of the Keystone Pipeline. You should check out the association between Obama and Warren Buffet over that little deal. Highly entertaining.

Obama stands firm against lifting oil export ban despite potential economic benefits
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 11, 2015

By threatening to veto a bill greenlighting oil exports, President Obama last week sent a powerful message to Congress and to the American public: The administration is unlikely to sign off on any measures expanding fossil fuel production and sales, even if those measures carry economic benefits for the U.S. and national security benefits for key allies around the world.

The House on Friday passed a bill that would lift the nation’s 40-year-old ban on crude oil exports, a policy put in place at a time when global shortages and the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s forced the U.S. to guard its own supply. With U.S. oil-and-gas production at an all-time high, the ban, from an economic and energy standpoint, makes little sense, supporters of reversing the policy argue.

With Friday’s vote, the House has set up a showdown with Mr. Obama on energy, pitting the White House’s climate change agenda against the bipartisan position that expanding U.S. oil-and-gas production, and allowing American fuel to be sold overseas, will benefit the nation.

SEE ALSO: Obama threatens to veto bill allowing U.S. oil exports

Mr. Obama made clear in his veto threat that the administration will not go along with any legislation that furthers U.S. reliance on fossil fuels, and that stand comes despite the fact that the federal government’s own data have shown ending the oil export ban could lower domestic gas prices. Oh, look. Obama COULD have something to do with gas prices going down afterall...

In addition, ending the ban undoubtedly would drive up domestic oil-and-gas production, something the administration acknowledges is a good thing for the nation.

“Domestic oil production has grown in recent years, strengthening our economy, supporting new American jobs, and enhancing our energy security. The administration has taken important steps to support safe and responsible production growth,” the White House said in a statement of administration policy, the vehicle typically used to deliver a formal veto threat.

But the statement also explained why, despite the benefits of increased production, the House bill never will get Mr. Obama’s support.

Read rest at http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/11/obama-stands-firm-against-lifting-us-oil-export-ba/?page=all
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Apr 8, 2013


EDIT: Here's a little something for your "notion discrediting". And this was just from a month ago. There's plenty more from the last 6 years or so. And I'm pretty sure you've heard of the Keystone Pipeline. You should check out the association between Obama and Warren Buffet over that little deal. Highly entertaining.

Obama stands firm against lifting oil export ban despite potential economic benefits
By Ben Wolfgang - The Washington Times - Sunday, October 11, 2015

By threatening to veto a bill greenlighting oil exports, President Obama last week sent a powerful message to Congress and to the American public: The administration is unlikely to sign off on any measures expanding fossil fuel production and sales, even if those measures carry economic benefits for the U.S. and national security benefits for key allies around the world.

The House on Friday passed a bill that would lift the nation’s 40-year-old ban on crude oil exports, a policy put in place at a time when global shortages and the Arab oil embargo of the 1970s forced the U.S. to guard its own supply. With U.S. oil-and-gas production at an all-time high, the ban, from an economic and energy standpoint, makes little sense, supporters of reversing the policy argue.

With Friday’s vote, the House has set up a showdown with Mr. Obama on energy, pitting the White House’s climate change agenda against the bipartisan position that expanding U.S. oil-and-gas production, and allowing American fuel to be sold overseas, will benefit the nation.

SEE ALSO: Obama threatens to veto bill allowing U.S. oil exports

Mr. Obama made clear in his veto threat that the administration will not go along with any legislation that furthers U.S. reliance on fossil fuels, and that stand comes despite the fact that the federal government’s own data have shown ending the oil export ban could lower domestic gas prices. Oh, look. Obama COULD have something to do with gas prices going down afterall...

In addition, ending the ban undoubtedly would drive up domestic oil-and-gas production, something the administration acknowledges is a good thing for the nation.

“Domestic oil production has grown in recent years, strengthening our economy, supporting new American jobs, and enhancing our energy security. The administration has taken important steps to support safe and responsible production growth,” the White House said in a statement of administration policy, the vehicle typically used to deliver a formal veto threat.

But the statement also explained why, despite the benefits of increased production, the House bill never will get Mr. Obama’s support.

Read rest at http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2015/oct/11/obama-stands-firm-against-lifting-us-oil-export-ba/?page=all
And like I said nothing he spearhaedee or did curtailed the oil boom and exsporting oil could actually raise domestic prices because domestic supplies would be competing with the world market.

Who would the oil go to? The highest bidder, which would raise prices overall.

The keystone project would have had little effect on domestic prices most of that oil was earmarked for import and there is even indication it would cause oil prices to rise.

Some critics contend that the pipeline could cause gas prices to rise, especially in the Midwest.That's because the oil that would be transported is not intended for American consumers. Rather, the Canadian oil currently sent to refineries in Illinois, Ohio and elsewhere in the Midwest would end up being diverted to Keystone, chiefly for export to markets overseas.
"Midwest drivers would be hardest hit because the region currently imports more than half of its oil for refining from Canada," according to Consumer Watchdog, a nonprofit public interest group. "Increases at the pump could range from 25 cents to 40 cents a gallon, depending on how regional refineries respond to paying $20 to $30 more per 42-gallon barrel for Canadian crude oil."

A 2011 report by Cornell University's Global Labor Institute projected that the Keystone's rerouting of oil from the Midwest would end up costing the region up to $4 billion in higher gas prices, which it said would "suppress other spending and will therefore cost jobs."
Obama has been a net neutral concerning the oil industry yes he wants to curtail dependence on fossil fuels but he is not activley trying to stop any kind of production.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013
The oil boom happened DESPITE him and his efforts. He can throw up road blocks, but he can't blow up the road entirely.

I live this shit every day. You really should stick with what you know, because it certainly isn't this.

Who would the oil go to? The highest bidder, which would raise prices overall.
How would our country getting PAID more for its own oil from foreign countries cause us to raise the prices of gas and oil here for our consumers?
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L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
No. I am saying the numbers the government releases are skewed regardless of who is in office. Anyone who uses then simply are not dealing with actual numbers. Bipo was using them to try to make a point and I was saying they are skewed.


Apr 8, 2013
The oil boom happened DESPITE him and his efforts. He can throw up road blocks, but he can't blow up the road entirely.

I live this shit every day. You really should stick with what you know, because it certainly isn't this.

How would our country getting PAID more for its own oil from foreign countries cause us to raise the prices of gas and oil here for our consumers?
He did not throw up any roadblocks quite making shit up.

And as I have told you repeatedly I live with this shit everyday myself, I still do recruiting so I have to stay abreast of the industry and the trends.

Plus I live in TX which is very dependent on oil.

If a foriegn country is willing to pay more for the oil than distibuters here do you think the sellers would not go with the highest offer?

And then domestic buyers would have to step up accordingly.

This is not about our country getting paid it's about individual companies selling to the highest bidder thereby raising the overall cost of oil, it's simple economics, companies don't give a shit about oil prices in the U.S.

The actual effect of exporting oil has a lot of moving parts it cannot be said for certain what happens but we know for certain there will be no home town discounts.
For someone that does this shit everyday you have little knowledge of how prices are set on the global market and how that affects domestic prices.
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Apr 8, 2013
All of that is expansion of the current drilling policies, I said he did nothing to roadblock the ongoing oil boom which is true.

Everything there is NEW that's a big difference than hindering what was going on which was what I originally said. so yeah stop making shit up.

And truly funny thing with this current downturn going on he probably saved companies billions of dollars by not signing off on all of the new projects which would have been halted anyway.


Hotlinking' sonofabitch
Apr 7, 2013

It's not just an act, is it? You really are this stupid.
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