2016 POTUS Election Thread

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Apr 8, 2013

It's not just an act, is it? You really are this stupid.
And there we go with the No Dak white flag, call me stupid to deflect how wrong you are.

After you claimed stopping a pipeline for CANADIAN oil is somehow a roadblock for American oil production. :dunce
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Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2013
No doubt but none of that has anything to do with being president and that's what I am responding to since this is thread about electing a president.

China in Syria come on even I know that is not true.

How can you be that uninformed or uninterested in one of the biggest topics in foreign policy?

When put on the spot to elaborate on actual issues and policy he continues to look very uninformed and out of his depth.
I agree with that, but the statement that he might have the highest IQ in the race isn't false, it's just that his expertise is in the wrong area so he's out of place here.


Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2013
So were those numders not skewed in 2007?

Are they using a different equation or criteria now?

Did these type of people just happen after 2007?

Discouraged: People who have stopped looking for work because they believe that there’s no work available for them.

Marginally attached: People who’d like to work and are physically able, but haven’t looked for work in the last four weeks.

Involuntary part-timers: People who want to work full-time, but can’t find a full-time position.

Using this same logic those 2007 numbers are just as skewed.
It's because those numbers are skewed in favor of exaggerating recovery. It doesn't show how many people who lost their job in the post bubble recession ACTUALLY got full time work again vs those who exited the workforce and remain in poverty. The current numbers imply that everyone who fell off the official unemployment rolls is now gainfully employed.

Also it conveniently ignores wages because wages are still awful right now. The bullshit service economy "created" a bunch of jobs by splitting jobs that used to pay a living wage into part time jobs that pay less per hour and have no benefits, thanks to... that's right, Obamacare.
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VA Cowboy

Brand New Member
Apr 8, 2013
What does Obama have to do with this?

He is not running against Obama why take Carson over any of the other candidates?

What makes him so special his surgeon skills?
For someone like Bipo who supports Obama go try and use inexperience against someone else is incredibly hypocritical and laughable.

As for Carson I only mentioned he was one of the most intelligent candidates... I still stand by that. Can't help that libs like you and Bipo always try to claim conservatives are dumb or their intelligence is irrelevant.

VA Cowboy

Brand New Member
Apr 8, 2013
(R) slogan: Obama was a disaster!! Let's try someone with infinitely LESS experience! :rofl
Obama's disastrous policies has had a large impact t on him being a disaster as a President. And one term as senator where he started running for President from day one is car from infinitely more experienced.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
It's because those numbers are skewed in favor of exaggerating recovery. It doesn't show how many people who lost their job in the post bubble recession ACTUALLY got full time work again vs those who exited the workforce and remain in poverty. The current numbers imply that everyone who fell off the official unemployment rolls is now gainfully employed.

Also it conveniently ignores wages because wages are still awful right now. The bullshit service economy "created" a bunch of jobs by splitting jobs that used to pay a living wage into part time jobs that pay less per hour and have no benefits, thanks to... that's right, Obamacare.
There are more people on disability and out of the labor force then ever in the history of the United States. That's why the numbers are skewed more now then they were even just 5 years ago.


Old Bastard
Apr 8, 2013
There are more people on disability and out of the labor force then ever in the history of the United States. That's why the numbers are skewed more now then they were even just 5 years ago.
That can also be a side effect of a bad economy, people will fall back on any source of income. They know they're gonna get laid off, so oops, they fall and hurt themselves. Or their unemployment runs out and the next best thing is disability, or they are too old to reenter the labor pool as manual labor. Your retirement just went down the drain and you're 60 and you try unloading trucks but your back goes out. Lots of ways an economy where too many jobs have been shipped overseas can lead to disability.


Apr 8, 2013
It's because those numbers are skewed in favor of exaggerating recovery. It doesn't show how many people who lost their job in the post bubble recession ACTUALLY got full time work again vs those who exited the workforce and remain in poverty. The current numbers imply that everyone who fell off the official unemployment rolls is now gainfully employed.

Also it conveniently ignores wages because wages are still awful right now. The bullshit service economy "created" a bunch of jobs by splitting jobs that used to pay a living wage into part time jobs that pay less per hour and have no benefits, thanks to... that's right, Obamacare.
I agree that all of that is relevant to the overall conversation on unemployment but acting like there is some kind of new math going on now is crazy.

I am in no saying the economy is great or these unemployment numbers are rosy, my point is that to dismiss them out of hand as opposed to what was going on in 2007 is stupid.

The same issues of unemployment and part-time workers were there in 2007.

This is not some advocacy of Obama,people need to stop ignoring actual facts because they do not fit there narrative of Obama will destroy us all.


Apr 8, 2013
That can also be a side effect of a bad economy, people will fall back on any source of income. They know they're gonna get laid off, so oops, they fall and hurt themselves. Or their unemployment runs out and the next best thing is disability, or they are too old to reenter the labor pool as manual labor. Your retirement just went down the drain and you're 60 and you try unloading trucks but your back goes out. Lots of ways an economy where too many jobs have been shipped overseas can lead to disability.
Actually the biggest reason for the spike is Veterans and I think you are making sound a bit to easy to get disability.


Apr 8, 2013
There are more people on disability and out of the labor force then ever in the history of the United States. That's why the numbers are skewed more now then they were even just 5 years ago.
Everything I read says those numbers spiked in 2013 and they seem to be coming down and even then the number of people getting disabilty over that time is not enough to move unemployment numbers that much.

Looking at this the nubers are going down and people getting kicked off are rising.



Apr 7, 2013
Let's not forget the baby boomers are retiring and the ones who can't are probably getting hurt more often as they age and try to continue working.

But I'm sure all the disability claims are just lazy fucking democrats trying to get by on the snide.

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
Let's not forget the baby boomers are retiring and the ones who can't are probably getting hurt more often as they age and try to continue working.

But I'm sure all the disability claims are just lazy fucking democrats trying to get by on the snide.
I am willing to bet a lot of it is. Folks took the unemployment until it ran out then found it was easier to not look for a job. Disability was the next best thing. You are not so naive that you haven't seen it happening.


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
The attacks in Paris should create some interesting emphasis on national security and foreign policy.

~looks at the field of candidates~

Holy shit. We are all gonna die!

L.T. Fan

I'm Easy If You Are
Apr 7, 2013
The attacks in Paris should create some interesting emphasis on national security and foreign policy.

~looks at the field of candidates~

Holy shit. We are all gonna die!
So far I am leaning toward John Kachish. Sp?


28 Years And Counting...
Staff member
Apr 7, 2013
John Kasich reacts to Paris attacks with prayer and talk of ISIS

LACONIA, N.H. -- Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) had spent a typical day on the campaign trial on Friday, talking about tax policy and health-care costs and his lengthy record. He learned of the attacks in Paris as he stepped onto his campaign bus in Concord, after an afternoon of campaign events. He and aides clustered around a satellite television feed and watched early reports roll in on CNN. At several points, he shook his head and grimaced.

“Why Paris?” he mused aloud – a question he discussed with staff, and later posed to the crowd at his town-hall meeting here. Few of the hundred-plus attendees seemed to have heard of the attacks, and more than a few murmured "oh no."

"Apparently they tried to cause trouble in a stadium, where the president of France was," Kasich said. "He got out. There were people held hostage, 100 people being held hostage. It looked like there were three or four attacks. There are a lot of people who are dead. Families that..."

He trailed off and started again. "Imagine getting that call. So let's take a second, and if I may."

Kasich launched into an impromptu prayer. "Dear Lord, we keep the families in Paris in our prayers, the children who've been frightened to learn of the death of their mom or their dad or their brother or their sister," he said, eyes shut tight. "We know this evil can be all around us, but we know in the end it's the strength that you provide, the hope ultimately that you provide, that can help these folks deal with this terrible tragedy and recover. And we'll stand with them, Lord, here across the ocean and the United States. We'll do the best to hold them in our arms, to be with them in this time of terrible grief and terrible tragedy."

One by one, Kasich's rivals for the presidency were releasing terse, horrified statements on the attack. But Kasich went further, reminding the crowd that he served on the Armed Services Committee when he was in Congress.

"The way you prevent these kind of things from happening is that you know they're going to happen," he said. He turned to an aide, and asked if it was okay to share some information. "Has it been released publicly? Someone in our state is in custody who is linked to ISIS. Okay? I can't say any more, because I guess the U.S. attorney is in the middle of this."

In reality, the news had broken a day earlier that Terrence J. McNeil, 25, was arrested after posting multiple messages of support for ISIS on social media. But Kasich used it to make a larger point about the war against the terrorist state and its supporters.

"Look, it can really happen anywhere with some of these people who despise our way of life," he said. "Look, this is a war on our way of life. This is a war with people who can't be reasoned or negotiated with."

When Kasich started taking questions, an audience member brought the event back to the safer turf of Social Security reform. Only toward the end of the meeting did questioners bring up Paris again, leading Kasich to explain that Europe was allowing in more immigrants in the hopes of reversing a demographic slide.

"The root cause is this: People have to assimilate," said Kasich. "And what are we doing to create a situation where they must assimilate."

The governor also speculated that the attacks -- which ISIS has celebrated, but not taken credit for -- may have been carried out by external forces, and not by immigrants. It was a reason why any immigrants from Syria needed to be screened and vetted, he said.

"What you wonder is: Why France again? Why Paris again? Is it it because they have these banlieues?" asked Kasich. "I don't know yet, but I'm not sure these were migrants. I don't think this was planned overnight. This takes planning."


Apr 8, 2013
I am willing to bet a lot of it is. Folks took the unemployment until it ran out then found it was easier to not look for a job. Disability was the next best thing. You are not so naive that you haven't seen it happening.
You can't just get disability, to think you can just go from unemployment to disability is absurd.

Please explain how this is so easy that you can just go from one to the other.

I already posted the numbers showing disability claims have gone down over the last 2 years.

VA Cowboy

Brand New Member
Apr 8, 2013
Dems react to Paris by saying they want to bring to the US at least 65,000 Syrian refugees instead of the 10,000 Obama wants.

Some of the Paris attackers came to France posing as Syrian refugees...so yeah, lets bring tens of thousands of them here. :dunce
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